The Priorities of Black Lives Matter?

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Re: The Priorities of Black Lives Matter?

Post by Headhunter »

There are a lot of black organizations that do attempt to deal with black-on-black violence in a variety of ways and you're right that we never hear about them. Why? Because racial division plays in America. Look at the never-ending OJ Simpson saga. Doesn't mean they don't exist.

Y'all are skeptical of the mainstream media's reporting but this is a case where they're proven to disproportionately represent some community issues over others for political motives and you piece together narratives based on what they feed you? You are choosing between two sides of an argument neoliberals present to you.
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Re: The Priorities of Black Lives Matter?

Post by Jason »

Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:There's nothing in this thread that indicates you understand BLM or black issues in general, at all. One of the laziest threads I've ever seen. :lol:

Why don't you change the title, delete 90% of the first post and all the bizarre ideas and off target assumptions within it and just focus the thread on how we should be outraged about this happening in a vacuum instead of trying to connect it to Black Lives Matter? That's a clown move and holds absolutely no water. Glad nobody engaged in your trollbait garbage before I did, just focused on the asshole kids.
Read the thread title. This thread is about BLM and how they only come out publicly when it's at the opportunity to shit on white folk. If white kids did this, they would be called racist by you, BLM, and this video would get looped on CNN. Everyone would be calling for their heads and demanding life imprisonment. But because it occurred within the black community, they are just bad kids and should be ashamed.
The premise of this thread is dependent on your flimsy assumptions of what people you don't know are doing with their time.
If you want to get all technical... that describes just about every thread created in this board.
Not really.

It's funny how you so adamantly hate the mainstream media, but what little you actually know about BLM is what makes the rounds on said media. Your perception of them comes from an over-representation of their involvement in police protests, and an under-representation of the work they do in their own communities. Are you really going to make the case that we should trust the MSM 100% in this case? Yeaaaaah
Literally none of the information I absorb is from mainstream media. What a retarded rant. lol. Especially when you try to say MSM is projecting negativity ABOUT BLM.
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Re: The Priorities of Black Lives Matter?

Post by Jmac Attack »

When people ask "Where is Jesse Jackson regarding black on black crime?". Then they will use one of his speeches about black on black crime and say "See! He agrees with me!" Lol ... e.amp.html

Not a Jesse Jackson fan, and don't like Al Sharpton. But let's be real.
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Re: The Priorities of Black Lives Matter?

Post by Headhunter »

In the 90s, CNN wanted to show Americans nothing but black-on-black crime and black dudes getting hustled into the back of police cars. It was more rampant than today probably but was still disproportionately represented in the media. And that wasn't a partisan issue, Republicans and Democrats were both in the business of being tough on crime and filling prisons back then.

Flash forward to today. Republicans and Democrats are both basically in agreement that the prison industrial complex needs to slow down and that the mandatory sentences were excessive. Criminal justice reform has all the momentum in politics now. So the same images we used to see in the 90s are probably now underrepresented to serve those interests.
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Re: The Priorities of Black Lives Matter?

Post by Jason »

Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:Fun fact: "but wut about black-on-black crime" was the second question ever posed on the internet, after "did that kid stick his finger up the dog's ass?"
The underlying idea behind "but wut about black on black crime"?: if members of your community commit crimes, nobody in the community is entitled to respectful treatment by law enforcement.
Obviously depends on the crime. And nobody mentioned the police.
Nobody mentioned the police? Oh, really? Because you made a video of a random, nonpolitical incident, all about Black Lives Matter. Please remind me through what issue did they gain prominence? It involved the police, right?

If you're going to drag a topic that has nothing to do with BLM in the gutter, don't half-ass it. You don't get to make it a BLM thread and say "Whatddya mean, police?"
I've skipped the "you're under arrest" portion. How often do we see black-on-black crime ignored in the media, by BLM, and everybody on the planet? Often, if you just take a look.

I also didn't want to create a segue through the police so you can rant about how they mistreat black people every day. Poor Trevor Noah and shit. Pulled over 8, I mean 7, I mean 6 times in 6 different vehicles.

But you've managed to create your own segue, so whatevs. In b4 NWA...
For decades, black-on-black crime was statistically over-represented by the media. Decades. Your premise is so full of shit. :lol:
When? Before CNN took over racial issues?
I forget you were too young to have really taken in the early-mid 90s.
Nope. I remember Denny getting beaten half to death a few miles from me by black people because he was white. I remember OJ getting away with murder because he was black. It's not all that fuzzy.
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Re: The Priorities of Black Lives Matter?

Post by Headhunter »

Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:Fun fact: "but wut about black-on-black crime" was the second question ever posed on the internet, after "did that kid stick his finger up the dog's ass?"
The underlying idea behind "but wut about black on black crime"?: if members of your community commit crimes, nobody in the community is entitled to respectful treatment by law enforcement.
Obviously depends on the crime. And nobody mentioned the police.
Nobody mentioned the police? Oh, really? Because you made a video of a random, nonpolitical incident, all about Black Lives Matter. Please remind me through what issue did they gain prominence? It involved the police, right?

If you're going to drag a topic that has nothing to do with BLM in the gutter, don't half-ass it. You don't get to make it a BLM thread and say "Whatddya mean, police?"
I've skipped the "you're under arrest" portion. How often do we see black-on-black crime ignored in the media, by BLM, and everybody on the planet? Often, if you just take a look.

I also didn't want to create a segue through the police so you can rant about how they mistreat black people every day. Poor Trevor Noah and shit. Pulled over 8, I mean 7, I mean 6 times in 6 different vehicles.

But you've managed to create your own segue, so whatevs. In b4 NWA...
For decades, black-on-black crime was statistically over-represented by the media. Decades. Your premise is so full of shit. :lol:
When? Before CNN took over racial issues?
I forget you were too young to have really taken in the early-mid 90s.
Nope. I remember Denny getting beaten half to death a few miles from me by black people because he was white. I remember OJ getting away with murder because he was black. It's not all that fuzzy.
OJ got away with murder because the prosecution completely shit the bed but okay. :lol:
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Re: The Priorities of Black Lives Matter?

Post by Jmac Attack »

Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:Fun fact: "but wut about black-on-black crime" was the second question ever posed on the internet, after "did that kid stick his finger up the dog's ass?"
The underlying idea behind "but wut about black on black crime"?: if members of your community commit crimes, nobody in the community is entitled to respectful treatment by law enforcement.
Obviously depends on the crime. And nobody mentioned the police.
Nobody mentioned the police? Oh, really? Because you made a video of a random, nonpolitical incident, all about Black Lives Matter. Please remind me through what issue did they gain prominence? It involved the police, right?

If you're going to drag a topic that has nothing to do with BLM in the gutter, don't half-ass it. You don't get to make it a BLM thread and say "Whatddya mean, police?"
I've skipped the "you're under arrest" portion. How often do we see black-on-black crime ignored in the media, by BLM, and everybody on the planet? Often, if you just take a look.

I also didn't want to create a segue through the police so you can rant about how they mistreat black people every day. Poor Trevor Noah and shit. Pulled over 8, I mean 7, I mean 6 times in 6 different vehicles.

But you've managed to create your own segue, so whatevs. In b4 NWA...
For decades, black-on-black crime was statistically over-represented by the media. Decades. Your premise is so full of shit. :lol:
When? Before CNN took over racial issues?
I forget you were too young to have really taken in the early-mid 90s.
Nope. I remember Denny getting beaten half to death a few miles from me by black people because he was white. I remember OJ getting away with murder because he was black. It's not all that fuzzy.
OJ was also famous and rich.
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Re: The Priorities of Black Lives Matter?

Post by Headhunter »

Jmac Attack wrote:When people ask "Where is Jesse Jackson regarding black on black crime?". Then they will use one of his speeches about black on black crime and say "See! He agrees with me!" Lol ... e.amp.html

Not a Jesse Jackson fan, and don't like Al Sharpton. But let's be real.
The "but black-on-black crime" thing is just ridiculous in a lot of ways. Makes no attempt to excuse the original complaint...
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Re: The Priorities of Black Lives Matter

Post by Headhunter »

Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:There's nothing in this thread that indicates you understand BLM or black issues in general, at all. One of the laziest threads I've ever seen. :lol:

Why don't you change the title, delete 90% of the first post and all the bizarre ideas and off target assumptions within it and just focus the thread on how we should be outraged about this happening in a vacuum instead of trying to connect it to Black Lives Matter? That's a clown move and holds absolutely no water. Glad nobody engaged in your trollbait garbage before I did, just focused on the asshole kids.
Read the thread title. This thread is about BLM and how they only come out publicly when it's at the opportunity to shit on white folk. If white kids did this, they would be called racist by you, BLM, and this video would get looped on CNN. Everyone would be calling for their heads and demanding life imprisonment. But because it occurred within the black community, they are just bad kids and should be ashamed.
The premise of this thread is dependent on your flimsy assumptions of what people you don't know are doing with their time.
If you want to get all technical... that describes just about every thread created in this board.
Not really.

It's funny how you so adamantly hate the mainstream media, but what little you actually know about BLM is what makes the rounds on said media. Your perception of them comes from an over-representation of their involvement in police protests, and an under-representation of the work they do in their own communities. Are you really going to make the case that we should trust the MSM 100% in this case? Yeaaaaah
Literally none of the information I absorb is from mainstream media. What a retarded rant. lol. Especially when you try to say MSM is projecting negativity ABOUT BLM.
You don't seem to understand how the MSM operates. It's not projecting positively or negatively, it's creating an argument that's going to split Americans. And yeah everything you read is influenced by the MSM to some degree, most noticeably how the arguments are shaped.
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Re: The Priorities of Black Lives Matter?

Post by Jason »

Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:So this thread actually has nothing to do with BLM. Good to know.
Because BLM wants nothing to do with it unless they can condemn white people.
What a horseshit premise for a thread. Gross.
Why is your phony outrage always triggered when BLM is clowned on? They are all scum. Get over it.
This was a really bad thread, Jason. All-time bad. And there are a lot of reasons to be critical of BLM, but you're really bad at it and miss the mark every time yourself. Do not blame me for your total aversion to understanding BLM.
BLM is easy to understand. Hate whitey. Love darky. It's always honky's fault.
It's bizarre how little you understand about race in America and how adamantly you dismiss it when you have the opportunity. You have no clue what you're talking about with these cases, ever.
Civility: A very simple thing to understand.
There's no lack of civility in my post at all. I'm politely pointing out that it's strange how ignorant you are and that you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. How you take it is how you take it but I'm not insulting, just pointing out truths.
Civility in the black community...
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Re: The Priorities of Black Lives Matter?

Post by Jason »

Headhunter wrote:"Black people kill each other a lot. This totally justifies the idea that they should stop demanding equal protection under the law."
I don't know if you twisted my words to get that or maybe you read something wrong off Tigg's post, but nobody has said that.
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Re: The Priorities of Black Lives Matter

Post by Jason »

Reign in Blood wrote:
Headhunter wrote: Saying "All Lives Matter" in response to BLM is like going to the doctor with a broken collarbone and the doctor says "Well, why focus on the collarbone? All bones matter." It's nothing more than feigned ignorance. The only people who believe that the phrase "Black Lives Matter" is offensive are TRYING to be offended.
And people thought Foo's analogies were shit? Some saying all lives matter might be those that don't fucking see color, that we're all human beings. If a bone is broke, that is the one the doc is gonna fix. Oh wait, because all bones are white... Black Lives Matters offends because it has too much loud mouth racist whiny tits, those are the ones mainly shown. The movement in itself could be fine.
White bones matter.
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Re: The Priorities of Black Lives Matter?

Post by Jason »

Headhunter wrote:
Headhunter wrote:"Black people kill each other a lot. This totally justifies the idea that they should stop demanding equal protection under the law. Clearly they don't deserve it until they stop committing crimes"
Remember, this is the rabbit hole the common "black-on-black crime" argument leads to. You are saying that police should not be held to a higher standard than criminals.
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Re: The Priorities of Black Lives Matter?

Post by Jason »

Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:Fun fact: "but wut about black-on-black crime" was the second question ever posed on the internet, after "did that kid stick his finger up the dog's ass?"
The underlying idea behind "but wut about black on black crime"?: if members of your community commit crimes, nobody in the community is entitled to respectful treatment by law enforcement.
Obviously depends on the crime. And nobody mentioned the police.
Nobody mentioned the police? Oh, really? Because you made a video of a random, nonpolitical incident, all about Black Lives Matter. Please remind me through what issue did they gain prominence? It involved the police, right?

If you're going to drag a topic that has nothing to do with BLM in the gutter, don't half-ass it. You don't get to make it a BLM thread and say "Whatddya mean, police?"
I've skipped the "you're under arrest" portion. How often do we see black-on-black crime ignored in the media, by BLM, and everybody on the planet? Often, if you just take a look.

I also didn't want to create a segue through the police so you can rant about how they mistreat black people every day. Poor Trevor Noah and shit. Pulled over 8, I mean 7, I mean 6 times in 6 different vehicles.

But you've managed to create your own segue, so whatevs. In b4 NWA...
For decades, black-on-black crime was statistically over-represented by the media. Decades. Your premise is so full of shit. :lol:
When? Before CNN took over racial issues?
I forget you were too young to have really taken in the early-mid 90s.
Nope. I remember Denny getting beaten half to death a few miles from me by black people because he was white. I remember OJ getting away with murder because he was black. It's not all that fuzzy.
OJ got away with murder because the prosecution completely shit the bed but okay. :lol:
Yeah, they simply "shit the bed". Shit the bed on a case that literally a group of 8 year olds would've gotten right. There was no racial or celebrity motive at all! None! lol.
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Re: The Priorities of Black Lives Matter?

Post by Jason »

Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:Fun fact: "but wut about black-on-black crime" was the second question ever posed on the internet, after "did that kid stick his finger up the dog's ass?"
The underlying idea behind "but wut about black on black crime"?: if members of your community commit crimes, nobody in the community is entitled to respectful treatment by law enforcement.
Obviously depends on the crime. And nobody mentioned the police.
Nobody mentioned the police? Oh, really? Because you made a video of a random, nonpolitical incident, all about Black Lives Matter. Please remind me through what issue did they gain prominence? It involved the police, right?

If you're going to drag a topic that has nothing to do with BLM in the gutter, don't half-ass it. You don't get to make it a BLM thread and say "Whatddya mean, police?"
I've skipped the "you're under arrest" portion. How often do we see black-on-black crime ignored in the media, by BLM, and everybody on the planet? Often, if you just take a look.

I also didn't want to create a segue through the police so you can rant about how they mistreat black people every day. Poor Trevor Noah and shit. Pulled over 8, I mean 7, I mean 6 times in 6 different vehicles.

But you've managed to create your own segue, so whatevs. In b4 NWA...
For decades, black-on-black crime was statistically over-represented by the media. Decades. Your premise is so full of shit. :lol:
When? Before CNN took over racial issues?
I forget you were too young to have really taken in the early-mid 90s.
Nope. I remember Denny getting beaten half to death a few miles from me by black people because he was white. I remember OJ getting away with murder because he was black. It's not all that fuzzy.
OJ was also famous and rich.
Too bad Denny wasn't famous and rich. :(
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Re: The Priorities of Black Lives Matter?

Post by Headhunter »

Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:Fun fact: "but wut about black-on-black crime" was the second question ever posed on the internet, after "did that kid stick his finger up the dog's ass?"
The underlying idea behind "but wut about black on black crime"?: if members of your community commit crimes, nobody in the community is entitled to respectful treatment by law enforcement.
Obviously depends on the crime. And nobody mentioned the police.
Nobody mentioned the police? Oh, really? Because you made a video of a random, nonpolitical incident, all about Black Lives Matter. Please remind me through what issue did they gain prominence? It involved the police, right?

If you're going to drag a topic that has nothing to do with BLM in the gutter, don't half-ass it. You don't get to make it a BLM thread and say "Whatddya mean, police?"
I've skipped the "you're under arrest" portion. How often do we see black-on-black crime ignored in the media, by BLM, and everybody on the planet? Often, if you just take a look.

I also didn't want to create a segue through the police so you can rant about how they mistreat black people every day. Poor Trevor Noah and shit. Pulled over 8, I mean 7, I mean 6 times in 6 different vehicles.

But you've managed to create your own segue, so whatevs. In b4 NWA...
For decades, black-on-black crime was statistically over-represented by the media. Decades. Your premise is so full of shit. :lol:
When? Before CNN took over racial issues?
I forget you were too young to have really taken in the early-mid 90s.
Nope. I remember Denny getting beaten half to death a few miles from me by black people because he was white. I remember OJ getting away with murder because he was black. It's not all that fuzzy.
OJ got away with murder because the prosecution completely shit the bed but okay. :lol:
Yeah, they simply "shit the bed". Shit the bed on a case that literally a group of 8 year olds would've gotten right. There was no racial or celebrity motive at all! None! lol.
Sure, let's not take into account the burden of proof in a criminal case at all.
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Re: The Priorities of Black Lives Matter?

Post by Jason »

Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:Fun fact: "but wut about black-on-black crime" was the second question ever posed on the internet, after "did that kid stick his finger up the dog's ass?"
The underlying idea behind "but wut about black on black crime"?: if members of your community commit crimes, nobody in the community is entitled to respectful treatment by law enforcement.
Obviously depends on the crime. And nobody mentioned the police.
Nobody mentioned the police? Oh, really? Because you made a video of a random, nonpolitical incident, all about Black Lives Matter. Please remind me through what issue did they gain prominence? It involved the police, right?

If you're going to drag a topic that has nothing to do with BLM in the gutter, don't half-ass it. You don't get to make it a BLM thread and say "Whatddya mean, police?"
I've skipped the "you're under arrest" portion. How often do we see black-on-black crime ignored in the media, by BLM, and everybody on the planet? Often, if you just take a look.

I also didn't want to create a segue through the police so you can rant about how they mistreat black people every day. Poor Trevor Noah and shit. Pulled over 8, I mean 7, I mean 6 times in 6 different vehicles.

But you've managed to create your own segue, so whatevs. In b4 NWA...
For decades, black-on-black crime was statistically over-represented by the media. Decades. Your premise is so full of shit. :lol:
When? Before CNN took over racial issues?
I forget you were too young to have really taken in the early-mid 90s.
Nope. I remember Denny getting beaten half to death a few miles from me by black people because he was white. I remember OJ getting away with murder because he was black. It's not all that fuzzy.
OJ got away with murder because the prosecution completely shit the bed but okay. :lol:
Yeah, they simply "shit the bed". Shit the bed on a case that literally a group of 8 year olds would've gotten right. There was no racial or celebrity motive at all! None! lol.
Sure, let's not take into account the burden of proof in a criminal case at all.
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Re: The Priorities of Black Lives Matter?

Post by Headhunter »

Your argument isn't with anything but the standards of criminal cases. What do you want? Zimmerman should have gone to prison for killing Trayvon Martin but the prosecution overcharged and couldn't prove its case, so he walked as he should have per the standards of a criminal case. He's proven since then to have been a real piece of shit. Can't play favorites with the legal process no matter who slips through the cracks. Guilty people walk free alllll the time. Innocent people also serve time all the time.
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Re: The Priorities of Black Lives Matter?

Post by Headhunter »

Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:"Black people kill each other a lot. This totally justifies the idea that they should stop demanding equal protection under the law."
I don't know if you twisted my words to get that or maybe you read something wrong off Tigg's post, but nobody has said that.
When you suggest we should ignore the concerns of the black community regarding law enforcement and criminal justice because some in the community are prone to violence, that's the harsh reality you're portraying.
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Re: The Priorities of Black Lives Matter?

Post by Headhunter »

Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Headhunter wrote:"Black people kill each other a lot. This totally justifies the idea that they should stop demanding equal protection under the law. Clearly they don't deserve it until they stop committing crimes"
Remember, this is the rabbit hole the common "black-on-black crime" argument leads to. You are saying that police should not be held to a higher standard than criminals.
Whoever makes the sham "what about black-on-black crime" argument, lot of people get tricked into that nonsensical argument and its nasty implications no matter their intentions.

Imagine, if you will, these posts are part of a lecture. You understand "you" in that sense, right?
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