December 5th 2023

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December 5th 2023

Post by Tiggnutz »

Got my copy of Wrath of the Worm Wraith yesterday
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Re: December 5th 2023

Post by Jason »

My level of "busy and tired" is basically at an all time high. I got to the gym today and decided to take a quick nap in the car. About ten minutes in, I'm woken up by the car parked next to me absolutely fucking blasting Fleetwood Mac and I sit up and look over and there's this young girl probably in her 20s (not realizing I'm there because my windows are tinted as hell) completely belting "Ohhh Aahhhhh Ahhhh!!! Ooooooh I wanna be with you Everywhere". She backs out, singing extremely off key at the top of her lungs, and drives off on her merry way.

It was awesome. Lol. Made my day. Wanted to jam with her.
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Re: December 5th 2023

Post by Jason »

Jason wrote: Fri Dec 01, 2023 7:23 pm
Jason wrote: Fri Aug 18, 2023 7:27 pm I got a 1,000 dollar ticket on Tuesday for (possibly) driving on a part of a street that commercial vehicles are prohibited from driving on. Cop treated me like I punted a baby, told me I can't drive on this street, wrote me a ticket, and as he's writing me a ticket, I observe about 25 commercial vehicles driving past me. I point out that there are dozens of other commercial vehicles driving as we speak and he changed his reason, saying THIS part of the Street is ok. But further back is not OK. I didn't see any signs, I asked him where the signs were posted and he couldn't tell me. Contacted the lawyer and he said it's pointless to even fight it because even with a lawyer they rarely let you win.

The icing on the cake is after I received the ticket, I carefully followed all truck route signs that eventually led me down a street where the next intersection says no trucks are allowed to be on. It's entrapping. I also drove by a truck down that entrapment street receiving a ticket. Fucking unreal. State of CA doing a bang up job using the cops as pawns to steal more money from the hard working, blue collar rednecks of America. Dang ol, makes me sad man.

I don't look up in the sky anymore because I know a piano will fall on me.
Update on this. I fought the ticket, the hearing was yesterday over the phone, I'll find out in a week or two if I won the case, but to make a long story short, and not to sound like I'm bragging, but I absolutely obliterated that cop in the hearing. I'm talking Muhammad Ali vs. Cleveland Williams type dominance. I was clear and concise, refuted absolutely every claim the officer came up with and offered photographic evidence from retracing my route that led me to the citation. Both the officer and I are given a rebuttal statement to anything each of us states. We went back and forth, I had a rebuttal for everything he stated and shot down every rebuttal he had. I saved the best for last, though. He referred to the city's website as proof that I am not allowed to drive on the street that I was driving on, my rebuttal to him was that not only were there no signs posted that enforced trucks to take an alternate route, but I have photographic evidence of a truck route sign that leads trucks directly to the street that he claims I was not allowed to be driving on. When the judge asked if he'd like to refute that claim, the officer said he had nothing and that was the end of the hearing. The judge said he'll go over the case and send a notice in the mail about whether or not I won.

I truly could not have done any better than I did in the case and if I don't win this case, then I don't know how losing this case can be deemed anything less than corruption against truck drivers/California taxpayers. I'll update this post when I receive the notice.
Note to all. If you're ever innocent of a citation and can prove your innocence beyond a shadow of a doubt, you will still lose.

That is all.
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Re: December 5th 2023

Post by DancesWithWerewolves »

Jason wrote: Tue Dec 05, 2023 8:37 pm Note to all. If you're ever innocent of a citation and can prove your innocence beyond a shadow of a doubt, you will still lose.

That is all.
Sounds about right (wrong). That sucks ass after all that.
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Re: December 5th 2023

Post by DancesWithWerewolves »

Tiggnutz wrote: Tue Dec 05, 2023 5:42 am Got my copy of Wrath of the Worm Wraith yesterday
Squee! Thanks for purchasing. I wish more did, only 5 bought the book since Friday, and 3 of those were ebooks. Sucks not being able to market properly, but that's far less than the first book did.
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Re: December 5th 2023

Post by DancesWithWerewolves »

Given that I have a record of how many were sold, I know some people lied about getting a copy too, which is very disappointing.
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