October 29th 2017

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Re: October 29th 2017

Post by Slaughterhouserock »

DancesWithWerewolves wrote:I do a very significant amount of walking every day (no car helps with that). I've been averaging about 12-13k steps daily. I also own and use a row machine, it's the only machine I own and can fit in my dinky apartment :P I also still attempt yoga, but it's difficult to maintain right now with my escalated weight. I also have a couple hand weights. For two years I had a gym membership and went regularly (I rotated a lot of machines there, but stayed away from the body builder section that had it's own special room) but I cancelled because I couldn't afford it anymore. Think I've been away from the gym for almost 2 years now?

I did also find out I could have a heart murmur/hole that my mom and sister has. I have not gone to a doctor (would need $$$) but when i read about it, I matched the symptoms to a T better than anything else I tried looking up for issues. So it basically explains why I burn out extremely fast when I do exhausting stuff.
12-13k steps is roughly six miles. How many calories that burns depends on your height/weight mostly(speed changes very little), but lets just say you're 5'7 and 200 lbs. for all of this(if you weigh more, you'll burn more, less if less). That would mean you burn a max of 700 calories walking. I'm not a fan of using machines since they put your body in unnatural positions during the workout, but they still work. You could burn about 350 calories with 30 minutes of rowing(depends on pace). 30 minutes of yoga could burn up to 200 calories(depends on intensity). You didn't mention any exercises with the weights, so I can't include anything there.

So say you do your walking, 30 minute of rowing, and 30 minutes of yoga; that's a max of 1250 calories burned. The average person takes in around 2500+ calories a day. I don't know what you eat, so I can't comment here, but a banana has ~100 calories, an egg ~85, an apple ~100, and those are good things. Eat a 1/4 cheeseburger and you're looking at 300+ with no other toppings. A slice of bacon is ~50. Shit adds up quick.

One big myth is that cardio is a great way to burn calories. It's pretty ineffectual. It would take over two hours of running(running, not jogging) to burn off 1250 calories. You could do much better lifting weights. You say you have a couple weights, but I don't know if it's enough for a full workout. If it is, a 30-40 minute workout a day is plenty. Pick five exercises, do each for three sets, 10-12 reps each set. Take a one minute break between each set. With weights, it's all about intensity and form. Good form with lots of intensity(last couple should be difficult) will burn tons of calories. Just follow the 3/1/3 rule. Three seconds up, hold for one second, three seconds down. Muscle burns alot of calories, so the more you have, the more you burn.

If weights aren't an option, you can go with bodyweight exercises. The bigger you are, the harder they'll be at the start, though. Pushups and pullups are excellent exercises, and there's tons of varieties, so you won't get bored. Just do them to exhaustion, rest for a minute, then go again. Repeat three or four times. Burpees are another great bodyweight exercise. Again, three or four sets, with a one minute rest between sets. Wall squats are great for the legs and you don't really do anything except wait. Try to make it to a minute, rest 30 seconds, then go again.

I dunno if any of that helps at all, but it's the best I can do with the information I have. There's a ton of factors involved with this shit, so it's hard to do over the internet.

Sorry to hear about the heart murmur. That's a case where you hope you're wrong.
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Re: October 29th 2017

Post by Slaughterhouserock »

DancesWithWerewolves wrote:Oh yeah, and for Slaughter, I've been a calorie counter for years, keeping track of everything up on MyFitnessPal.com (though I haven't updated in a long time due to...nothing happening) but it always tells me "if you keep eating and exercising like this, you will lose 7 lbs by next month!" and shit like that, lol. I thought that would help but clearly it hasn't.
I don't know the program, but most of them are garbage since there's no way they can factor in everything needed to know if you'll lose weight or not.
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Re: October 29th 2017

Post by DancesWithWerewolves »

My average calorie intake that's not on a Saturday/Sunday (those tend to be gaming days, so fast food does get involved, not ashamed to admit) is 1300-1500, depending on when MyFitnessPal would tell me I need to eat more so I'm not in "starvation mode". Which is something I always thought was suspect. Yeah, the shit adds up quick, was miserable for a while, but I got used to it over the years.

Do you have recommended exercises with the weights? I only have the hand weights though.

I do pushups, but rarely now because I'm much heavier now.

Luckily I haven't actually gained in 2 years, but I've been stuck at 230.
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Re: October 29th 2017

Post by DancesWithWerewolves »

Slaughterhouserock wrote:
DancesWithWerewolves wrote:Oh yeah, and for Slaughter, I've been a calorie counter for years, keeping track of everything up on MyFitnessPal.com (though I haven't updated in a long time due to...nothing happening) but it always tells me "if you keep eating and exercising like this, you will lose 7 lbs by next month!" and shit like that, lol. I thought that would help but clearly it hasn't.
I don't know the program, but most of them are garbage since there's no way they can factor in everything needed to know if you'll lose weight or not.
Yeah, I've also been suspect on how they've got calculated portions on stuff, if they're reliable. I'm pretty sure I'm done with the site.
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Re: October 29th 2017

Post by Reign in Blood »

DancesWithWerewolves wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:
DancesWithWerewolves wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:
DancesWithWerewolves wrote:
Slaughterhouserock wrote:
DancesWithWerewolves wrote:Thinking I'm going to finally plunge into one of the more extreme diets after talking to two successful people last night. Gonna try the No Carb one. Still not going to go the Vegan route though.
Just keep in mind that carbs=energy, so you'll be pretty fucking tired. It's not the healthiest diet, either. And no diet is worth a damn without a complement of exercise. In the end, it doesn't matter what you eat, you just need to know that there is no way to lose weight without taking in fewer calories than you burn. A guy went on a diet of nothing but twinkies to prove that. He felt like shit, but he lost weight.
Unfortunately that hasn't been working for me. I know plenty of people do not believe me here, but I am active, and I don't consume that many calories every day. I eat like shit on weekends, but the weekdays is pretty damn strict. So I'm needing to go stricter.

Plus everyone has their own input. This is an avenue I haven't gone down, so I'm going to do it to try.

But here I am, shaved head and beard this weekend and I'm looking like Curly.
I'd only say go for a low-carb vs. no carb, but either way, don't get too carried away with it. I've known multiple people to do the Atkins/no carb, and while it does yield weight loss results, most got into the sickly if not skeletal thin category where most thought they lost the weight due to illness. But a lot of those people weren't particularly smart and you're a smart dude, so you should be alright. The goal is happy and healthy, not a size or a weight.
I don't imagine I'll be 100% with it. I'll likely cave every once in a while for a good burger or spaghetti :P
My man! I know you and I both like a good spaghetti to go for that shit.
All time favorite. And if I don't make it myself, there's only one place I can trust to make a good spaghetti dish. Have you had Vince's Spaghetti? Not sure if they're near your neck of the woods but there's two out by here in Ontario.
No Vince's here, ho hum.
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Re: October 29th 2017

Post by DancesWithWerewolves »

Reign in Blood wrote:
DancesWithWerewolves wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:
DancesWithWerewolves wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:
DancesWithWerewolves wrote:
Slaughterhouserock wrote:
DancesWithWerewolves wrote:Thinking I'm going to finally plunge into one of the more extreme diets after talking to two successful people last night. Gonna try the No Carb one. Still not going to go the Vegan route though.
Just keep in mind that carbs=energy, so you'll be pretty fucking tired. It's not the healthiest diet, either. And no diet is worth a damn without a complement of exercise. In the end, it doesn't matter what you eat, you just need to know that there is no way to lose weight without taking in fewer calories than you burn. A guy went on a diet of nothing but twinkies to prove that. He felt like shit, but he lost weight.
Unfortunately that hasn't been working for me. I know plenty of people do not believe me here, but I am active, and I don't consume that many calories every day. I eat like shit on weekends, but the weekdays is pretty damn strict. So I'm needing to go stricter.

Plus everyone has their own input. This is an avenue I haven't gone down, so I'm going to do it to try.

But here I am, shaved head and beard this weekend and I'm looking like Curly.
I'd only say go for a low-carb vs. no carb, but either way, don't get too carried away with it. I've known multiple people to do the Atkins/no carb, and while it does yield weight loss results, most got into the sickly if not skeletal thin category where most thought they lost the weight due to illness. But a lot of those people weren't particularly smart and you're a smart dude, so you should be alright. The goal is happy and healthy, not a size or a weight.
I don't imagine I'll be 100% with it. I'll likely cave every once in a while for a good burger or spaghetti :P
My man! I know you and I both like a good spaghetti to go for that shit.
All time favorite. And if I don't make it myself, there's only one place I can trust to make a good spaghetti dish. Have you had Vince's Spaghetti? Not sure if they're near your neck of the woods but there's two out by here in Ontario.
No Vince's here, ho hum.
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Re: October 29th 2017

Post by Slaughterhouserock »

DancesWithWerewolves wrote:My average calorie intake that's not on a Saturday/Sunday (those tend to be gaming days, so fast food does get involved, not ashamed to admit) is 1300-1500, depending on when MyFitnessPal would tell me I need to eat more so I'm not in "starvation mode". Which is something I always thought was suspect. Yeah, the shit adds up quick, was miserable for a while, but I got used to it over the years.

Do you have recommended exercises with the weights? I only have the hand weights though.

I do pushups, but rarely now because I'm much heavier now.

Luckily I haven't actually gained in 2 years, but I've been stuck at 230.
The starvation mode thing is just a phrase dieters use. Basically, it's best to eat every three hours to keep your metabolism rate up, and to keep your blood sugar from spiking. Plus, if you eat that often, you generally aren't that hungry, so you won't eat so much. It looks like you're doing good on calories, you just need to up the amount you burn.

I only have dumbbells(I had to get rid of shit because I moved into an efficiency), so if that's all you have, you're fine. Example dumbbell exercises I've used regularly:


Regular Ass Curls
Hammer Curls
Fielder Curls
Basically, any form of curl


Tricep Kickbacks
Tricep Extensions


Shoulder Press
Upright Rows
Shoulder Flys
Straight Arm Flys


Chest Press


One Arm Row
Side Laterals
Renegade Row


Single Leg Deadlift
Single Leg Squat
Step Ups

There's tons more, but I don't want to type out everything. I found a decent pdf with a list of exercises awhile back I'll send you in a PM. It also has bodyweight and other exercises in it, so take use whatever you can from it.

If you don't have enough weight to keep the reps down and still reach exhaustion, do more reps. Don't overdo it either. Stick with 30-40 minutes, with a 5-10 minute warmup to start and a 5-10 stretch/cooldown afterwards. And give yourself at least a day of recovery time per muscle group. And start light until you can get the form down so you don't hurt yourself. To make a routine, just find a way to separate the exercises into groups. You could do arms/chest & back/legs, upper body/lower body, or any other combo that works for you. I've had many different routines over the years, but what I'm doing now is to have a "push" day, leg day, "pull" day, core day rotation. Days of the week don't matter, your muscles don't know if it's Monday or Friday.
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Re: October 29th 2017

Post by Slaughterhouserock »

Reign in Blood wrote:My man! I know you and I both like a good spaghetti to go for that shit.

I eat spaghetti every Sunday. Change sauces all the time, though.
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Re: October 29th 2017

Post by DancesWithWerewolves »

Thanks. I'll download it right now.

I've only been able to do the row machine (for example) in 5 minute increments before becoming exhausted.
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Re: October 29th 2017

Post by Slaughterhouserock »

DancesWithWerewolves wrote:Thanks. I'll download it right now.

I've only been able to do the row machine (for example) in 5 minute increments before becoming exhausted.
No problem.

Shitty. Hopefully you can do the weight training since it's designed to go to exhaustion, then gives you a break before going again. If you need a longer break, take it. No sense hurting yourself.
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Re: October 29th 2017

Post by DancesWithWerewolves »

Jason likes to suggest weight training too, but I always got the vibe he was trying to get me to be Lou Ferrigno :P

I'm gonna give it a go. Drag Alli along too, she needs to lose weight too.

Good thing the outside temps are going to go down too, so during late Nov-Febuary it can be comfortable to hike our nearby "mountain." If she doesn't work on those weekends. That's been a major killer on our schedule, Kmart keeps putting her on weekends.
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Re: October 29th 2017

Post by Reign in Blood »

I love pretentious shit that comes from articles this time of year. "8 Horror Movies You've Never Heard Of to watch this Halloween" etc. I've heard of all of them and seen 5, the other 3 I heard were shit and/or just didn't bother with, go fuck yourself. - Reign
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Re: October 29th 2017

Post by DancesWithWerewolves »

Reign in Blood wrote:I love pretentious shit that comes from articles this time of year. "8 Horror Movies You've Never Heard Of to watch this Halloween" etc. I've heard of all of them and seen 5, the other 3 I heard were shit and/or just didn't bother with, go fuck yourself. - Reign
lol so true
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Re: October 29th 2017

Post by showa58taro »

The heart thing sounds serious. I can still play football and basketball, and I do a fair bit of walking. The biggest issue for me is that with kids I really haven't got time to go to the gym at decent hours, and I really hate gyms. I should do stuff at home to burn more. Though I did find I shed a lot of weight when I stuck to my diet. Just that, having done that, I'm now struggling to remotivate myself to live that life. Need to get back on it though.
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Re: October 29th 2017

Post by showa58taro »

Also 100% agree that a lot of internet lists seem to be aimed at morons.

10 horror films you haven't heard of that you need to watch right now, and one of the list is almost always something like The Exorcist (I exaggerate). These are not well thought out lists. The annoying part is we could easily do better as a community, I reckon.
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Re: October 29th 2017

Post by Foo »

DancesWithWerewolves wrote:
Slaughterhouserock wrote:
DancesWithWerewolves wrote:Unfortunately that hasn't been working for me. I know plenty of people do not believe me here, but I am active, and I don't consume that many calories every day. I eat like shit on weekends, but the weekdays is pretty damn strict. So I'm needing to go stricter.

Plus everyone has their own input. This is an avenue I haven't gone down, so I'm going to do it to try.

But here I am, shaved head and beard this weekend and I'm looking like Curly.
I don't know what you do/don't do since I've been MIA for ages, but if you say you're active, I believe you. I've known you long enough to know you wouldn't bullshit about that. What exactly do you do? I'm no expert, but I have studied to be a personal trainer(gave up because I can never remember the fucking names of things, plus I hate people), and have been into weight training/fitness for twenty odd years, so maybe I could figure something out. There's alot of misinformation out there as far as what's good for you in exercise. Then again, I might not see shit. Weird genetics could be a thing, too(thyroid issues and whatnot), but that won't make things impossible.
I do a very significant amount of walking every day (no car helps with that). I've been averaging about 12-13k steps daily. I also own and use a row machine, it's the only machine I own and can fit in my dinky apartment :P I also still attempt yoga, but it's difficult to maintain right now with my escalated weight. I also have a couple hand weights. For two years I had a gym membership and went regularly (I rotated a lot of machines there, but stayed away from the body builder section that had it's own special room) but I cancelled because I couldn't afford it anymore. Think I've been away from the gym for almost 2 years now?

I did also find out I could have a heart murmur/hole that my mom and sister has. I have not gone to a doctor (would need $$$) but when i read about it, I matched the symptoms to a T better than anything else I tried looking up for issues. So it basically explains why I burn out extremely fast when I do exhausting stuff.
A couple things you may have working against you is that you are short, so your caloric consumption is going to be low and unsatisfying (while at the same time clashing with modern food trends of everything being big). I know I can easily eat a 1,000 calorie meal and be hungry a couple hours later. If you were a foot taller, you would be thin! :p

The other thing is that you have been walking a lot for a long time, and thus your body has become efficient at it. Ever notice how some fat slob can start a diet and exercise program and drop weight like crazy? It is because their body is shocked. They burn more calories in 15 minutes than you probably burn walking 5 miles. Efficiency is the enemy. Try bouncing on a pogo stick to work instead of walking, or bear crawling there...

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Re: October 29th 2017

Post by DancesWithWerewolves »

I've mentioned the short thing before as jokes :P
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Re: October 29th 2017

Post by Jason »

Jigsaw wrote:Netflix really isn't worth it, in my opinion. The only reason I have it is for the television series (The West Wing, Daredevil, The Punisher which will shortly be up) - most of the movies themselves aren't much to talk about, especially in the horror section.

That said, it's cheap, so I'll keep throwing money at them, if for no other reason to annoy Jason. :P
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Re: October 29th 2017

Post by Jason »

DancesWithWerewolves wrote:
Slaughterhouserock wrote:
DancesWithWerewolves wrote:Thinking I'm going to finally plunge into one of the more extreme diets after talking to two successful people last night. Gonna try the No Carb one. Still not going to go the Vegan route though.
Just keep in mind that carbs=energy, so you'll be pretty fucking tired. It's not the healthiest diet, either. And no diet is worth a damn without a complement of exercise. In the end, it doesn't matter what you eat, you just need to know that there is no way to lose weight without taking in fewer calories than you burn. A guy went on a diet of nothing but twinkies to prove that. He felt like shit, but he lost weight.
Unfortunately that hasn't been working for me. I know plenty of people do not believe me here, but I am active, and I don't consume that many calories every day. I eat like shit on weekends, but the weekdays is pretty damn strict. So I'm needing to go stricter.

Plus everyone has their own input. This is an avenue I haven't gone down, so I'm going to do it to try.

But here I am, shaved head and beard this weekend and I'm looking like Curly.
People here don't believe you?
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Re: October 29th 2017

Post by Jason »

DancesWithWerewolves wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:
DancesWithWerewolves wrote:
Slaughterhouserock wrote:
DancesWithWerewolves wrote:Thinking I'm going to finally plunge into one of the more extreme diets after talking to two successful people last night. Gonna try the No Carb one. Still not going to go the Vegan route though.
Just keep in mind that carbs=energy, so you'll be pretty fucking tired. It's not the healthiest diet, either. And no diet is worth a damn without a complement of exercise. In the end, it doesn't matter what you eat, you just need to know that there is no way to lose weight without taking in fewer calories than you burn. A guy went on a diet of nothing but twinkies to prove that. He felt like shit, but he lost weight.
Unfortunately that hasn't been working for me. I know plenty of people do not believe me here, but I am active, and I don't consume that many calories every day. I eat like shit on weekends, but the weekdays is pretty damn strict. So I'm needing to go stricter.

Plus everyone has their own input. This is an avenue I haven't gone down, so I'm going to do it to try.

But here I am, shaved head and beard this weekend and I'm looking like Curly.
I'd only say go for a low-carb vs. no carb, but either way, don't get too carried away with it. I've known multiple people to do the Atkins/no carb, and while it does yield weight loss results, most got into the sickly if not skeletal thin category where most thought they lost the weight due to illness. But a lot of those people weren't particularly smart and you're a smart dude, so you should be alright. The goal is happy and healthy, not a size or a weight.
I don't imagine I'll be 100% with it. I'll likely cave every once in a while for a good burger or spaghetti :P
My metabolism is ridiculously speedy. (or was... I can feel myself aging...) but my "trick" is that when I eat, I don't consume very much at all. I will eat one, two meals a day at the most. I will lift weights 1-2 hours a day, 4 days a week. I gain weight, but the food I eat is high in protein.

Also, I know that tons of people trying to lose weight will get a huge burst of motiviation for a month or two, start to see some weight loss, then weight GAIN, then they will lose interest and stop after a while. The weight gain you typically see is muscle growth. Which is great weight gain. The "220" that person weighs now as opposed to what the weighed a month ago is way healthier/fitter, but their lack of experience/education in exercise makes them lose that motivation.

My personal biggest advice: Treat it like work. You HAVE to go. Don't skip days. Go. Keep going. Doesn't matter your age, your metabolism, you will see results.

In less than four years, I discovered a blood clot in my leg, inherited a poor hereditary blood condition called Factor V Leiden, a totally bum spleen that needed to be removed for years that the doctors thought was caused by cancer, got a blood clot in my lung that totally trashed my cardio, bum knees that either need to be removed, or worked vigorously through biking exercises, and I am STILL in the best shape of my life.

Will power > all. But I am starting to lose that, which is the worst sign of all.
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