My Real Life Ghost Story

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My Real Life Ghost Story

Post by Jason »

There's a really popular youtube channel that narrates horror stories that people submit to them. I'm pretty sure I shared the story on HMF when it happened, but I don't know if anybody remembers it. I'm about to contact the owner of the channel and submit my own personal story, so I figured I'd write up my submission to the youtube channel, and post the description here.

Here are a couple of stories from that youtube channel.

There is an alternate channel where they have someone illustrate an animation through the narration.

The event I'm about to describe happened in October of 2009, but I'll need to provide something of a backstory in order to describe it properly. And for privacy's sake, the only thing I'll alter about this story will be the real names of all of us involved.
We'll refer to me as Bruce. Aside from the altered names, everything about this story is completely genuine.

About a year and a half prior to the event, thinking nothing of it, my girlfriend Mary and I introduced our two childhood best friends, Joe and Sarah, to each other, and they hit it off pretty quickly. It made it extremely convenient for all of us to spend time with our partner and best friend. We were in our early 20's at the time and still carried a lot of that youthful energy we had as children. It made for a lot of fun, goofy double dates. Embarrassingly, one night at Mary's apartment, the four of us played hide and seek. Mary's roommate, Holly, was out with her boyfriend for the night, so it was just the four of us. We'd shut off the lights, three of us would hide, and whoever was found had to be the seeker for the next round. On this specific round, Sarah was the seeker. I huddled up in a little spot inside the kitchen, while someone else hid behind the couch and the other in a corner next to the curtains of the sliding glass door. I felt Sarah go into the kitchen and brush right past me. I couldn't believe she didn't find me. The only odd thing I encountered here was that I didn't notice her leave the kitchen. There is only one way in and out of the kitchen, and she found somebody else very shortly after walking past me. We turned the lights on. I thought I could sense some kind of uneasiness with everyone after this round, but dismissed it, and said to Sarah something like "I was hiding right there in the kitchen, you brushed right past me". She responded with, "I didn't go into the kitchen". I immediately felt the uneasiness now, and then understood it when Mary and Joe spoke up. I can't remember which of the two saw what they saw, but one was sure they saw her figure in the dark go into the kitchen, but she seemed to be really tall; freakishly tall, which made no sense. The other was shocked to hear that and said they thought they saw a really tall figure with an old sort of top hat go into the kitchen. Now I was really uneasy. I was sure that nobody was messing with me, but I consider myself to be a bit of a realist, and I thought maybe they all just kind of beefed up the experience to make it seem more mysterious than it was. Needless to say, we were far too creeped out to play that game anymore, but the remainder of the night was spent talking about that figure. During the discussion, I remembered Mary told me recently that she and Holly and another friend had went out on a whim and bought a Ouija board, but when they went to use it nothing happened. I've always enjoyed a good ghost story or campfire tale, and I was aware of a certain lore about the Ouija board that says a spirit can become attached to the person that uses it. This lore always lingered in the back of mind, because all four of us continued our double dates, and every now and then, the entire night would consist of talking about that strange figure. This reoccurring discussion only confirmed to me that something strange did happen that night.

Now it's October of 2009. My girlfriend and her roommate Holly moved out of the apartment and found a large, two-story house to rent on about a ten acre property for $800. It was really a tremendous deal. The floor level consisted of a large living room with a beautiful fireplace, a kitchen, a dining room, a storage closet and a bathroom. The second story of the house had two bedrooms and a bathroom. My girlfriend decided to pay a little extra to have the master bedroom. After you reach the top of the stairs, you'd be about 6 feet away from Holly's room on one end of the hallway. Turn around the corner, and on the opposite end of Holly's room, about 25 feet down the hall is the master bedroom. The entrances to both bedrooms are on opposite ends of the hall, facing each other, and right in between was the other bathroom. The house was very spacy, and much better than hanging out in the old cramped up apartment.

It's just the four of us again one night, Joe, Sarah, Mary and myself, while Holly was out with her boyfriend. At this time, Mary and Holly had been living in this house for about four months now. It was a really windy night that night, and we all had a few drinks, I brought over a bottle of Jack Daniels for Joe and I, while Mary and Sarah had their vodka. After a few drinks, Mary and Sarah decided to go for a walk around the property for some girl talk. Joe and I stayed inside the house in the living room and continued working on our bottle of whiskey. A few minutes after Mary and Sarah left the house, Joe brought up that weird night with the tall, shadowy figure, and in the perfect timing like that of a horror movie, the double doors of the house flew open from the ferocious wind. This wasn't necessarily uncommon, because if the doors weren't latched together properly, they could be pushed open. But the timing was just too perfect. I ran outside to look for Mary and Sarah, thinking maybe they were listening to us outside and playing a prank, but they weren't nearby. The property is too large for them to have hid anywhere, so it was definitely just the perfect timing of the wind. Our adrenaline was pumping at this point, so we went to the bottle of whiskey to enhance our buzz, then set out to find Mary and Sarah. We walked around the back of the property, only to notice on our way back that they made it back to the house. We told them what happened, and the remainder of the night was spent talking about that creepy night. Before we knew it, Joe and I had finished off the entire bottle of whiskey. This was especially bad for me, because I had been recovering from a sports related injury and lost a few pounds, so the alcohol hit me harder than it normally would. I remember telling everyone that I felt weird, and after that is when I began to black out. To this day it is the only time I've ever blacked out from drinking. Some pieces of the night would come back to me. I remember Holly returned home and joined us in our creepy discussion of the tall figure. I continued to black in and out throughout the night. The next day everyone told me that out of the blue I started acting really paranoid and was trying to protect Holly from something. I didn't remember any of that. It was completely out of character for me, but it only made us laugh when they told me about it.

The four of us spent the entire day recovering from all the drinking we did the night before. It was a mellow day. We all lounged around watching comedies and talking for the remainder of the day and night. It was already a little bit past midnight, and Mary gave Joe and Sarah a ride home. Holly was staying the night with her boyfriend, so I was the only person in the house. At least I thought I was. I was laying in my girlfriend's bed, which was set up in a way that if the door was open, you could see down the hallway. My girlfriend left the light on so she could see up the stairs when she came back. Knowing how far she had to drive, I knew it would take her at least 45 minutes to get back. About ten minutes after she left, I was laying there watching TV when I noticed something out of the corner of my eye at the end of the hallway. I turned to look, and to my horror, coming out of the entrance to the top of the stairs was the tall, black, shadowy figure that Mary and Joe described; the figure that brushed past me in the kitchen of the old apartment building. It was exactly the way Joe and Mary described, and even had the top hat, which looked to me like a traditional fedora. It had to have been at least 7 feet tall. For about three seconds, I watched it come out from the entrance of the stairs, and slowly glide directly into the opened door of Holly's room, into the darkness where it couldn't be seen. I was absolutely horrified. I was literally frozen in terror. I had chills and they weren't going away. I grabbed my phone and I don't even know if I sent a text to Joe or Mary, but I urged them that they needed to turn around right that second and come back to the house, but they didn't check the text. In a huge, two-story house on a large property in the middle of the night, I was completely isolated with something in the room just down the hall. All I wanted to do was get the hell out of that house immediately. My only option would be to get up out of bed and go right next to Holly's bedroom and turn the corner to the staircase, or jump from the second story balcony. If I were to do either, I would have absolutely jumped. But I couldn't move if I tried. I spent the next 30 minutes or so with my eyes locked on the blackness of Holly's bedroom, waiting for the shadowy figure to come out. After what truly seemed like an eternity, Mary returned home and I explained to her what happened. She was stunned. I don't remember what Mary and I did for the remainder of the night, but sleeping in that house was never an easy task again. Not long after, Holly moved in with her boyfriend and Mary got an apartment with Sarah.

Mary and I parted just a few months after the incident, but Joe and Sarah are still going strong. As far as I know, none of us have ever seen the figure again. I haven't spoken to Holly since Mary and I parted, but I'm often reminding myself of the lore I mentioned regarding the Ouija board, and how it's explained that a spirit can attach itself to a person that uses the Ouija board. Holly was there with Mary and another one of their friends the night the Ouija board was used, and in fact, was the one who purchased it. As the years go by, once in a while I'll reflect on the strange events. I didn't think of this at the time of my own encounter with the tall figure, but the night before when I was in my drunken daze, I was told that I was acting strange and trying to protect Holly from something. And the next night, I saw for myself the figure go into Holly's room and never come out. The mystery behind this figure isn't whether or not I saw him for myself. I am as sure as one can be that I saw what I saw, but what I always find myself wondering when I reflect on the incident is whether or not the spirit attached itself to Holly.
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Re: My Real Life Ghost Story

Post by Jason »

Too fitting not to post this gif in my own thread.

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Re: My Real Life Ghost Story

Post by zombie »

i read it earlier. it's definitely interesting. i just don't know what to post about it. sorry.
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Re: My Real Life Ghost Story

Post by Jason »

zombie wrote:i read it earlier. it's definitely interesting. i just don't know what to post about it. sorry.
I definitely didn't post that because this thread got no response. I just came across the gif and had to post it somewhere. lol
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Re: My Real Life Ghost Story

Post by Monster »

Send it in. I love listening to those stories. Yours will fit right in.
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Re: My Real Life Ghost Story

Post by Jason »

Monster wrote:Send it in. I love listening to those stories. Yours will fit right in.
I'm just waiting on him to return my email to see if he'd want me to send it in or not.
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Re: My Real Life Ghost Story

Post by showa58taro »

I’m not buying it.
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Re: My Real Life Ghost Story

Post by Jason »

I'm not selling you anything.
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Re: My Real Life Ghost Story

Post by showa58taro »

Jason wrote:I'm not selling you anything.
Yeah you are. Come on. You. A girlfriend.

At lest make it plausible.
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Re: My Real Life Ghost Story

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*scores easiest cheap internet tough guy point. Celebrates wildly*
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Re: My Real Life Ghost Story

Post by showa58taro »

Sorry. Couldn’t resist. I’ll stop now. Train is stuck with signal failure. Fun read. 7-footer with a top hat. Sounds like you found he ghost of Abe Lincoln.
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Re: My Real Life Ghost Story

Post by Jason »

Stop. Ribbing me. :p
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Re: My Real Life Ghost Story

Post by showa58taro »

Jason wrote:Stop. Ribbing me. :p
Alright. I’ll behave. :) glad I did have a wall of text to read though. That helped. Commuting needs distractions.
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Re: My Real Life Ghost Story

Post by Jason »

How long is the commute?
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Re: My Real Life Ghost Story

Post by showa58taro »

Jason wrote:How long is the commute?
Can be 40, has been known to be 2 hours. Fucking London man. Sucks at trains. Expensive compared to Europe. Woeful service.
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Re: My Real Life Ghost Story

Post by Monster »

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