Random Political Comments

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Re: Random Political Comments

Post by Jason »

Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:And for my argument, it could be Oprah and Pelosi that released the fucker. Media can be covering that up. Doesnt matter. Reality is that vaccines work.
Outside treatments also work just as well and even better in many cases. Who cares how people choose to get treated?
Because with the vaccine they ain't getting as sick. Therefore not clogging our hospitals. You are saying to get sick af then go into taking all that. I'm not saying those aren't helpful and good options. But right now, being vaccinated isn't gonna clog up my local hospitals. The other way is.
Looks like the media and politicians still have you angry at the wrong people and it doesn't look like you're open to changing your mind.
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Re: Random Political Comments

Post by Jmac Attack »

Jason wrote:10-11-2020

Jason wrote:So, according to my sources, Trump has locked in this election in landslide numbers and the polls you see where it's a tight race are cooked and fabricated. Just like the Hillary numbers, but even more lopsided in favor of Trump. Lmao.

Here's the kicker. Trump is going to be leading early on no matter what is counted first, whether it's mail in ballots or in-person polls. Watch closely for the election to pretty much freeze in the middle of the night. If this happens, Biden will miraculously start getting bizarre amounts of votes because poll watchers will be blocked from viewing the count, thus muddying the election and the democrats will have successfully stolen it. It will eventually go to SCOTUS, and if they have any balls whatsoever, they will actually do their job and ensure that Trump is sworn in in January.
We already went through this.
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Re: Random Political Comments

Post by Jmac Attack »

Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:And for my argument, it could be Oprah and Pelosi that released the fucker. Media can be covering that up. Doesnt matter. Reality is that vaccines work.
Outside treatments also work just as well and even better in many cases. Who cares how people choose to get treated?
Because with the vaccine they ain't getting as sick. Therefore not clogging our hospitals. You are saying to get sick af then go into taking all that. I'm not saying those aren't helpful and good options. But right now, being vaccinated isn't gonna clog up my local hospitals. The other way is.
Looks like the media and politicians still have you angry at the wrong people and it doesn't look like you're open to changing your mind.
Not gonna change my mind on facts. You literally just said my local hospitals and folks that work there are lying to me. You said that. Lol. I'm always willing to say I am wrong. Always. My record speaks to that. But you're speaking as if my hospitals are clogged all the time (you said that) and this is no different.

Hard to talk about this stuff when you are jumping through hoops and pulling shit out of your ass. Lol
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Re: Random Political Comments

Post by Jason »

Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:DOJ Barr said there was no evidence. Do you blame it on him for not having any balls. You mean the balls to overturn a democratic election without any evidence. Call me the one duped lmao.
You claim to not trust politicians but only trust the ones that coincide with your line of thinking. Not good.
Not one politician told me to come up with that assessment. Not one. That is what happened. Did Barr not say that?????. You are making up shit to fit your narrative. Not good.
There is mountains of evidence. Mountains. There are tons of videos of poll watchers in the middle of the night being locked out of counting rooms. At least several videos of people bringing in boxes in the middle of the night to these counting rooms, and even videos of people who count the votes pulling out hidden boxes from underneath the desk and running them through the dominion voting machines. In many cases, there are more votes in swing state counties than there are actual citizens in those counties. What a coincidence that literally ALL of these shenanigans are in swing states. Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia. This was such an obviously rigged election that you have to be blind or biased. It is more obvious than coming home and seeing trash strewn about the house and seeing your dog with a guilty face in the corner.
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Re: Random Political Comments

Post by Jason »

Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:And for my argument, it could be Oprah and Pelosi that released the fucker. Media can be covering that up. Doesnt matter. Reality is that vaccines work.
Outside treatments also work just as well and even better in many cases. Who cares how people choose to get treated?
Because with the vaccine they ain't getting as sick. Therefore not clogging our hospitals. You are saying to get sick af then go into taking all that. I'm not saying those aren't helpful and good options. But right now, being vaccinated isn't gonna clog up my local hospitals. The other way is.
Looks like the media and politicians still have you angry at the wrong people and it doesn't look like you're open to changing your mind.
Not gonna change my mind on facts. You literally just said my local hospitals and folks that work there are lying to me. You said that. Lol. I'm always willing to say I am wrong. Always. My record speaks to that. But you're speaking as if my hospitals are clogged all the time (you said that) and this is no different.

Hard to talk about this stuff when you are jumping through hoops and pulling shit out of your ass. Lol
Well, many nurses came out and said despite the media lying, that not only were their hospitals not clogged due to Covid, they weren't clogged at all. Of course it was quickly buried by big tech and mainstream.

I'll even give you the benefit of the doubt. I will agree and say your hospitals are clogged because of people who aren't vaccinated. Why are you mad at those people?
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Re: Random Political Comments

Post by Jmac Attack »

Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:And for my argument, it could be Oprah and Pelosi that released the fucker. Media can be covering that up. Doesnt matter. Reality is that vaccines work.
Outside treatments also work just as well and even better in many cases. Who cares how people choose to get treated?
Because with the vaccine they ain't getting as sick. Therefore not clogging our hospitals. You are saying to get sick af then go into taking all that. I'm not saying those aren't helpful and good options. But right now, being vaccinated isn't gonna clog up my local hospitals. The other way is.
Looks like the media and politicians still have you angry at the wrong people and it doesn't look like you're open to changing your mind.
Not gonna change my mind on facts. You literally just said my local hospitals and folks that work there are lying to me. You said that. Lol. I'm always willing to say I am wrong. Always. My record speaks to that. But you're speaking as if my hospitals are clogged all the time (you said that) and this is no different.

Hard to talk about this stuff when you are jumping through hoops and pulling shit out of your ass. Lol
Well, many nurses came out and said despite the media lying, that not only were their hospitals not clogged due to Covid, they weren't clogged at all. Of course it was quickly buried by big tech and mainstream.

I'll even give you the benefit of the doubt. I will agree and say your hospitals are clogged because of people who aren't vaccinated. Why are you mad at those people?
I should get the benefit of doubt as I can easily prove it. Its a big issue here and I know A LOT of nurses. I have that on my side.

I'm pissed because our system can't take much more. People who got vaccinated but have stage 4 cancer aren't getting treatment. People are legit in hallways instead of rooms. You don't think that is a problem and is normal. I disagree and that's about as far as we can go with this. I'm gonna go visit a friend this week with my guitar.....he is one of those in a hallway.
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Re: Random Political Comments

Post by Jason »

Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:And for my argument, it could be Oprah and Pelosi that released the fucker. Media can be covering that up. Doesnt matter. Reality is that vaccines work.
Outside treatments also work just as well and even better in many cases. Who cares how people choose to get treated?
Because with the vaccine they ain't getting as sick. Therefore not clogging our hospitals. You are saying to get sick af then go into taking all that. I'm not saying those aren't helpful and good options. But right now, being vaccinated isn't gonna clog up my local hospitals. The other way is.
Looks like the media and politicians still have you angry at the wrong people and it doesn't look like you're open to changing your mind.
Not gonna change my mind on facts. You literally just said my local hospitals and folks that work there are lying to me. You said that. Lol. I'm always willing to say I am wrong. Always. My record speaks to that. But you're speaking as if my hospitals are clogged all the time (you said that) and this is no different.

Hard to talk about this stuff when you are jumping through hoops and pulling shit out of your ass. Lol
Well, many nurses came out and said despite the media lying, that not only were their hospitals not clogged due to Covid, they weren't clogged at all. Of course it was quickly buried by big tech and mainstream.

I'll even give you the benefit of the doubt. I will agree and say your hospitals are clogged because of people who aren't vaccinated. Why are you mad at those people?
I should get the benefit of doubt as I can easily prove it. Its a big issue here and I know A LOT of nurses. I have that on my side.

I'm pissed because our system can't take much more. People who got vaccinated but have stage 4 cancer aren't getting treatment. People are legit in hallways instead of rooms. You don't think that is a problem and is normal. I disagree and that's about as far as we can go with this. I'm gonna go visit a friend this week with my guitar.....he is one of those in a hallway.
Who do you blame for this?
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Re: Random Political Comments

Post by Jmac Attack »

Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:And for my argument, it could be Oprah and Pelosi that released the fucker. Media can be covering that up. Doesnt matter. Reality is that vaccines work.
Outside treatments also work just as well and even better in many cases. Who cares how people choose to get treated?
Because with the vaccine they ain't getting as sick. Therefore not clogging our hospitals. You are saying to get sick af then go into taking all that. I'm not saying those aren't helpful and good options. But right now, being vaccinated isn't gonna clog up my local hospitals. The other way is.
Looks like the media and politicians still have you angry at the wrong people and it doesn't look like you're open to changing your mind.
Not gonna change my mind on facts. You literally just said my local hospitals and folks that work there are lying to me. You said that. Lol. I'm always willing to say I am wrong. Always. My record speaks to that. But you're speaking as if my hospitals are clogged all the time (you said that) and this is no different.

Hard to talk about this stuff when you are jumping through hoops and pulling shit out of your ass. Lol
Well, many nurses came out and said despite the media lying, that not only were their hospitals not clogged due to Covid, they weren't clogged at all. Of course it was quickly buried by big tech and mainstream.

I'll even give you the benefit of the doubt. I will agree and say your hospitals are clogged because of people who aren't vaccinated. Why are you mad at those people?
I should get the benefit of doubt as I can easily prove it. Its a big issue here and I know A LOT of nurses. I have that on my side.

I'm pissed because our system can't take much more. People who got vaccinated but have stage 4 cancer aren't getting treatment. People are legit in hallways instead of rooms. You don't think that is a problem and is normal. I disagree and that's about as far as we can go with this. I'm gonna go visit a friend this week with my guitar.....he is one of those in a hallway.
Who do you blame for this?
Who do I blame for taking up our ICUs and their equipment because they won't get vaccinated because they don't give a fuck about others? I think I made it clear. Jumping through hoops again.
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Re: Random Political Comments

Post by Jmac Attack »

And in all seriousness, I really mean it when I say don't listen to me. Or CNN. Or Fox. Listen to your doctor. That is who we all need to be listening to. If your doctor tells you not to get it and you listen to them, I'd be a hypocrite if I said you are wrong for not getting it. I think we would be better off by listening to what our doctors and scientists say instead of what we read on the internet.

That is a message that can't be wrong. And if it is....well fuck me . I tried. Lol
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Re: Random Political Comments

Post by Jmac Attack »

Now I'm tired. That wore me out. Lol
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Re: Random Political Comments

Post by Jason »

Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:And for my argument, it could be Oprah and Pelosi that released the fucker. Media can be covering that up. Doesnt matter. Reality is that vaccines work.
Outside treatments also work just as well and even better in many cases. Who cares how people choose to get treated?
Because with the vaccine they ain't getting as sick. Therefore not clogging our hospitals. You are saying to get sick af then go into taking all that. I'm not saying those aren't helpful and good options. But right now, being vaccinated isn't gonna clog up my local hospitals. The other way is.
Looks like the media and politicians still have you angry at the wrong people and it doesn't look like you're open to changing your mind.
Not gonna change my mind on facts. You literally just said my local hospitals and folks that work there are lying to me. You said that. Lol. I'm always willing to say I am wrong. Always. My record speaks to that. But you're speaking as if my hospitals are clogged all the time (you said that) and this is no different.

Hard to talk about this stuff when you are jumping through hoops and pulling shit out of your ass. Lol
Well, many nurses came out and said despite the media lying, that not only were their hospitals not clogged due to Covid, they weren't clogged at all. Of course it was quickly buried by big tech and mainstream.

I'll even give you the benefit of the doubt. I will agree and say your hospitals are clogged because of people who aren't vaccinated. Why are you mad at those people?
I should get the benefit of doubt as I can easily prove it. Its a big issue here and I know A LOT of nurses. I have that on my side.

I'm pissed because our system can't take much more. People who got vaccinated but have stage 4 cancer aren't getting treatment. People are legit in hallways instead of rooms. You don't think that is a problem and is normal. I disagree and that's about as far as we can go with this. I'm gonna go visit a friend this week with my guitar.....he is one of those in a hallway.
Who do you blame for this?
Who do I blame for taking up our ICUs and their equipment because they won't get vaccinated because they don't give a fuck about others? I think I made it clear. Jumping through hoops again.
The answer is obvious: China, Fauci, and the WHO.

Fauci lied under oath about Gain of Function research. He funded this virus with China in a lab years ago. China let it leak and all three lied about it. China lied right away and reported false case numbers and denied for months that anything was going on. When it was discovered someone in America had it, Trump wanted to suspend travel in hopes of preventing it being widespread all across the U.S.. The WHO then went on record and lied, saying this virus is not contagious. They are on record saying this, sir. This was two months before the pandemic hit. And what were the democrats doing? Calling Trump racist and accusing him of disrespecting people of Chinese descent. You don't remember Italy having a "hug a Chinese person" day a month before we declared a pandemic? You don't remember Pelosi saying "come to Chinatown, don't be afraid to go out and live your lives." This is the exact reason why the disease spread across the world. China lied, people died. There is absolutely no reason to be upset with anyone other than China, Fauci and the WHO. Absolutely no reason to hate your fellow neighbor for catching a disease created in a lab that leaked across the world.
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Re: Random Political Comments

Post by Jason »

Jmac Attack wrote:And in all seriousness, I really mean it when I say don't listen to me. Or CNN. Or Fox. Listen to your doctor. That is who we all need to be listening to. If your doctor tells you not to get it and you listen to them, I'd be a hypocrite if I said you are wrong for not getting it. I think we would be better off by listening to what our doctors and scientists say instead of what we read on the internet.

That is a message that can't be wrong. And if it is....well fuck me . I tried. Lol
Are you not alarmed that big tech, Google, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, began banning and deleting videos from certified medical doctors? And not even just medical doctors, but SPECIALISTS. Immunologists and virologists. They banned anything they said that went against their political narrative. Doesn't that worry you or make you concerned? Don't you wonder why Twitter would ban the sitting president but not the Taliban?
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Re: Random Political Comments

Post by Jmac Attack »

Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:And in all seriousness, I really mean it when I say don't listen to me. Or CNN. Or Fox. Listen to your doctor. That is who we all need to be listening to. If your doctor tells you not to get it and you listen to them, I'd be a hypocrite if I said you are wrong for not getting it. I think we would be better off by listening to what our doctors and scientists say instead of what we read on the internet.

That is a message that can't be wrong. And if it is....well fuck me . I tried. Lol
Are you not alarmed that big tech, Google, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, began banning and deleting videos from certified medical doctors? And not even just medical doctors, but SPECIALISTS. Immunologists and virologists. They banned anything they said that went against their political narrative. Doesn't that worry you or make you concerned? Don't you wonder why Twitter would ban the sitting president but not the Taliban?
I have issues with Facebook and all social media. Yes. This is still different than what I am talking about. I was talking about my local hospitals and how they are at their limits. I am also talking about nurses being overworked. You are going off about other shit. Lol. Know the difference.
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Re: Random Political Comments

Post by Jmac Attack »

You know whats just as bad as them banning legit virologists and immunologists? You not listening to the majority of them. That how we see it differently I guess.
Last edited by Jmac Attack on Sat Sep 25, 2021 11:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Random Political Comments

Post by Jmac Attack »

Like I said....and I will say one las time. Even if your fauci hunches and everything is true. Thats fine and dandy. But its off the subject a little and seems obvious that you are trying to get me into believing another argument. I've never said anyone was to blame. I've never said anything about China virus unless joking. So, its a little confusing. I guess we are changing the subject. But I am not disputing what you've said.
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Re: Random Political Comments

Post by Jason »

Jmac Attack wrote:I was talking about my local hospitals and how they are at their limits. I am also talking about nurses being overworked. You are going off about other shit. Lol. Know the difference.
I went over this with you earlier, but I'll answer again. People catching Covid are absolutely not to blame, even if every thing you're saying is true.
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Re: Random Political Comments

Post by Jason »

Jmac Attack wrote:You know whats just as bad as them banning legit virologists and immunologists? You not listening to the majority of them. That how we see it differently I guess.
No, that's not "just as bad" at all. There is no comparison here. If the media had any intention of promoting the best thing for this pandemic, they would allow a platform of all doctors of all opinions to talk about it. But they're not. This is literally anti-science and they're the ones claiming they're pro science. Not allowing a free and open discussion is not scientific and no progress is made that way. They choose only one line of it that fits their narrative. They banned the ones who turned out to be accurate. They're suppressing truth to keep the narrative going and convince people (you became one of them, unfortunately) to make other's private medical records their business and then force blame on those who choose opposite of what the media tells you is good. You're falling for their bullshit and it's sad to see. Most of the country is falling for it on both sides. So of course I'm not going to trust anyone on mainstream media, no matter the qualifications. They will never have an honest person on there, it doesn't fit their narrative.
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Re: Random Political Comments

Post by Jason »

Jmac Attack wrote:Like I said....and I will say one las time. Even if your fauci hunches and everything is true. Thats fine and dandy. But its off the subject a little and seems obvious that you are trying to get me into believing another argument. I've never said anyone was to blame. I've never said anything about China virus unless joking. So, its a little confusing. I guess we are changing the subject. But I am not disputing what you've said.
What argument am I trying to get you to believe? I just wish you shifted blame away from your fellow citizens and onto who is actually responsible.
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Re: Random Political Comments

Post by Jmac Attack »

We are not going to see eye to eye on this. I've had too many people die around me. I will keep saying this, talk to your doctor. If everyone did that instead of getting shit off of the internet from internet sleuths, we would've been better off. Jason, listen to your doctor and I will listen to mine. I don't believe these vaccines are different. You think its some world conspiracy to get one person out of office. You were also one of those who said the virus would all of a sudden go away. Well, it didn't. I have never see a flu strain this bad in my lifetime. You think I'm a fool. I think you are a fool. And that is where we are with this. Not sure if I am gonna listen to you and the right wing bullshit you seem to regurgitate while saying you don't. Hey....same goes for me right? Except I am listening to scientists and my doctors. That is the difference between you and I regarding this.
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Re: Random Political Comments

Post by Jmac Attack »

Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:Like I said....and I will say one las time. Even if your fauci hunches and everything is true. Thats fine and dandy. But its off the subject a little and seems obvious that you are trying to get me into believing another argument. I've never said anyone was to blame. I've never said anything about China virus unless joking. So, its a little confusing. I guess we are changing the subject. But I am not disputing what you've said.
What argument am I trying to get you to believe? I just wish you shifted blame away from your fellow citizens and onto who is actually responsible.
You literally answered your own question lol. Might wanna edit or reword it? Lol
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