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Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2019 9:24 pm
by Jason
Tiggnutz wrote:You must all see the narrative of the media ignoring things. Little kids and babies get shot and killed here routinely and nothing and not just here but lots of places are they meaningless?
To the mainstream media firms, yes, they are meaningless. They are for-profit entities who cash in on terrible things by painting a narrative and getting people to fall in the trap. Landing planes safely does not make the news. Black dudes killing people daily in the democratic cities of Chicago, Detroit and Baltimore is not newsworthy. This shit is the norm and they can't keep recycling the same old news stories every day in the mainstream. You'll only read about these in your local paper. Cop shoots bad guy does not make the news. WHITE cop shoots BLACK guy is DEFINITELY making the news. Regardless of whether or not the black guy strong-armed a store clerk, stole a bunch of shit, then charged at the police officer who was forced to shoot him. It's whities fault and you are rassism if you disagree ok?!

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2019 9:26 pm
by Jason
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:All bad, obviously. The biggest terrorist threat in this country right now is coming from white supremacists, oh and also crazy kids shooting up schools. What's done about them?
Question: Was it racist of my black friend to make a joke to me about white people shooting schools?
Well, the joke is about your skin color, so yes, but that's also a joke.
Was it rassism of me to say "That shit isn't every day, though. Hey- Look, I see a black dude robbing the liquor store across the street! AGAIN!" in rebuttal?

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2019 9:30 pm
by Headhunter
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:All bad, obviously. The biggest terrorist threat in this country right now is coming from white supremacists, oh and also crazy kids shooting up schools. What's done about them?
Question: Was it racist of my black friend to make a joke to me about white people shooting schools?
Well, the joke is about your skin color, so yes, but that's also a joke.
Was it rassism of me to say "That shit isn't every day, though. Hey- Look, I see a black dude robbing the liquor store across the street! AGAIN!" in rebuttal?
See above.

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2019 9:33 pm
by Jason
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:All bad, obviously. The biggest terrorist threat in this country right now is coming from white supremacists, oh and also crazy kids shooting up schools. What's done about them?
Question: Was it racist of my black friend to make a joke to me about white people shooting schools?
Well, the joke is about your skin color, so yes, but that's also a joke.
Was it rassism of me to say "That shit isn't every day, though. Hey- Look, I see a black dude robbing the liquor store across the street! AGAIN!" in rebuttal?
See above.
So you're gonna have to decide the strength of your own definition of racism before you label me one. Because that word gets thrown around and watered down an awful lot. Almost as much as "Hitler" when Trump was elected President of These United States.

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 10:11 am
by Jmac Attack

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 10:22 am
by Jason
No one cares what British Benjamin Button thinks.

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 10:43 am
by Jmac Attack
Jason wrote:No one cares what British Benjamin Button thinks.
He writes some great tunes though!

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 12:05 pm
by Jason
Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:No one cares what British Benjamin Button thinks.
He writes some great tunes though!
Speaking of the Stones, if you haven't heard Plundered My Soul, you need to check that one out. It came out in 2010, and for almost ten years I thought it was a new recording and they just sounded sharp as fuck. Like they were still young or something. Come to find out, they originally recorded it in 1971 for the Exile on Main St. album, but scrapped it and waited 40 years to release it.

Possibly a top ten Stones song, for me.

♫♫Can you believe it?♫♫
♫♫I've won no medals in this love game!♫♫

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 1:51 pm
by Jason
Trump scores an undeniably massive win in the Mexico deal.

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 2:16 pm
by showa58taro
What win was that?

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 2:23 pm
by Jmac Attack
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:No one cares what British Benjamin Button thinks.
He writes some great tunes though!
Speaking of the Stones, if you haven't heard Plundered My Soul, you need to check that one out. It came out in 2010, and for almost ten years I thought it was a new recording and they just sounded sharp as fuck. Like they were still young or something. Come to find out, they originally recorded it in 1971 for the Exile on Main St. album, but scrapped it and waited 40 years to release it.

Possibly a top ten Stones song, for me.

♫♫Can you believe it?♫♫
♫♫I've won no medals in this love game!♫♫

Wait? What? I did not know this. Thanks bro!

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2019 8:43 am
by Jason
Libs: Our elections can't be interfered with!
*Trump wins election
Libs: Russians interfered in our election!

*Google openly tries to interfere in elections that favor the left
Libs: *shrug* I'd take a crashing economy if it means Orange Man go leave. So please bring on the recession!

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2019 5:03 pm
by Reign in Blood
Libs will cut their own nuts off in the name of equality, tank the economy to get rid of the Orange Man ain't no sweat.

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2019 9:36 pm
by Jmac Attack
You dolts..... Trump inherited a rising economy. Obama inherited a recession. Can we all say that together now?

Since 2011, Obama and his crew of misfits lowered the unemployment rate 5.7%. So far, Trump and his Russian hookers have lowered it .7 or .8%. BOTH ARE GOOD NUMBERS. :P

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2019 11:04 pm
by Jason
J-Mac, please. I know that's your go-to when discussing that the economy and the left has you believing that the successor inherits the predecessor's economy, but it is not nearly as simple as that in the least bit. If Biden makes a miraculous victory in 2020 and the economy is still booming in 2022, the left will say the exact opposite. They're playing mind games on you and they're winning. Don't be naive. You will have a political wake-up very soon if you set aside your Trump hate. It will be glorious. You will feel revitalized.

Anyway, google's bias for the left has been apparent to anyone with eyes over the last ten years. Glad it's finally getting out in the open,

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2019 11:54 pm
by Jmac Attack
No, I am saying that both are doing a good job or did a good job. And this is two years into Trump's presidency. I'm going by the numbers. So, Obama shouldn't get credit for 2011-2016? But Trump gets credit for 2016-present???? Sorry, but going by facts and numbers and seeing them for myself is better than listening to the Sara Huckabee's of the world.

Did you see Trump's answer to the whole Obama economy and unemployment numbers? It was not long ago. He had no fucking answer. He will wait until his cult following comes up with some bullshit answers. Lol. But ..ok. I've been duped! :lol:

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2019 12:01 am
by Jmac Attack
Me- "So far, Trump and his Russian hookers have lowered it .7 or .8%. BOTH ARE GOOD NUMBERS."

Jason's answer- "the economy and the left has you believing that the successor inherits the predecessor's economy"

Can someone tell me wtf Jason is saying? I literally gave Trump credit for 2016-present in my post before his response. Those were not the words coming outta my mouth. He tried putting them there. Lol

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2019 1:04 am
by showa58taro
The economy is not a Presidential measuring stick.

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2019 11:13 am
by Jason
Those DNC technical difficulties were so fitting for that party. And Trump trolling the shit out of it was the icing on the cake.

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2019 11:36 am
by Jason
Trump just signed an Executive Order that establishes a White House Council in eliminating government regulatory barriers that prevent affordable housing.

This is how it's done, leftists. Instead the left would focus on increasing taxes for everyone to pay for the government regulatory barriers. Only the government wins, but then again, the left are huge fans of the government and giving them money.