The Green Knight (No Spoilers)

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The Green Knight (No Spoilers)

Post by Tiggnutz »

Because of an upcoming birthday my buddy and fellow movie fanatic wanted to take me to lunch and than to the theater to see The Green Knight. My friends A24 knowledge was basically Hereditary (liked) and The Witch (hated) i love both of those and like others such as Midsommar and The Lighthouse. I've seen others but they did little for me. I bring this up because the more A24 films you see the more you recognize their artistic style. Slow burn plots, disorienting cinematography and unusual dialouge are hallmarks. When he chose this film I warned him that this is most likely what we would be seeing and he would probably also hate it though it would also be my choice if I had picked for him. We both agreed to give it a go. I have never left a theater because a film was so terrible but this one made me want to. At first I didn't say anything because this was a gift and it was his first theater experience since we saw 1917 together in 2019. 20 minutes in he leans over and says are you enjoying this and my laughter at that was the most fun I had except for 2 scenes that we both laughed out loud at. One thing I absolutely loathe is when a film is so dark that you can't see anything. For certain scenes shadows and candlelight used correctly add atmosphere ,suspense and tension but when its long long stretches its annoying and frustrating. I would say 80% of The Green Knight is filmed this way and I mean dark. In fact its so dark that I could see the red light from the film projector behind the screen. I wanted to scream. When you say an A24 film's plot is horrible avid A24 fans will say " well you just don't get it, its over your head" maybe thats true but also maybe it just sucks. All the metaphor and symbolism in the world are meaningless when I'm just bored to tears. I kept wanting to turn my phone on to see how much time was left ( I didn't because people who do that piss me off). The acting is adequate no one stood out as doing a bad job and there is some quality cinematography but it didn't help. I'm turning 48 next week, I've been around awhile and I cant even begin to know how many films I've sat down to watch in a theater. This was the worst film I've ever seen in a theater and had I been by myself I would of rolled out like some of the people at my show did. Grade of "F"
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Re: The Green Knight (No Spoilers)

Post by Monster »

Disappointing. I've loved the story since I read it in Childcraft Annual when I was a wee lad. I'll pass on this.
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Re: The Green Knight (No Spoilers)

Post by DancesWithWerewolves »

Never even heard of this part of the Arthurian legend.

Regarding the darkness, Edward Norton's been calling theaters out for not putting enough brightness out in the projectors. Many movies I've seen lately look dark, but then I'll see them later on blu ray and they're totally brighter, so it wasn't the cinematography, it was the theaters being cheap on electricity. You mentioning the red light from the projector made me think of this.
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Re: The Green Knight (No Spoilers)

Post by Tiggnutz »

Extra light won't help
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Re: The Green Knight (No Spoilers)

Post by Jason »

Movie lighting and audio has been a grievance for me over the last ten years or so, for the most part. A lot of horror movies just unnecessarily dark, the audio deliberately low to get you to raise the volume for the jump scare. It's all laziness. Too lazy to put any thought in developing a good jumpscare. And there's less shit to brush up when the movie is deliberately dark.

The effort isn't there in movies anymore. So glad that streaming is taking over now, now that movies are shitty. I still got all the God-level movies in physical media.
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Re: The Green Knight (No Spoilers)

Post by Ava »

Good crap. The way you described this movie makes me never ever want to see it. :?
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Re: The Green Knight (No Spoilers)

Post by Tiggnutz »

The Green Knight is a poem by an unknown writer.
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Re: The Green Knight (No Spoilers)

Post by Tiggnutz »

My birthday gift wasn't a complete failure because I had poke nachos and I would put these at the top of the best appetizers I've ever had
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Re: The Green Knight (No Spoilers)

Post by Reign in Blood »

Sold! Downloading now. :D
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Re: The Green Knight (No Spoilers)

Post by zombie »

Jason wrote:Movie lighting and audio has been a grievance for me over the last ten years or so, for the most part. A lot of horror movies just unnecessarily dark, the audio deliberately low to get you to raise the volume for the jump scare. It's all laziness. Too lazy to put any thought in developing a good jumpscare. And there's less shit to brush up when the movie is deliberately dark.

The effort isn't there in movies anymore. So glad that streaming is taking over now, now that movies are shitty. I still got all the God-level movies in physical media.
if everything else is shit, "god level" doesn't seem so impressive. :P
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Re: The Green Knight (No Spoilers)

Post by Tiggnutz »

Like all A24 movies you either love or hate it. Lots of people cannot stop singing the praises of The Green Knight so I wouldn't want anyone not to watch it because of my experience. You might just love it. I will watch it again, it will be a long time from now but eventually I will give it another try. If I can give the Rob Zombie steamers a second watch than I can rewatch anything :D
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