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Re: Joe Biden 2020 Campaign Website

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2019 3:32 pm
by Jason
I can feel honesty about to ooze out of everyone into this thread. I loves it.

Re: Joe Biden 2020 Campaign Website

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2019 3:35 pm
by zombie
Jason wrote:
zombie wrote:the media has a part to play in that, agreed. trump plays right along.

saying that trump uses hyperbole and also lies and mistruths is not a contradiction. maybe not careful wording as much as it should have been, but not contradiction.

didn't you turn on taylor swift at exactly the point you found out she leans liberal? would you have prior to trump's campaign / election? let me see if i can go find those posts.

damn right, not wanting to see the statues removed doesn't equate to neo nazi. i count myself among that. but neo nazis were there, and actively killed someone and then that's diverted to "good people".
Were those who committed terrible acts at that event (and any other event) not scrutinized by the president? And definitely a bummer that Tay Sway voted blue, only because mainstream leftist celebrities are generally hateful people who despise anyone with opposing viewpoints. Not saying that doesn't exist on either side, but it is so clearly and undeniably apparent among the left. Makes it easy for guys like me to shy away from leftist celebrities. Why should I support your work if I know you would despise me for my political viewpoints?

Taylor has the benefit of the doubt, I certainly still jam to her music and do I need to keep reiterating that I am probably Bruce Springsteen's biggest fan? I don't abandon anyone with opposing viewpoints, only when they shame me for the ones I do have.
were they?

has taylor swift shown herself to be a hateful person, the way that some others have?

Re: Joe Biden 2020 Campaign Website

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2019 3:36 pm
by Jason
zombie wrote:
Jason wrote:
zombie wrote:the media has a part to play in that, agreed. trump plays right along.

saying that trump uses hyperbole and also lies and mistruths is not a contradiction. maybe not careful wording as much as it should have been, but not contradiction.

didn't you turn on taylor swift at exactly the point you found out she leans liberal? would you have prior to trump's campaign / election? let me see if i can go find those posts.

damn right, not wanting to see the statues removed doesn't equate to neo nazi. i count myself among that. but neo nazis were there, and actively killed someone and then that's diverted to "good people".
Were those who committed terrible acts at that event (and any other event) not scrutinized by the president? And definitely a bummer that Tay Sway voted blue, only because mainstream leftist celebrities are generally hateful people who despise anyone with opposing viewpoints. Not saying that doesn't exist on either side, but it is so clearly and undeniably apparent among the left. Makes it easy for guys like me to shy away from leftist celebrities. Why should I support your work if I know you would despise me for my political viewpoints?

Taylor has the benefit of the doubt, I certainly still jam to her music and do I need to keep reiterating that I am probably Bruce Springsteen's biggest fan? I don't abandon anyone with opposing viewpoints, only when they shame me for the ones I do have.
were they?

has taylor swift shown herself to be a hateful person, the way that some others have?
No, this is why I said I give her the benefit of the doubt.

Re: Joe Biden 2020 Campaign Website

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2019 3:37 pm
by zombie
Reign in Blood wrote:Zombs, how many times you gonna drain the T-Swizzle well?
i thought it was relevant. and i haven't for months? who should i have mentioned in her place, as equally relevant?

Re: Joe Biden 2020 Campaign Website

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2019 3:40 pm
by Jmac Attack
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:
zombie wrote:the media runs on a platform of division... fair. let's don't kid ourselves though. trump does as well. that's been his whole message and what he's banked on all along, and hid it behind "make america great again".
Exactly. We are getting to the point that if there is a huge news story, we saying "'s the liberals!" Or "those diphit conservatives at it again!".

And good on Jason to just keep putting the blame on liberals for the division. Lol. I called it.
I am putting the blame on mainstream media. My post clearly went over your head.
"Planes landing safely every day doesn't make the news. Mainstream media needs controversy".

They are responsible for the division.
Ok. So you would include Fox News in that, then? Or even Breitbart which has got a lot of attention lately?
For probably the 20th time, yes. They engage in the division nonsense by acting the same way when the roles are reversed. "Ooh, see this black guy shot a white kid for being white. Whatsayyou CNN? Hmm???" I'll say again, planes landing safely every day is not newsworthy. They need controversy to stay alive. They thrive on it and root for it. They are licking their chops when death occurs and different races are involved. It is disgusting and the lowest of the low.

Hardly productive. Thank God mainstream is dying. I'm just trying to open everyone's biased eyes here and inject a little reality into political viewpoints. Obviously not saying everyone is always biased, but we are all guilty of "pulling for our side" in heated discussion. Stop getting offended for other people and live your own lives. Besmirch the scum who murder innocent people, regardless of which races are involved. The scum do not represent you and vice versa, so stop attacking opposing viewpoints about it.
My sister in law was one of them fancy mainstream reporters, brotha. I can tell you that she is none of those things you describe. Not saying all news is correct, they make mistakes. She quit reporting because of death threats and the fear wasn't worth still doing it.

Btw.... She has told me that Sara Palin was really super nice. But dingie as shit. Lol

Re: Joe Biden 2020 Campaign Website

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2019 3:48 pm
by Reign in Blood
zombie wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:Zombs, how many times you gonna drain the T-Swizzle well?
i thought it was relevant. and i haven't for months? who should i have mentioned in her place, as equally relevant?
I'm just sayin, Tay-tay gave him the blue balls, it stings, it's gonna take some time. You know he'll be back to sucking her farts by next album.

Re: Joe Biden 2020 Campaign Website

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2019 3:50 pm
by zombie
Reign in Blood wrote:
zombie wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:Zombs, how many times you gonna drain the T-Swizzle well?
i thought it was relevant. and i haven't for months? who should i have mentioned in her place, as equally relevant?
I'm just sayin, Tay-tay gave him the blue balls, it stings, it's gonna take some time. You know he'll be back to sucking her farts by next album.

Re: Joe Biden 2020 Campaign Website

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2019 3:53 pm
by Jason
Jmac Attack wrote:My sister in law was one of them fancy mainstream reporters, brotha. I can tell you that she is none of those things you describe. Not saying all news is correct, they make mistakes. She quit reporting because of death threats and the fear wasn't worth still doing it.

Btw.... She has told me that Sara Palin was really super nice. But dingie as shit. Lol
I'm glad you brought this up, because I want to use it to segue into the issue regarding mainstream reporters. I'm going to use Van Jones as a prime example of every shit head media member from either side of the argument. This is just what they do.

Video 1. Notice how different Van Jones is when he is not sitting behind his big fancy news desk on cable TV. He is having a genuine, open and honest discussion about politics. Why the country is divided, and he seems to hit the nail on the head on most aspects. I'd be hard pressed to find something I disagree with in this video, aside from the manufacturing "less manufacturing = more jobs" argument. He talks about how hard working people were hitting at the time, attacks the elite politicians who fail, etc... It is the most candid Van Jones you will ever see. This video I think was only days before the 2016 election.

Video 2. I don't really need to explain the complete 180 from Van Jones here, do I? Look how differently he operates behind his big, fancy, mainstream news desk. This is the prime example of media deliberately dividing the country. He went from "I just don't believe Trump is the answer" to "This was a whitelash against a black president". Trump is completely correct when he says the media is the enemy of the people.

Fuck you, scumbag.

Re: Joe Biden 2020 Campaign Website

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2019 3:55 pm
by Jason
Reign in Blood wrote:
zombie wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:Zombs, how many times you gonna drain the T-Swizzle well?
i thought it was relevant. and i haven't for months? who should i have mentioned in her place, as equally relevant?
I'm just sayin, Tay-tay gave him the blue balls, it stings, it's gonna take some time. You know he'll be back to sucking her farts by next album.
It is said that sniffing a woman's ass is the poor man's viagra. Because you're so grossed out by how much you like it.

Re: Joe Biden 2020 Campaign Website

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2019 4:13 pm
by zombie
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:My sister in law was one of them fancy mainstream reporters, brotha. I can tell you that she is none of those things you describe. Not saying all news is correct, they make mistakes. She quit reporting because of death threats and the fear wasn't worth still doing it.

Btw.... She has told me that Sara Palin was really super nice. But dingie as shit. Lol
I'm glad you brought this up, because I want to use it to segue into the issue regarding mainstream reporters. I'm going to use Van Jones as a prime example of every shit head media member from either side of the argument. This is just what they do.

Video 1. Notice how different Van Jones is when he is not sitting behind his big fancy news desk on cable TV. He is having a genuine, open and honest discussion about politics. Why the country is divided, and he seems to hit the nail on the head on most aspects. I'd be hard pressed to find something I disagree with in this video, aside from the manufacturing "less manufacturing = more jobs" argument. He talks about how hard working people were hitting at the time, attacks the elite politicians who fail, etc... It is the most candid Van Jones you will ever see. This video I think was only days before the 2016 election.

Video 2. I don't really need to explain the complete 180 from Van Jones here, do I? Look how differently he operates behind his big, fancy, mainstream news desk. This is the prime example of media deliberately dividing the country. He went from "I just don't believe Trump is the answer" to "This was a whitelash against a black president". Trump is completely correct when he says the media is the enemy of the people.

Fuck you, scumbag.

there is division played up from the media. this is not a good example of that. and one video does not seem at all to contradict or undo the other. it doesn't seem like he's flipflopping or switching sides or any crap like that. but maybe he is, more clearly, with other examples. i just don't see that here.

Re: Joe Biden 2020 Campaign Website

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 2:51 am
by showa58taro
Why would you disagree that less manufacturing must become more jobs?

Re: Joe Biden 2020 Campaign Website

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2019 9:12 pm
by Jason
Trump tweeted out this video.

Derailing campaigns before they even officially begin.

Re: Joe Biden 2020 Campaign Website

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2019 10:59 pm
by Jmac Attack
Politics now is just a bunch of retarded 12 year old boys. Pathetic.

I did lol though........

Re: Joe Biden 2020 Campaign Website

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 12:37 am
by Jason
Politics went down the rabbit hole when people voted JFK because he was young and attractive. We'll never see a bald or bearded president again.

Re: Joe Biden 2020 Campaign Website

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 3:16 pm
by showa58taro
Biden, legend.

Re: Joe Biden 2020 Campaign Website

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 3:59 pm
by Jason
Oh, God. The cringe. Biden needed to just eat his loss and move on from the Creepy Joe stuff, but instead he does this... ... 1553696768

It's liquid gold. The dude pulls a little boy on stage, starts making physical contact with him, whilst making a joke about sexual assault/misconduct allegations. Perhaps the largest modern day political gaffe ever. The more he tries to steer away from the "Creepy Joe BIden" moniker, the more it resonates with him. God, I hope he seriously runs and is elected as Trump's opponent for 2020. It'll be the funniest election debates in history.

Re: Joe Biden 2020 Campaign Website

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 4:21 pm
by showa58taro
The key thing is that he’s got no record of sexual misconduct. Trump has multiple accusations and priors. It’s not a fight Trump can win.

Re: Joe Biden 2020 Campaign Website

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 1:48 am
by Jason
showa58taro wrote:The key thing is that he’s got no record of sexual misconduct. Trump has multiple accusations and priors. It’s not a fight Trump can win.
He's already won it. He's the only person in human history who fucked a porn star and the porn star bragged about it.

Re: Joe Biden 2020 Campaign Website

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 1:49 am
by showa58taro
History won’t look favorably on this era methinks.

Re: Joe Biden 2020 Campaign Website

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 1:51 am
by Jason
Just don't listen to college professors and you'll be aces on historical knowledge!