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Re: Jussie Smollett Lies About MAGA Whiteys

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2019 9:35 pm
by Headhunter
A couple points:

Everyone has fallen in line with a false definition of socialism. It's not surprising that decades of propaganda would have this effect. Conservatives have framed what socialism is in the public mind to the point where people like Bernie, who are basically just New Dealers, would consider themselves socialists. They aren't.

The entire political spectrum in the U.S. has shifted wiiiiiide right. Look at a 1960s-1970s Republican platform and it's very similar to a modern Democrat platform. The Reagan Revolution forced everyone to move right. FDR's New Deal looks radical today. Tax policies in the supposed "golden years" of America (WW2 - JFK) would be unfathomable to some of the most ardent liberals.

Re: Jussie Smollett Lies About MAGA Whiteys

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2019 9:44 pm
by Jmac Attack
Jason wrote:When Jussie Smollett's story broke out and they got surveillance video, they told Jussie they had two suspects that matched his description and he was prepared to identify them until he realized it was the two black dudes he paid to stage the hate crime. The dude was fully prepared to testify against two random white guys who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and ruin their lives forever. Thanks for proving how non-racist this country is when you have to pay two black dudes to beat your ass. Gettin' tired of this black privilege, I tells ya.

Bullet in the head for Jussie.

Regarding that dumbass Coast Guard, he probably went Stir Crazy from joining the shit ass Coast Guards because he couldn't get into The Four Horsemen of American military. lol. He said "I am dreaming of a way to kill every last person on Earth". Didn't say "every last black person on Earth", did he? Would you admire him more if he killed everyone on Earth instead of just blacks? lol. Sounds to me like he is a fairy who couldn't get into a real military unit and can't handle his weak ass tramadol, which is like the weakest painkiller of all time.

Bullet in the head for fairy Coast Guard.

The fact you tried to shut this thread down on page one, then posted that link to the fairy Coast Guard twice just to deflect from the Jussie Smollett incident shows how much white guilt you have.

Hint: The reason the Jussie Smollett case has more attention is because other than the fact that he is a celebrity, the media gave it national attention when they thought whitey was responsible, now they dug their own grave regarding the story since they spread it like wildfire before the truth came out.

Maybe I went a little too far with the "bullet in the head" shit.
More viable solutions: Lock away the fairy Coast Guard for life. No reason a maniac like that should be out roaming free to potentially plot a murder of everyone alive on planet Earth, or: take away his Tramadol at the very least. Dude clearly can't handle even the most mediocre of painkillers. Fuckin' dolt.
Put Jussie Smollett in a box and mail his ass to Abu Dhabi since he thinks there's such a huge racism epidemic in the country that made him a star. There are just so many white people who are out here trying to beat his ass for being a gay black celebrity. Mail him to Abu Dhabi so he can be safe from the country of America.
I just got home....was this directed at me? Lol. No white guilt here. Jussie can go suck a dick. Errrr....I a pussy. That was not my intention at all. Was just saying that we all, libs and conservatives, do this shit....we find a way to demonize the other side and it sickens me.

If you were not addressing me.... disregard this message, lol. I still have like eight pages to read. :lol:

Re: Jussie Smollett Lies About MAGA Whiteys

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2019 9:48 pm
by Headhunter
If Jason is accusing you of having "white guilt", it is pure projection. It's on his mind all the damn time. Very "off".

Re: Jussie Smollett Lies About MAGA Whiteys

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2019 10:58 pm
by Tiggnutz
Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:When Jussie Smollett's story broke out and they got surveillance video, they told Jussie they had two suspects that matched his description and he was prepared to identify them until he realized it was the two black dudes he paid to stage the hate crime. The dude was fully prepared to testify against two random white guys who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and ruin their lives forever. Thanks for proving how non-racist this country is when you have to pay two black dudes to beat your ass. Gettin' tired of this black privilege, I tells ya.

Bullet in the head for Jussie.

Regarding that dumbass Coast Guard, he probably went Stir Crazy from joining the shit ass Coast Guards because he couldn't get into The Four Horsemen of American military. lol. He said "I am dreaming of a way to kill every last person on Earth". Didn't say "every last black person on Earth", did he? Would you admire him more if he killed everyone on Earth instead of just blacks? lol. Sounds to me like he is a fairy who couldn't get into a real military unit and can't handle his weak ass tramadol, which is like the weakest painkiller of all time.

Bullet in the head for fairy Coast Guard.

The fact you tried to shut this thread down on page one, then posted that link to the fairy Coast Guard twice just to deflect from the Jussie Smollett incident shows how much white guilt you have.

Hint: The reason the Jussie Smollett case has more attention is because other than the fact that he is a celebrity, the media gave it national attention when they thought whitey was responsible, now they dug their own grave regarding the story since they spread it like wildfire before the truth came out.

Maybe I went a little too far with the "bullet in the head" shit.
More viable solutions: Lock away the fairy Coast Guard for life. No reason a maniac like that should be out roaming free to potentially plot a murder of everyone alive on planet Earth, or: take away his Tramadol at the very least. Dude clearly can't handle even the most mediocre of painkillers. Fuckin' dolt.
Put Jussie Smollett in a box and mail his ass to Abu Dhabi since he thinks there's such a huge racism epidemic in the country that made him a star. There are just so many white people who are out here trying to beat his ass for being a gay black celebrity. Mail him to Abu Dhabi so he can be safe from the country of America.
I just got home....was this directed at me? Lol. No white guilt here. Jussie can go suck a dick. Errrr....I a pussy. That was not my intention at all. Was just saying that we all, libs and conservatives, do this shit....we find a way to demonize the other side and it sickens me.

If you were not addressing me.... disregard this message, lol. I still have like eight pages to read. :lol:
Sounds like you are as my younger brothers would say "Woke" it's all propaganda by people who see you as a group not an individual with your own thoughts and opinions.

Re: Jussie Smollett Lies About MAGA Whiteys

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 1:38 am
by Jason
These dudes are hilarious.

Re: Jussie Smollett Lies About MAGA Whiteys

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 3:34 am
by Jigsaw
Headhunter wrote:Socialism is nothing but a buzzword in mainstream discourse. Take a deep dive into Jiggy's views if you want to see what socialism actually is. There ain't a single mainstream politician advocating for that.
This is indeed something that I think Tigg may be missing.

Again, I'll say what I have before, and maybe this time it'll get through.

Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Elizabeth Warren, along with Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and EVERY SINGLE DEMOCRAT I know, supports capitalism. Regulated capitalism is still capitalism. Some of you guys seem to think that as soon as regulation comes into it, BOOM, it's FULL-BLOWN COMMUNISM. :lol:

And actually, that helps explain why many socialists dislike Bernie so much (aside from his somewhat atrocious foreign policy) - by trying to regulate socialism, it's like he's trying to reform it and put it in a positive light. If he does that, then guess what? It will be HARDER for socialists to get rid of socialism is candidates like Bernie can successfully "reform" it.

Almost no elected politician in the USA supports replacing capitalism with socialism.

Please try and talk to actual socialists before making unsupported claims. Talk to members of the SPUSA, SEP, Socialist Action, Socialist Alternative, FSP, WWP, SWP, PSL - read articles posted on their websites. Make an effort to understand what we're fighting for, and why we're fighting for it, before insulting us and saying that "Democrats are socialists" when Democrats are just as opposed to what we're fighting for as Republicans are.

Re: Jussie Smollett Lies About MAGA Whiteys

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 4:03 am
by Jigsaw
I don't even know, on a side-note, who Smollett is. I've not heard the story, or seen this anywhere. Luckily, WSWS (the website of the Socialist Equality Party) has a take on it, and I think it's one that Jason would even appreciate. ... l-f22.html

Re: Jussie Smollett Lies About MAGA Whiteys

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 10:24 am
by Jason
I'm not clicking that filth!

Jk. Read it. Good article. This is the type of article that is written when you're honest with yourself and not going out of your way to be disingenuous.

Re: Jussie Smollett Lies About MAGA Whiteys

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 11:02 am
by Jigsaw
Jason wrote:I'm not clicking that filth!

Jk. Read it. Good article. This is the type of article that is written when you're honest with yourself and not going out of your way to be disingenuous.
And to think Jason said these kind words about an article written by a socialist. :D :D

Re: Jussie Smollett Lies About MAGA Whiteys

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 1:41 pm
by Reign in Blood
Jigsaw wrote:
Jason wrote:I'm not clicking that filth!

Jk. Read it. Good article. This is the type of article that is written when you're honest with yourself and not going out of your way to be disingenuous.
And to think Jason said these kind words about an article written by a socialist. :D :D
Obviously one of the sane ones. And with that article, it's like us and socialists ain't so different, we both hate filthy liberals and liberal media, so fuck it, mazel tov!

Re: Jussie Smollett Lies About MAGA Whiteys

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 1:46 pm
by Tiggnutz
Reign in Blood wrote:
Jigsaw wrote:
Jason wrote:I'm not clicking that filth!

Jk. Read it. Good article. This is the type of article that is written when you're honest with yourself and not going out of your way to be disingenuous.
And to think Jason said these kind words about an article written by a socialist. :D :D
Obviously one of the sane ones. And with that article, it's like us and socialists ain't so different, we both hate filthy liberals and liberal media, so fuck it, mazel tov!

Re: Jussie Smollett Lies About MAGA Whiteys

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 4:15 am
by showa58taro
Reign in Blood wrote:
Jigsaw wrote:
Jason wrote:I'm not clicking that filth!

Jk. Read it. Good article. This is the type of article that is written when you're honest with yourself and not going out of your way to be disingenuous.
And to think Jason said these kind words about an article written by a socialist. :D :D
Obviously one of the sane ones. And with that article, it's like us and socialists ain't so different, we both hate filthy liberals and liberal media, so fuck it, mazel tov!
Weird time for anti-semitism. :D

Re: Jussie Smollett Lies About MAGA Whiteys

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 11:59 am
by Jmac Attack
Jussie......Smirking MAGA hat kid......not one mention or praise for the police officers who arrested the white supremacist who "intends to murder civilians on a scale rarely seen in this country.”

Kinda fucked up, the society we're living in these days. Don't get me wrong, MAGA hat kid and that turd Jussie deserved to be covered. But, you'd think a domestic terrorist would at least get a mention from the president. Nope. Still no mention. If he were Muslim tho........

Re: Jussie Smollett Lies About MAGA Whiteys

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 2:55 pm
by Jason
Jmac Attack wrote:Jussie......Smirking MAGA hat kid......not one mention or praise for the police officers who arrested the white supremacist who "intends to murder civilians on a scale rarely seen in this country.”

Kinda fucked up, the society we're living in these days. Don't get me wrong, MAGA hat kid and that turd Jussie deserved to be covered. But, you'd think a domestic terrorist would at least get a mention from the president. Nope. Still no mention. If he were Muslim tho........
In case you haven't noticed, presidents tend to comment on things that receive national attention by the news media. Everyone is looking at Smollett and the Covington incident. Why? Because the media gave it national attention when they thought white man bad. Now the media has to eat their losses. How many people die in Chicago on a nightly basis? How many people are going to get shot tonight? No news media coverage. The one time it looked like a white man murdered a black man in Chicago, BOOM. Jumped the gun, national attention.

Let's be real, anyone who believes a black dude was jumped by two white dudes in inner city Chicago is fucking retarded. Any white dude walking down the streets at night in Chicago with a MAGA hat is getting murdered, guaranteed.

Re: Jussie Smollett Lies About MAGA Whiteys

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 3:17 pm
by Headhunter
Lmao. You can tell when people have never lived in a city before.

Re: Jussie Smollett Lies About MAGA Whiteys

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 3:35 pm
by Jason
Headhunter wrote:Lmao. You can tell when people have never lived in a city before.
You can also tell when somebody's white ass has never walked down the streets of inner-city Chicago at night.

This is actually Headward

Re: Jussie Smollett Lies About MAGA Whiteys

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 4:05 pm
by Jmac Attack
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:Jussie......Smirking MAGA hat kid......not one mention or praise for the police officers who arrested the white supremacist who "intends to murder civilians on a scale rarely seen in this country.”

Kinda fucked up, the society we're living in these days. Don't get me wrong, MAGA hat kid and that turd Jussie deserved to be covered. But, you'd think a domestic terrorist would at least get a mention from the president. Nope. Still no mention. If he were Muslim tho........
In case you haven't noticed, presidents tend to comment on things that receive national attention by the news media. Everyone is looking at Smollett and the Covington incident. Why? Because the media gave it national attention when they thought white man bad. Now the media has to eat their losses. How many people die in Chicago on a nightly basis? How many people are going to get shot tonight? No news media coverage. The one time it looked like a white man murdered a black man in Chicago, BOOM. Jumped the gun, national attention.

Let's be real, anyone who believes a black dude was jumped by two white dudes in inner city Chicago is fucking retarded. Any white dude walking down the streets at night in Chicago with a MAGA hat is getting murdered, guaranteed.
Ummmm.....I've seen it covered lots. I've also seen Chicago on the news all the time. It's a big city with gang violence. Hear about it all the time (although, there are even more violent cities than Chicago). Domestic terrorism, any terrorism for that matter, is a concern for many Americans. You're just getting used to it. Did we not talk about the liberal dude who shot at Republicans?

White hate groups are in the rise. This president doesn't help matters. Just like Obama did with cops and shit.

Re: Jussie Smollett Lies About MAGA Whiteys

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 5:19 pm
by Headhunter
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:Lmao. You can tell when people have never lived in a city before.
You can also tell when a white dude has never walked down the streets of inner-city Chicago at night.
Tell me all about it! :lol:

Re: Jussie Smollett Lies About MAGA Whiteys

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 5:32 pm
by zombie
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:Jussie......Smirking MAGA hat kid......not one mention or praise for the police officers who arrested the white supremacist who "intends to murder civilians on a scale rarely seen in this country.”

Kinda fucked up, the society we're living in these days. Don't get me wrong, MAGA hat kid and that turd Jussie deserved to be covered. But, you'd think a domestic terrorist would at least get a mention from the president. Nope. Still no mention. If he were Muslim tho........
In case you haven't noticed, presidents tend to comment on things that receive national attention by the news media. Everyone is looking at Smollett and the Covington incident. Why? Because the media gave it national attention when they thought white man bad. Now the media has to eat their losses. How many people die in Chicago on a nightly basis? How many people are going to get shot tonight? No news media coverage. The one time it looked like a white man murdered a black man in Chicago, BOOM. Jumped the gun, national attention.

Let's be real, anyone who believes a black dude was jumped by two white dudes in inner city Chicago is fucking retarded. Any white dude walking down the streets at night in Chicago with a MAGA hat is getting murdered, guaranteed.
incase you haven't noticed, trump is all about commenting on stuff that doesn't get national attention, and pointing at the media for not covering it, but only when it serves his narrative.

Re: Jussie Smollett Lies About MAGA Whiteys

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 6:06 pm
by Jason
Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:Jussie......Smirking MAGA hat kid......not one mention or praise for the police officers who arrested the white supremacist who "intends to murder civilians on a scale rarely seen in this country.”

Kinda fucked up, the society we're living in these days. Don't get me wrong, MAGA hat kid and that turd Jussie deserved to be covered. But, you'd think a domestic terrorist would at least get a mention from the president. Nope. Still no mention. If he were Muslim tho........
In case you haven't noticed, presidents tend to comment on things that receive national attention by the news media. Everyone is looking at Smollett and the Covington incident. Why? Because the media gave it national attention when they thought white man bad. Now the media has to eat their losses. How many people die in Chicago on a nightly basis? How many people are going to get shot tonight? No news media coverage. The one time it looked like a white man murdered a black man in Chicago, BOOM. Jumped the gun, national attention.

Let's be real, anyone who believes a black dude was jumped by two white dudes in inner city Chicago is fucking retarded. Any white dude walking down the streets at night in Chicago with a MAGA hat is getting murdered, guaranteed.
Ummmm.....I've seen it covered lots. I've also seen Chicago on the news all the time. It's a big city with gang violence. Hear about it all the time (although, there are even more violent cities than Chicago). Domestic terrorism, any terrorism for that matter, is a concern for many Americans. You're just getting used to it. Did we not talk about the liberal dude who shot at Republicans?

White hate groups are in the rise. This president doesn't help matters. Just like Obama did with cops and shit.
Stop being biased.