More destruction of historical statues and monuments

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Re: More destruction of historical statues and monuments

Post by Jason »

zombie wrote:
Jason wrote:
zombie wrote:
Jason wrote:
zombie wrote:
Jason wrote:
zombie wrote:said i was gonna look it up. but thanks. :P at least he's not supporting vandalism.
Sharpton needs to be shot in the head (no Seb, no because he is black).
and now you're even advocating murdering people you disagree with. (playfully or not) can you stop. :P
David Duke needs to be shot (no, not because he is white).
is al sharpton calling for all non-blacks to be exterminated? :P
Al Sharpton really actually doesn't give a shit about black people. He is a very rich man who made his money by building up racial tensions and pretending to be a good guy to black people. He couldn't care less that they are murdering themselves at a completely shocking rate. He's never once talked about that, might not even know about it. He doesn't care. He's likely going to capitalize and earn money from this Thomas Jefferson fiasco that Trump educated him on.

actually the host said so, before he ever mentioned. maybe trump educated the host though. :P (can't remember who the host was. sorry)

politicians are very rarely ever actually invested in the people they claim to represent or support. i guess sharpton is not any different.
People have been complaining about politicians for 50 years, longer than any of us have been alive, and by golly wouldn't you know it, America got what they asked for, for generations in this election. A non-politician was elected president, and he just happens to be the worst human being on the god damn planet since Adolf Hitler himself. Shame. Of course, you'd believe that if you buy into lunatic leftist rhetoric.
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Re: More destruction of historical statues and monuments

Post by zombie »

Jason wrote:
zombie wrote:
Jason wrote:
zombie wrote:you're gonna blame obama for not doing enough, for not saying loudly enough, for fanning flames. and you don't expect anyone to do that for trump.
Has Trump ever got up on stage and shamed the entire police force and the white cop involved for killing a white thug who deserved what he got?
Did Trump then use ^^^this^^^ incident as a springboard to fuel the fire by telling a likely fake sob story about personally overcoming racism?
Has Trump ever publicly shamed a black officer for arresting a white man after it being reported that he was breaking into a house?

Yeah, if people were totally honest to each other and to themselves, I wouldn't expect anyone to have the same criticism for Trump.
no, he's never done those specific things.
The left needs to quit lying about Trump.
The left needs to quit lying to themselves about Trump.
we're stuck with him for at least another couple of years. might as well let him grab us all by the pussy. that's what you seem to want. :P
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Re: More destruction of historical statues and monuments

Post by zombie »

Foo wrote:
zombie wrote:
Foo wrote:Just wanted to toss a name out there:

Robert Byrd, Democrat US Senator until 2010. Some career highlights:

- recruited 150 people to start a new chapter of the Ku Klux Clan
- Was elected as a chapter leader, the Exalted Cyclops!
- Wrote: "I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds."
- Personally filibustered the Civil Rights act for 14 hours, denying a vote to desegregate blacks and whites
- In interviews as late as 2001, was using the term "White Niggers" while speaking with the media

Some quotes about him:

Hillary Clinton: “It is almost impossible to imagine the United States Senate without Robert Byrd. He was not just its longest serving member, he was its heart and soul. ”

Nancy Pelosi: Throughout his historic career in the House and Senate, he never stopped working to improve the lives of the people of West Virginia. While some simply bore witness to history, Senator Byrd shaped it and strove to build a brighter future for us all.

Barack Obama: And as I reflect on the full sweep of his 92 years, it seems to me that his life bent towards justice,” Obama said. “Like the Constitution he tucked in his pocket, like our nation itself, Robert Byrd possessed that quintessential American quality, and that is a capacity to change, a capacity to learn, a capacity to listen, a capacity to be made more perfect.”

There are at least 50 buildings, public places, infrastructure projects, etc. that are named in his honor.

you found a garbage democrat. go dig up some more, to further prove whatever point you're trying to make.
Isn't it funny how there was little outrage honoring Byrd just a few years ago...when Democrats were flying high, there was no need to whip up that kind of controversy.
i don't know. whipping up a frenzy is what got trump elected. maybe the democrats are trying it now.
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Re: More destruction of historical statues and monuments

Post by Jason »

zombie wrote:
Jason wrote:
zombie wrote:
Jason wrote:
zombie wrote:you're gonna blame obama for not doing enough, for not saying loudly enough, for fanning flames. and you don't expect anyone to do that for trump.
Has Trump ever got up on stage and shamed the entire police force and the white cop involved for killing a white thug who deserved what he got?
Did Trump then use ^^^this^^^ incident as a springboard to fuel the fire by telling a likely fake sob story about personally overcoming racism?
Has Trump ever publicly shamed a black officer for arresting a white man after it being reported that he was breaking into a house?

Yeah, if people were totally honest to each other and to themselves, I wouldn't expect anyone to have the same criticism for Trump.
no, he's never done those specific things.
The left needs to quit lying about Trump.
The left needs to quit lying to themselves about Trump.
we're stuck with him for at least another couple of years. might as well let him grab us all by the pussy. that's what you seem to want. :P
WiThOUt CoNSenT! He SAId sO! hE nO HEspEct de weeman!

Yeah, figuratively speaking, most lunatic lefties need their pussies grabbed. Crazy bubble they live in.
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Re: More destruction of historical statues and monuments

Post by zombie »

Jason wrote:
zombie wrote:
Jason wrote:
zombie wrote:
Jason wrote:
zombie wrote:
Jason wrote:
zombie wrote:said i was gonna look it up. but thanks. :P at least he's not supporting vandalism.
Sharpton needs to be shot in the head (no Seb, no because he is black).
and now you're even advocating murdering people you disagree with. (playfully or not) can you stop. :P
David Duke needs to be shot (no, not because he is white).
is al sharpton calling for all non-blacks to be exterminated? :P
Al Sharpton really actually doesn't give a shit about black people. He is a very rich man who made his money by building up racial tensions and pretending to be a good guy to black people. He couldn't care less that they are murdering themselves at a completely shocking rate. He's never once talked about that, might not even know about it. He doesn't care. He's likely going to capitalize and earn money from this Thomas Jefferson fiasco that Trump educated him on.

actually the host said so, before he ever mentioned. maybe trump educated the host though. :P (can't remember who the host was. sorry)

politicians are very rarely ever actually invested in the people they claim to represent or support. i guess sharpton is not any different.
People have been complaining about politicians for 50 years, longer than any of us have been alive, and by golly wouldn't you know it, America got what they asked for, for generations in this election. A non-politician was elected president, and he just happens to be the worst human being on the god damn planet since Adolf Hitler himself. Shame. Of course, you'd believe that if you buy into lunatic leftist rhetoric.
a guy with very little political experience, who promises that he'll make things better... orange is the new black.
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Re: More destruction of historical statues and monuments

Post by zombie »

Jason wrote:
WiThOUt CoNSenT! He SAId sO! hE nO HEspEct de weeman!

Yeah, figuratively speaking, most lunatic lefties need their pussies grabbed. Crazy bubble they live in.
are you speaking in tongues? :P

they should just stop thinking for themselves and submit. don't even fight him. let him have his way.
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Re: More destruction of historical statues and monuments

Post by Jason »

zombie wrote:
Jason wrote:
zombie wrote:
Jason wrote:
zombie wrote:
Jason wrote:
zombie wrote:
Jason wrote:
zombie wrote:said i was gonna look it up. but thanks. :P at least he's not supporting vandalism.
Sharpton needs to be shot in the head (no Seb, no because he is black).
and now you're even advocating murdering people you disagree with. (playfully or not) can you stop. :P
David Duke needs to be shot (no, not because he is white).
is al sharpton calling for all non-blacks to be exterminated? :P
Al Sharpton really actually doesn't give a shit about black people. He is a very rich man who made his money by building up racial tensions and pretending to be a good guy to black people. He couldn't care less that they are murdering themselves at a completely shocking rate. He's never once talked about that, might not even know about it. He doesn't care. He's likely going to capitalize and earn money from this Thomas Jefferson fiasco that Trump educated him on.

actually the host said so, before he ever mentioned. maybe trump educated the host though. :P (can't remember who the host was. sorry)

politicians are very rarely ever actually invested in the people they claim to represent or support. i guess sharpton is not any different.
People have been complaining about politicians for 50 years, longer than any of us have been alive, and by golly wouldn't you know it, America got what they asked for, for generations in this election. A non-politician was elected president, and he just happens to be the worst human being on the god damn planet since Adolf Hitler himself. Shame. Of course, you'd believe that if you buy into lunatic leftist rhetoric.
a guy with very little political experience, who promises that he'll make things better... orange is the new black.
Political experience is horse shit. Give me real world experience over "I signed this bill! Ooh, and that bill. AND that bill! But I didn't sign THAAAT bill" any fucking day. Any fucking day. Obama had almost no political experience either. But he had no real life experience either. He wrote an autobiography about himself and forgot to include all those times he sucked dick for coke. Can't even write an autobiography properly. Sure as hell couldn't run a country.
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Re: More destruction of historical statues and monuments

Post by zombie »

Jason wrote:
Political experience is horse shit. Give me real world experience over "I signed this bill! Ooh, and that bill. AND that bill! But I didn't sign THAAAT bill" any fucking day. Any fucking day. Obama had almost no political experience either. But he had no real life experience either. He wrote an autobiography about himself and forgot to include all those times he sucked dick for coke. Can't even write an autobiography properly. Sure as hell couldn't run a country.
you're goddamn right.
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Re: More destruction of historical statues and monuments

Post by Jason »



Was not expecting that. *kisses*
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Re: More destruction of historical statues and monuments

Post by zombie »

Jason wrote:Image

Was not expecting that. *kisses*
yeah, that was part of my point, moments before and you re-iterated it.

as in the bolded part of you what you posted. "obama had almost no political experience either", if that wasn't clear enough.
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Re: More destruction of historical statues and monuments

Post by Foo »

Obama was part of the machine. He was a democrat rubber stamp. Notice how there was never any real dissent? Like they all share a brain...

There is no possible way they all decided that healthcare law was the best possible solution at the time.
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Re: More destruction of historical statues and monuments

Post by showa58taro »

Is there no Trump defending Jason won't do at this point.
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Re: More destruction of historical statues and monuments

Post by showa58taro »

The comedy aside there is a genuine need to consider the history one is looking at. In its collective entirety. It's why a Jefferson and Washington are genuinely difficult characters in the context of history.

The fact is there's a lot to consider with him. As Thomas Jefferson’s involvement in slavery has become increasingly difficult to dismiss as simply a product of his times and as his use of one of his own slaves as his lifelong concubine has become more surely confirmed as fact, Jefferson’s place in the national pantheon has come in for increasing criticism. In his case, there is a mixed ledger. He is the author of the Declaration of Independence, the prime driver of the Northwest Ordinance, a significant anti-slavery document, Secretary of State, President. He was also a lifelong slaveholder with all that entailed. With Jefferson you have numerous acts which are high points in your national story joined with an integral involvement with your greatest national shame. This will be a long public discussion.

Realistically there is s point where their context needs to be more truly articulated. It shouldn't just be the kids history version you guys learn about in school or discuss in public. But that also doesn't mean he should be strippped of all mention in history. He's a product of his time in part, and clearly not a saint. But he's also not just a bad guy with nothing but slavery and racism in his achievements.
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Re: More destruction of historical statues and monuments

Post by Tiggnutz »

Many of those statues ate dedicated to the countless thousands of young men who died fighting for the south. Most of them were probably poor and didn't own slaves. Slippery slope we are heading down
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Re: More destruction of historical statues and monuments

Post by showa58taro »

Tiggnutz wrote:Many of those statues ate dedicated to the countless thousands of young men who died fighting for the south. Most of them were probably poor and didn't own slaves. Slippery slope we are heading down
It really isn't. And it usually is not dedicated to them whatsoever.
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Re: More destruction of historical statues and monuments

Post by Tiggnutz »

showa58taro wrote:
Tiggnutz wrote:Many of those statues ate dedicated to the countless thousands of young men who died fighting for the south. Most of them were probably poor and didn't own slaves. Slippery slope we are heading down
It really isn't. And it usually is not dedicated to them whatsoever.
I'm 45 minutes from Gettysburg been there 20 tines at least there are plenty depicting everyday soldiers it's not all Lee and Jackson
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Re: More destruction of historical statues and monuments

Post by showa58taro »

Tiggnutz wrote:
showa58taro wrote:
Tiggnutz wrote:Many of those statues ate dedicated to the countless thousands of young men who died fighting for the south. Most of them were probably poor and didn't own slaves. Slippery slope we are heading down
It really isn't. And it usually is not dedicated to them whatsoever.
I'm 45 minutes from Gettysburg been there 20 tines at least there are plenty depicting everyday soldiers it's not all Lee and Jackson
When and why were they actually raised. Not why do they purport to be there, why are they actually there.
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Re: More destruction of historical statues and monuments

Post by Jason »

MOST soldiers in the Civil War joined because they were poor and the military provided three meals a day.

When Robert E Lee surrendered the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis was upset about it. He said "how dare that man resent an order from the president of the Confederate States of America?" Then somebody told him that General Lee had made the decision himself in order to save lives because he felt that the battle coming up would cost about 20,000 lives on both sides. Lee said "240,000 dead already is enough".

Had Virginia not seceded, Lee would have been the General of the Northern Army. He resigned his commission because he didn't want to fight against his own people. The people of Virginia, no matter their color. He knew and accepted the consequences. That one decision cost Lee everything from his name to his fortune. No one else in that war lost more, including Grant. Circumstances dictated what Lee did, based on his integrity, and his character. He was probably the finest officer in that war from either side. You do what you have to do and live with the consequences. All the slaves that Lee owned were descendants of slaves owned by George Washington. Of which Lee freed. We all fight for different reasons, and so did they.

The main reason the North took slavery away was to cripple Southern production. Not this idealistic load of bull the liberal education system teaches us. In fact most Southerners actually got better along with slaves than Northerners did with free Negroes. The southern slave owners gave home and shelter and fair paid wages to their workers. The northern yankees put them in ghettos and refused to hire most.
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Re: More destruction of historical statues and monuments

Post by showa58taro »

It's not about the soldiers but the statues. Keep up.
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Re: More destruction of historical statues and monuments

Post by Jason »

showa58taro wrote:It's not about the soldiers but the statues. Keep up.
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