Friday 22nd September

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Re: Friday 22nd September

Post by DancesWithWerewolves »

Foo wrote:
Havok wrote:
DancesWithWerewolves wrote:
Havok wrote:About to give Leatherface a watch, let's see how this turns out.
Very curious. I mean, I'm one of the few that did dig the newest Chainsaw movie (the only one I really liked since the 3rd), but if they want to just keep rebooting instead of continuing...I guess the trailer didn't look too terrible.
I really don't know what I think about this one honestly and it just didn't feel like a Texas Chainsaw film for some reason. Maybe it's just the fact that i'm tired of origin stories and I don't need to know what caused Jed to slowly turn into a crazy killer. It is pretty bloody, i'll give it that, but I just didn't find the story all that interesting.
"Jed" <---This ruined my day, Havok!
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Re: Friday 22nd September

Post by Foo »

DancesWithWerewolves wrote:Gotta give some props to the creativity. One described my Gal as "did she have sex with a hairless cat and this is the outcome?" or something to that notion. Harsh bro.
The internet is a cesspool.

I had someone contact me the other night telling me the food they bought their dog would not even eat. So I asked to call them, and we talked for a dramatic 20 minutes.

She had no complaints about the flavor, and she orders the tacos all the time. Her issue was that they were soggy. She waited two hours to eat them and then complained because they were a wet mess. Still reiterated that her dog would not eat the leftovers (cabbage and salsa).

Maybe they were too soggy when they were made. I will definitely say that is possible. When she said they tasted the same as all the previous times but they were too wet to eat, I relaxed, but the hyper drama is ridiculous.
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Re: Friday 22nd September

Post by DancesWithWerewolves »

Foo wrote:
DancesWithWerewolves wrote:Gotta give some props to the creativity. One described my Gal as "did she have sex with a hairless cat and this is the outcome?" or something to that notion. Harsh bro.
The internet is a cesspool.

I had someone contact me the other night telling me the food they bought their dog would not even eat. So I asked to call them, and we talked for a dramatic 20 minutes.

She had no complaints about the flavor, and she orders the tacos all the time. Her issue was that they were soggy. She waited two hours to eat them and then complained because they were a wet mess. Still reiterated that her dog would not eat the leftovers (cabbage and salsa).

Maybe they were too soggy when they were made. I will definitely say that is possible. When she said they tasted the same as all the previous times but they were too wet to eat, I relaxed, but the hyper drama is ridiculous.
Yeah. Lars Ulrich wisely once said: "Don't read the comments" :P
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Re: Friday 22nd September

Post by Jason »

Foo, I would be a pretty god damn great phone operator for your complaint department.
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Re: Friday 22nd September

Post by Jason »

BTW, a great solution (imo) for the to-go orders on food that might get soggy fairly quickly would be to store each ingredient in separate containers. Tin foil for the tortilla/taco shell, a container for each ingredient and allowing for the "do it yourself" method. My favorite Mexican restaurant has incredible tostadas, but when I order one, the tostada shell is completely soggy by the time I get home. I would frequent that place more often if they offered an easy "make it yourself" solution. Instead I always ask for an extra tostada shell that I can put underneath the soggy shell so it isn't noticeable, but they started charging an extra 15 cents for a new shell recently. No bueno.
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Re: Friday 22nd September

Post by showa58taro »

Reign in Blood wrote:
showa58taro wrote:Sailing? You posh twat. :P
Fuck that, I will only go sailing (like real sail boat sailing today on a 40 footer, not talking motorized or yacht or summat) again if it is posh twat time. I got put to work today working all the lines and shit. Right after doing a bunch of "grinding" non-sense, I get my seat higher up in the corner of the boat ready to take pics and chill, almost immediately I am volunteered to be a "Bowman". I say fuck it, no idea what I'm doing, but fuck it, I'll do it. I get some directions I am only half-assing listening to, but it's said what I am doing should be okay, but be prepared to drop low/duck just in case. Well almost immediately in comes my "tack" where the "boom" (big metal beam holding up the sail) comes screaming at me at 100 and all I can think of is all the video fails of that hitting a motherfucker in the head. So I don't only duck but go down on my back, but I got one hand still holding the line trying to be a trooper doing my job. Welp, fuck that, as then the "grinders" start going to work overtime on the ropes and they whisked my ass straight off the upper level of the deck onto the lower one. So I'm holding on to railings just hoping my ass doesn't slip through the cracks going overboard, when an epiphany hits me... "Who in the BLUE FUCK thinks this is fun?! When I've gone out on a boat before, it's kicking back, drinking beers (none here) and having a good time, this "sail boat" shit can fuck off". After the quick epiphany, I look down and notice a big t-shaped rod used for tying off lines right next to my shoulder... How in the fuck I didn't hit that rod somehow, someway and fuck myself up, God only knows.

But even after that scary, and embarrassing moment, I wanted to tap out with this "Bowman" shit, but I am proud to say I didn't. With the adrenaline pumping (and I'm not gonna feel the after effects until tomorrow), again I said fuck it, tried different approaches and killed it being a "Bowman" the next hour, the biggest issue being the crew on our line sucked. I'm looking over at the port side of the boat and what they're doing is nothing, our side is like "Jesus Christ, pull!".

Luckily the sail back was awesome. 50/50 experience for me. Sail back was kicking back, listening to tunes, very little work, and it was a glorious day today. But I ain't ever going on a sail boat again I got to work all those fucking lines.
This made my day. Sorry you had a rough start. At least the ride back was pleasant.
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