i can go find somewhere else to do text.Jason wrote:Missed this post. Sorreh.zombie wrote:sorry to keep bothering you... if you could show me the ways of feathering and text/font, i could make a decent banner.
The problem with this photoshop program is that most of the fonts suck. I often to go to other websites and use their fonts and just paste them into banners. But if you're working strictly in photoshop, select the "T" font tool, click somewhere in the banner and type your text. There is a bar at the top where you can change the color of your font. Once you're finished typing, I like to select "Layers > Layer style > Bevel and Emboss" and just kind of mess around with the tools in there to alter the look of the text.

is there no feather function? i tried to mess with what they have in the program, but it doesn't seem to actually do anything...