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Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2019 4:53 pm
by Jason
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:A monkey could get elected.
Now THAT is racist.
What you're looking for is speciest, and that would be if it weren't actually a huge compliment to monkeys.
You should identify as a monkey and go live at your local zoo?

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2019 4:54 pm
by DancesWithWerewolves
If I ever run for some kind of Office, I fully expect Jason to accuse my name as being fake because my high school yearbook printed it as Dareen :p

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2019 4:55 pm
by Jason
DancesWithWerewolves wrote:If I ever run for some kind of Office, I fully expect Jason to accuse my name as being fake because my high school yearbook printed it as Dareen :p
Dareen Crampton 4 President.

Make California Less Hot Again

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2019 6:24 pm
by Reign in Blood
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:The racists are loud, proud and here to stay because they're enabled by a racist president.
Rassm, rassism, razziissmffjfks.
Gotta tell ya, making it a joke doesn't help you look any less racist.
You turned it into a joke when you invoked it for the umpteenth fuckin' time. Now it's just fun to shit on.

"The liberal boy white knight who cried 'rassism'".
See, you're viewing it as an accusation but it isn't, it's just me pointing out one of your personality traits.
What do I do that is rasm?
Lmao for like 12 years here I've seen you make gross comments about Muslims, Mexicans, women and black people. Repeatedly in every instance. I remember when we couldn't trust Barack Obama because his middle name is Hussein according to you. Followed that up with the overtly and 100% racist birther conspiracy garbage. And the last few years you can hardly contain your disgust with the black community. I wish some of your conservative buddies would do you a favor and cut you off when you go off the rails.
Another character flaw. It ain't easy having pals.

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2019 6:51 pm
by Jason
When the black vote dramatically increases in favor of Trump in 2020, I'm wondering what the libs here will think of it...

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 1:56 am
by Jmac Attack
DancesWithWerewolves wrote:If I ever run for some kind of Office, I fully expect Jason to accuse my name as being fake because my high school yearbook printed it as Dareen :p
It took me an hour or two to get what you were I am actually laughing out loud haha.

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 2:02 am
by Jmac Attack
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:Lmao for like 12 years here I've seen you make gross comments about Muslims, Mexicans, women and black people. Repeatedly in every instance. I remember when we couldn't trust Barack Obama because his middle name is Hussein according to you. Followed that up with the overtly and 100% racist birther conspiracy garbage. And the last few years you can hardly contain your disgust with the black community. I wish some of your conservative buddies would do you a favor and cut you off when you go off the rails.
Obama was almost certainly born in Kenya, dude. lol. I haven't brought it up in 100 years because I clearly don't give a fuck as much as you, but there is at least a 95% certainty that he was born in Kenya. In a 1991 promotional booklet he submitted his info to his literary agency Acton & Dystal who did this nice little piece on him...
So now the question becomes. Did he lie to his literary agency about being born in Kenya, or did he lie to the American public and government about being born in America? Again, use your brain to the best of your abilities. I am certainly leaning toward the lie being that he was born in the U.S.

Don't be mad at me because black people like me more than they like you. If you saw the racist conversations we have, it'd make your cucky liberal head spin. I remember J-Mac told a story about his black buddies at work who came up to him and said he was one of the cool white guys because he didn't pretend to be all into rap and go out of his way to talk about black culture to fit in. Then J-Mac made a joke to them about all being related to Chris Rock or some shit. I still laugh about that to this day. But J-Mac is possibly exempt from being a rassm because he identifies as a leftist. So while J-Mac is not racist for making that joke, I am most certainly rasicm for laughing at it.
I'm just now reading this....but are correct.

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 2:14 am
by Jmac Attack
Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:Lmao for like 12 years here I've seen you make gross comments about Muslims, Mexicans, women and black people. Repeatedly in every instance. I remember when we couldn't trust Barack Obama because his middle name is Hussein according to you. Followed that up with the overtly and 100% racist birther conspiracy garbage. And the last few years you can hardly contain your disgust with the black community. I wish some of your conservative buddies would do you a favor and cut you off when you go off the rails.
Obama was almost certainly born in Kenya, dude. lol. I haven't brought it up in 100 years because I clearly don't give a fuck as much as you, but there is at least a 95% certainty that he was born in Kenya. In a 1991 promotional booklet he submitted his info to his literary agency Acton & Dystal who did this nice little piece on him...
So now the question becomes. Did he lie to his literary agency about being born in Kenya, or did he lie to the American public and government about being born in America? Again, use your brain to the best of your abilities. I am certainly leaning toward the lie being that he was born in the U.S.

Don't be mad at me because black people like me more than they like you. If you saw the racist conversations we have, it'd make your cucky liberal head spin. I remember J-Mac told a story about his black buddies at work who came up to him and said he was one of the cool white guys because he didn't pretend to be all into rap and go out of his way to talk about black culture to fit in. Then J-Mac made a joke to them about all being related to Chris Rock or some shit. I still laugh about that to this day. But J-Mac is possibly exempt from being a rassm because he identifies as a leftist. So while J-Mac is not racist for making that joke, I am most certainly rasicm for laughing at it.
I'm just now reading this....but are correct.
I was only speaking about his assessment of me. Other than that, that is some bullshit Obama conspiracy theory. Lol

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 5:33 am
by showa58taro
Jason was born in Egypt

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 5:34 am
by showa58taro
showa58taro wrote:Jason was born in Egypt
OMG! It’s written in 1 place that Jason was born in Egypt, to the contrary of all other references and contrary to his and his parents and friends assessment. This one instance CLEARLY proves Jason was born in Egypt.

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 7:51 am
by Jason
No! My literary agent made a mistake! I swear!

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 11:26 am
by Jmac Attack
Jason wrote:No! My literary agent made a mistake! I swear!
I gotchoo bro. Sure, you can say you are from anywhere. Then we will wait a day or two, spin the words around, and make it seem like you really meant to say you were from America and how it was liberals interpretation of your own words, but you didn't mean to say that shit. You have no worries're a white boy Republican. If you were from one of those shithole countries though, look out! Trump's coming to get you!!!

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 11:28 am
by Jmac Attack
showa58taro wrote:Jason was born in Egypt
I knew it! Say no more. I'm gonna put this on YouTube and it will be real! :lol:

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 1:24 pm
by Jason
Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:No! My literary agent made a mistake! I swear!
I gotchoo bro. Sure, you can say you are from anywhere. Then we will wait a day or two, spin the words around, and make it seem like you really meant to say you were from America and how it was liberals interpretation of your own words, but you didn't mean to say that shit. You have no worries're a white boy Republican. If you were from one of those shithole countries though, look out! Trump's coming to get you!!!
I'll have to enter legally, I guess. :cry:

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 1:44 pm
by showa58taro
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:No! My literary agent made a mistake! I swear!
I gotchoo bro. Sure, you can say you are from anywhere. Then we will wait a day or two, spin the words around, and make it seem like you really meant to say you were from America and how it was liberals interpretation of your own words, but you didn't mean to say that shit. You have no worries're a white boy Republican. If you were from one of those shithole countries though, look out! Trump's coming to get you!!!
I'll have to enter legally, I guess. :cry:
Enjoy your 5-25 year wait. :)

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 1:52 pm
by Jason
showa58taro wrote:
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:No! My literary agent made a mistake! I swear!
I gotchoo bro. Sure, you can say you are from anywhere. Then we will wait a day or two, spin the words around, and make it seem like you really meant to say you were from America and how it was liberals interpretation of your own words, but you didn't mean to say that shit. You have no worries're a white boy Republican. If you were from one of those shithole countries though, look out! Trump's coming to get you!!!
I'll have to enter legally, I guess. :cry:
Enjoy your 5-25 year wait. :)
Guy I know got his in 10 months. Guess you guys don't know shit. :)

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 1:55 pm
by showa58taro
Jason wrote:
showa58taro wrote:
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:No! My literary agent made a mistake! I swear!
I gotchoo bro. Sure, you can say you are from anywhere. Then we will wait a day or two, spin the words around, and make it seem like you really meant to say you were from America and how it was liberals interpretation of your own words, but you didn't mean to say that shit. You have no worries're a white boy Republican. If you were from one of those shithole countries though, look out! Trump's coming to get you!!!
I'll have to enter legally, I guess. :cry:
Enjoy your 5-25 year wait. :)
Guy I know got his in 10 months. Guess you guys don't know shit. :)
I mean, I don’t really know much here. I’ll freely admit that.

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 1:56 pm
by Jason
Maybe in Obama's administration it would've taken 25 years. Dude hated mexicans so bad. So so bad.

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 2:21 pm
by showa58taro
Jason wrote:Maybe in Obama's administration it would've taken 25 years. Dude hated mexicans so bad. So so bad.
He was better at deporting them.

Re: Jason's Random Political Comments

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 2:24 pm
by Jason
Rassist scum!