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Re: Hosting Sites NOT NAMED Photobucket?

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 1:21 pm
by showa58taro
Jason wrote:What crawled up your ass, today?
Nothing. I'm just saying, you do a lot of bitching. Bitching and trolling. :P

Bitch about photobucket fucking things over
Bitch about NBA Refs
Bitch about NFL Refs
Bitch about modern gaming system
Bitch about liberals
Bitch about Obama and Obamacare
Bitch about how I said you bitch about stuff.


Re: Hosting Sites NOT NAMED Photobucket?

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 1:25 pm
by Jason
Critiquing things will make the world a better place. If we sit idly by and allow refs to screw over games, or Obamacare to literally ruin lives, no progress will be made.

Re: Hosting Sites NOT NAMED Photobucket?

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 1:26 pm
by showa58taro
Jason wrote:Critiquing things will make the world a better place. If we sit idly by and allow refs to screw over games, or Obamacare to literally ruin lives, no progress will be made.
But thanks to the Messiah, everything was perfect! Not my fault you can't see that. You should just accept the superb faultless healthcare uber-victory named Obamacare and stop whinging.

Re: Hosting Sites NOT NAMED Photobucket?

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 1:32 pm
by Jason
Thanks for attempting to educate me on American healthcare (of which you've never known, lived or experienced) in the photobucket thread. I'll stop whinging now.

Re: Hosting Sites NOT NAMED Photobucket?

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 2:04 pm
by showa58taro
Jason wrote:Thanks for attempting to educate me on American healthcare (of which you've never known, lived or experienced) in the photobucket thread. I'll stop whinging now.
That's the spirit. You're welcome, I am glad I could grace and ameliorate your life with my ample wisdom and excellence.

Re: Hosting Sites NOT NAMED Photobucket?

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 2:28 pm
by Reign in Blood
This is another Jason GOAT thread. Because I am not gonna spend the time waiting for stupid fucking photobucket to take 20 minutes to load my GIF with all it's ads for me to download it because their stupid fucking service sucks donkey cock!

The internet will persevere.


Re: Hosting Sites NOT NAMED Photobucket?

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 2:51 pm
by Jmac Attack
showa58taro wrote:
Jason wrote:Thanks for attempting to educate me on American healthcare (of which you've never known, lived or experienced) in the photobucket thread. I'll stop whinging now.
That's the spirit. You're welcome, I am glad I could grace and ameliorate your life with my ample wisdom and excellence.
Love it when Jason says shit like that, then proceeds to tell you all about Brexit, lol

Re: Hosting Sites NOT NAMED Photobucket?

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 2:56 pm
by showa58taro
Jmac Attack wrote:
showa58taro wrote:
Jason wrote:Thanks for attempting to educate me on American healthcare (of which you've never known, lived or experienced) in the photobucket thread. I'll stop whinging now.
That's the spirit. You're welcome, I am glad I could grace and ameliorate your life with my ample wisdom and excellence.
Love it when Jason says shit like that, then proceeds to tell you all about Brexit, lol
LMAO. very good point.

Re: Hosting Sites NOT NAMED Photobucket?

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 3:03 pm
by Jason
You two wouldn't know a good point if it poked you in the ass.

But hey, that was a good jab.

Re: Hosting Sites NOT NAMED Photobucket?

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 2:47 am
by Havok
Well, it seems the listener's choice banner and my Asuka gif is now defunct.

Re: Hosting Sites NOT NAMED Photobucket?

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 2:48 am
by Jason
Registered at IMGur. This place is bitchin'. And Tigg, you can resize your photos if you have an account there.

It doesn't take two hours to load, there aren't any annoying popup ads, and they don't LOCK YOUR FUCKIN' PHOTOS AND DEMAND A RANSOM. I am going to work on downloading everything from all 7 of my photobucket accounts and put them all on my new IMGur account. That place is so great. There is nearly zero wait time at this place at all. You login to your account, click a photo, do whatever, almost everything you do loads instantly.

My only gripe (which will turn out not to be much of a gripe at all) is that the file URL name is always random when you upload it. I imagine the reason for this is because the URL for every IMGur uploaded image does not directly reflect your account (which results in much faster load time). In other words, if 30 different people have an image saved as "banner.jpg" and the upload URL wasn't randomized, the other 29 people will not be able to host their "banner.jpg" image, because that file name is obviously already taken through IMGur. BUT, when you upload that file, the "name" of it is saved as "banner", so you can navigate through your hosted images in IMGur fairly easily. There is also a solution to the URL issue as well. I'll give an example.

The image below is my first IMGur image that I hosted with an actual IMGur account, as opposed to uploading as a guest. I hosted the image through my saved pictures on my computer. It is "image-1.gif". Here is the image, and here is the IMGur URL.


You'll notice it isn't image-1.gif. But you can literally add your own extension at the end of the URL to all of IMGur's URLs. It's pretty amazing.
So I can do this, and the image still works...


This is the place to be. IMGur.

Re: Hosting Sites NOT NAMED Photobucket?

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 2:48 am
by Jason
Havok wrote:Well, it seems the listener's choice banner and my Asuka gif is now defunct.
IMGur, brother.

Re: Hosting Sites NOT NAMED Photobucket?

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 3:28 am
by Jason
And now my internet decided to go out right in the middle of downloading this shit. Posting through phone data.

Can I get decent service fuckin' anywhere? In anything? Or is imgur the only company on the planet that offers it. I'll even take mediocre service, fuck it. Can this issue POSSIBLY be any more difficult and frustrating? Shit... I was trying to hurry the fuck up and get all this photobucket shit done before bed, now that the mood finally hit me. Guess that ain't fuckin' happening. Waiting 45 minutes and still no internet. Is photobucket co-owned by spectrum or something? Shitty fuckin' service.

Re: Hosting Sites NOT NAMED Photobucket?

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 3:38 am
by Jason

Re: Hosting Sites NOT NAMED Photobucket?

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 4:04 am
by Jason
Fuck it. Almost an hour and a half of waiting. I'm out. Fuck photobucket, fuck my internet service. This shit is indescribably fucking ridiculous.

Re: Hosting Sites NOT NAMED Photobucket?

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 4:05 am
by Jason
showa58taro wrote:you do a lot of bitching.
Fuck you :p

Re: Hosting Sites NOT NAMED Photobucket?

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 6:35 am
by Jason
Okay, I ended up waiting it out and got all of the images from one of my seven Photobucket accounts onto my new IMGur account. I was wondering why when I downloaded the images from Photobucket onto my computer that it would always leave out 40 images. Dream said she had GIFs and videos that needed to be downloaded separately, but I had no videos, and I noticed it saved a bunch of GIFs onto my computer anyway. Finally realized that it is ANIMATED GIF files. So that helped. It also looks like there is no host limit to your account in IMGur. Amazing. This hosting site is too good to be true. The only bitch at this point is re-implementing new IMGur images into old posts with Faggotbucket images.


Thanks for being complete and total fuckin' badasses.

Re: Hosting Sites NOT NAMED Photobucket?

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 5:46 pm
by Havok
Jason wrote:
Havok wrote:Well, it seems the listener's choice banner and my Asuka gif is now defunct.
IMGur, brother.
There's my girl! Thanks Jason.

Re: Hosting Sites NOT NAMED Photobucket?

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2017 2:28 am
by Jason
No problem.

And that message is for everyone.

Photobucket is a complete. And total. Disaster. It's imploding as we sit. REPEAL and REPLACE your photobucket account with a far better image hosting service.

Re: Hosting Sites NOT NAMED Photobucket?

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2017 5:08 pm
by Reign in Blood
Please bury photobucket, J. Thx