Scarefest 2018

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Scarefest 2018

Post by Havok »

This had to be one of the most lamest conventions Scarefest has ever put together. The big draws or guest was probably Elvira and Tobin Bell. Lines were pretty long for those two. Everybody else you could easily walk up to see or wait under 10 minutes. The best thing again this year was talking to the Indie directors. Talked with the creators or Volumes Of Blood for a good while, Brian Dorton who did the Crazy Fat Ethel remake who i've talked to numerous times before at the past few Scarefests and the Director Of The Barn was decent as well. As for the main guests . . .

Joe Bob was alright, Brinke was a sweetie and Jeffery Combs (Who charged extra for a picture) was rather distant and i'm not sure why since his line was only three people deep. I just paid the handler for the autograph, Jeffery looked at it, signed it and handed it back. No conversation, even though I was trying to instigate one. Whatever, I needed my From Beyond to have more than Ken Foree's signature on it. Gaylen Ross was only there Sunday (Today) and I had other matters to attend today, so i'm kind of pissed about that, but what can I do about it. Looked at her table and your item was $35. Why is Joe Bob charging $20 and Gaylen $35? I assume since she doesn't do many cons these days, but I only paid $30 for George Romero back in 2010, before he skyrocketed to $50 a few years later at this exact convention.

If anything this year I walked away thinking something needs to change. They labeled this year Rebirth, while it should've actually been called Resuscitation. Due to the fact that I think it's dying. I'll give it two more years, before this convention just calls it quits or does something to redeem itself. I've never seen a Saturday show that scarce with people.

I didn't manage to take that many pictures either, because my camera basically died on me as you can tell by The Creeper photo. (I had to brighten that picture up a lot)







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Re: Scarefest 2018

Post by DancesWithWerewolves »

Short wait times sound great to me, but I guess if the individuals aren't that big it really doesn't matter.

That Predator shirt's pretty rad.
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Re: Scarefest 2018

Post by Havok »

I'm not complaining about the short wait times. I just wanted to put it in perceptive on how the convention this year wasn't as packed as previous years. They should just go ahead and turn it into a full Paranormal convention at this point, because the Horror aspect is dying a painful death.
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