February 20th 2018

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Re: February 20th 2018

Post by DancesWithWerewolves »

Bummer you're not getting paid, but still awesome it's getting out there.
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Re: February 20th 2018

Post by Dream »

DancesWithWerewolves wrote:Bummer you're not getting paid, but still awesome it's getting out there.

I wrote the story as a throwaway in about two hours including editing. I found out about the contest two days before it ended :p I'm stoked cause I get a legit writing credit in the game for the story and a copy of a game I was going to buy anyway, so it saved me about 20-30 bucks for 2 hours of work. Then I also get a copy of the file of the voice actor reading my story, which is insanely cool to me and probably not cheap. I'm stoked :P

I just got word there's no NDA for the contest and I can tell whoever I want anything about it.
The name of the game is The Shapeshifting Detective. It's a UK based company and their last game was The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker, which Mark and I played and thought was pretty cool cause you had to really process what the characters were saying and ask questions accordingly to get their story out of them.
I started an erotic writing podcast with a friend
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