A Must-See Message From Alex Trebek

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A Must-See Message From Alex Trebek

Post by Jason »

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Re: A Must-See Message From Alex Trebek

Post by showa58taro »

Sucks he’s going to die soon. Love the guy, but that’s not the diagnosis you want.
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Re: A Must-See Message From Alex Trebek

Post by Jason »

i'll take "Love and Support" for $1,000, Alex!
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Re: A Must-See Message From Alex Trebek

Post by showa58taro »

10 weeks from diagnosis to the end for my mother. It goes fast, it goes hard, and it is relentless in its ability to make things awful faster than you can imagine. I can think of little worse to be diagnosed with personally.
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Re: A Must-See Message From Alex Trebek

Post by Jason »

It seems to be the scariest form to be diagnosed with. It's apparently tough to detect until it's in its late stages.
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Re: A Must-See Message From Alex Trebek

Post by showa58taro »

Best he can hope for is they start treatment and help delay the inevitable by a year I’m guessing.
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Re: A Must-See Message From Alex Trebek

Post by showa58taro »

I mean as an indicator it’s the only cancer whose 5 year mortality rate has remained the same (3%) since the 80s.
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Re: A Must-See Message From Alex Trebek

Post by Tiggnutz »

Really sucks :(
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Re: A Must-See Message From Alex Trebek

Post by Jason »

My grandpa had Alzheimer's. It was a slow burn. He had it for 10 years before he died, but the first two or three years was like slowly watching him change into a completely different person. He was never the same. But once a year he would have a brief 10-second moment of talking normally, then go right back into crazy mode. It was hardest on my mom. She refused to put him into a home and was his nurse 24/7 for 10 years.
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Re: A Must-See Message From Alex Trebek

Post by Jmac Attack »

Alex is such a class act. That's how my mom was back in the mid 90s. She was basically left for dead because her cancer was so bad. But she kept her sense of humor and it didn't seem to faze her. She survived until this past November. 20+ years. Attitude and the will to survive is more important than just giving up. I hope he comes out of it......but it seems he is definitely dying. Godspeed to Alex!
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Re: A Must-See Message From Alex Trebek

Post by Jmac Attack »

He needs to bring back the mustache! It's still weird seeing him without it lol
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