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Re: Why I grew to love the Donald and forgive his haters

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 3:24 am
by Headhunter
Remember when WikiLeaks wasn't a Russian shill organization? Pretty sad what they've become.

Re: Why I grew to love the Donald and forgive his haters

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 11:03 am
by Foo
Headhunter wrote:Remember when WikiLeaks wasn't a Russian shill organization? Pretty sad what they've become.
How dare they leak info about Democrats! This is an outrage!

Re: Why I grew to love the Donald and forgive his haters

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 1:09 pm
by Jmac Attack
Foo wrote:
Headhunter wrote:Remember when WikiLeaks wasn't a Russian shill organization? Pretty sad what they've become.
How dare they leak info about Democrats! This is an outrage!
To be honest, Head didn't seem outraged. Kinda chill, in his post. It's not like he is on video smashing his $100 Keurig! :lol:

Re: Why I grew to love the Donald and forgive his haters

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 2:46 pm
by Tiggnutz
Wikileaks does claim a 100% record of factual information. Who else can claim that? Should make all professional liars shiver with fright.

Re: Why I grew to love the Donald and forgive his haters

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 3:43 pm
by showa58taro
Tiggnutz wrote:Wikileaks does claim a 100% record of factual information. Who else can claim that? Should make all professional liars shiver with fright.
That is t really true though.

Re: Why I grew to love the Donald and forgive his haters

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 4:12 pm
by Ava
Jmac Attack wrote: It's not like he is on video smashing his $100 Keurig! :lol:
I don't care if someone told me MY Keurig raped someone. I'm still not destroying it! :P (I'd probably clean it out really good though. Hehehe)

Re: Why I grew to love the Donald and forgive his haters

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 6:21 pm
by Jmac Attack
Ava wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote: It's not like he is on video smashing his $100 Keurig! :lol:
I don't care if someone told me MY Keurig raped someone. I'm still not destroying it! :P (I'd probably clean it out really good though. Hehehe)
Lol! I don't wanna know what's in the creamer......

Me too. I was just poking fun at Foo because he is always saying others are triggered or being a snowflake. To be honest, I just saw a couple of videos on Facebook. I am sure it is only a few people doing it and not that many.

Re: Why I grew to love the Donald and forgive his haters

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 8:11 am
by Headhunter
Jmac Attack wrote:
Foo wrote:
Headhunter wrote:Remember when WikiLeaks wasn't a Russian shill organization? Pretty sad what they've become.
How dare they leak info about Democrats! This is an outrage!
To be honest, Head didn't seem outraged. Kinda chill, in his post. It's not like he is on video smashing his $100 Keurig! :lol:
This is because Foo is the one who is triggered, in an ironic twist of fate. It's a very funny thing, being accused of behavior that Foo exhibits tenfold. A psychologist would have a field day with that one, folks.

Re: Why I grew to love the Donald and forgive his haters

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 8:15 am
by Headhunter
Remember when Foo said rapist scumbag Julian Assange does more in a day than I've done in my life lmao

That was a sick burn. #PityTheFoo

Re: Why I grew to love the Donald and forgive his haters

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 8:17 am
by Headhunter
Smashing your Keurig is a great Friday/Saturday move that will make you hate your life on Monday. What a silly group of dumb stupid idiots.

Re: Why I grew to love the Donald and forgive his haters

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 8:17 pm
by showa58taro
Guess the White House needed Ivory decorations? Otherwise I understand nothing about that move.

Re: Why I grew to love the Donald and forgive his haters

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2017 12:46 pm
by Headhunter
Donald Trump/LaVar Ball feud incoming. 2017 is special.

Re: Why I grew to love the Donald and forgive his haters

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2017 1:12 pm
by Jason
The fall of LaVar Ball. :(

Re: Why I grew to love the Donald and forgive his haters

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2017 3:59 pm
by Reign in Blood

Re: Why I grew to love the Donald and forgive his haters

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2017 4:02 pm
by showa58taro
Ivanka with the poaching save. Guess she’s not completely devoid of influence.

Re: Why I grew to love the Donald and forgive his haters

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 2:22 am
by showa58taro
That overly racist twitter storm is presumably a flaw? That you can just choose to love

Re: Why I grew to love the Donald and forgive his haters

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 1:18 pm
by Foo
showa58taro wrote:Ivanka with the poaching save. Guess she’s not completely devoid of influence.
Do you really believe all the manufactured drama the media puts out there?

The queen is reportedly furious Harry is marrying a black woman! Anonymous insiders report...

Re: Why I grew to love the Donald and forgive his haters

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 1:42 pm
by Foo
I mean, it has been an entire year of this. Liberals drooling all over themselves at every bogus report. Get over it.

Why was trophy hunting considered to be made legal? Because a study commissioned by the Obama administration showed it had a net positive effect, just like the study by the EU showed: ... -benefits/ ... ica_2.html

When there was widespread opposition to the science, he agreed to review it before enacting the new regulations.

So basically, he takes a logical position based on a study engineered by Obama. When there is opposition, he agrees to review it further. What are you guys making butt hurt slanders about? Oh yeah, it is Thursday and we need to distract from the prominent Democrats all getting caught in their own "sexual assault" snare.

Re: Why I grew to love the Donald and forgive his haters

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 1:48 pm
by showa58taro

Re: Why I grew to love the Donald and forgive his haters

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 1:49 pm
by Jmac Attack
Now sexual harassment/assault is a liberal thing? Remember....Roger and Bill from Fox? Trump was being accused before it was the hottest topic on TMZ! And Moore! To me, it's not a liberal or conservative thing. Dudes with a lot of power abusing it is what me thinks. Franken should step down. At least he had the balls to admit it. Lol