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Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 6:15 pm
by Headhunter
Tiggnutz wrote:
Headhunter wrote:And that isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it’s philosophical. You can care about your life, your family and friends and carve out a perfect slice of life for yourself. But it isn’t the same thing as loving and caring about your country. You have to share some concern for the well being of people you’ll never meet to do that. The patriotic symbolism is nothing but empty gestures if your philosophy is “fuck everyone who I don’t know”.

So if the way you’re going to approach these things is “The police are fine because they treat me well and only I matter”, that’s fine. But just stay out of the way when people who actually care about making this country better for everyone fight against real atrocity. Your voice doesn’t need to be heard. You’ll be in your unaffected state regardless.
I think that view is a projection I firmly believe that the Floyd murder was an overwhelming front of disgust and acceptance of the need for change it's the aftershocks that followed that divided everyone
Half of this country does not accept a need for change. They’re good with policing as it is, because they’re personally unaffected.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 6:22 pm
by Tiggnutz
Headhunter wrote:
Tiggnutz wrote:Some people think condoning rioting is a form of caring for other people some people do not. Some people think hating cops is a form of caring for people other people do not. Some people think ignoring statistics is a form of caring for people other people do not. Some people think hypocrisy and double standards are a way of caring for people others do not. I myself find these things extremely counter productive to the greater good of all people
Nice collection of straw men there. It’s certainly easier to say someone is “condoning riots” than it is to engage with the idea that riots are a natural and unfortunate consequence of a failure to enforce the law justly, rather than something anyone roots for. It’s certainly easier to make this about “hating cops” than the actual attempts at reform being discussed to improve policing and rebuild some level of trust between them and the communities they serve. Its certainly easier to say people are “ignoring statistics” than to consider that those statistics don’t reveal what you think they do, and that an elementary understanding of math alone won’t get you the answers you’re looking for. It’s certainly easier to call everything “hypocrisy” or a “double standard” rather than try to consider the distinctions you brush over.

You can be lazy and frame every argument however you want so that you don’t have to engage in real conversation. And I can call it out for the bullshit it is.
You claim everyone and I feel comfortable saying the majority of Americans who do not agree with you are either lazy,apathetic,misinformed or racist. How much different are you from people who post things like Jason? My way or the highway type thinking is as counter productive as any absolute a far right person would think.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 6:26 pm
by Headhunter
Tiggnutz wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Tiggnutz wrote:Some people think condoning rioting is a form of caring for other people some people do not. Some people think hating cops is a form of caring for people other people do not. Some people think ignoring statistics is a form of caring for people other people do not. Some people think hypocrisy and double standards are a way of caring for people others do not. I myself find these things extremely counter productive to the greater good of all people
Nice collection of straw men there. It’s certainly easier to say someone is “condoning riots” than it is to engage with the idea that riots are a natural and unfortunate consequence of a failure to enforce the law justly, rather than something anyone roots for. It’s certainly easier to make this about “hating cops” than the actual attempts at reform being discussed to improve policing and rebuild some level of trust between them and the communities they serve. Its certainly easier to say people are “ignoring statistics” than to consider that those statistics don’t reveal what you think they do, and that an elementary understanding of math alone won’t get you the answers you’re looking for. It’s certainly easier to call everything “hypocrisy” or a “double standard” rather than try to consider the distinctions you brush over.

You can be lazy and frame every argument however you want so that you don’t have to engage in real conversation. And I can call it out for the bullshit it is.
You claim everyone and I feel comfortable saying the majority of Americans who do not agree with you are either lazy,apathetic,misinformed or racist. How much different are you from people who post things like Jason? My way or the highway type thinking is as counter productive as any absolute a far right person would think.
How much different am I from Jason? For one, I’m not a racist piece of shit.

You’re not even making arguments. Just “hey, why do you think you’re so right, man” platitudes. Why don’t you try making a case, just not one built on straw men?

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 6:31 pm
by Headhunter
Is it some horrific thing for me to say people are misinformed? Everyone is misinformed about the majority of things. I’m comfortable saying we all individually know more about certain things than others. If I tell you how to do your job, is it somehow bad for you to tell me I’m wrong and don’t know what I’m talking about? I don’t think you need to pretend it’s anything up for interpretation or that my perspective needs to be considered. In this case, you built an argument around hating cops, condoning rioting and ignoring statistics. I have to pretend that you aren’t ignoring the real arguments being presented so I can, what, make you feel better or something? Huh?

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 6:33 pm
by Tiggnutz
Headhunter wrote:
Tiggnutz wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Tiggnutz wrote:Some people think condoning rioting is a form of caring for other people some people do not. Some people think hating cops is a form of caring for people other people do not. Some people think ignoring statistics is a form of caring for people other people do not. Some people think hypocrisy and double standards are a way of caring for people others do not. I myself find these things extremely counter productive to the greater good of all people
Nice collection of straw men there. It’s certainly easier to say someone is “condoning riots” than it is to engage with the idea that riots are a natural and unfortunate consequence of a failure to enforce the law justly, rather than something anyone roots for. It’s certainly easier to make this about “hating cops” than the actual attempts at reform being discussed to improve policing and rebuild some level of trust between them and the communities they serve. Its certainly easier to say people are “ignoring statistics” than to consider that those statistics don’t reveal what you think they do, and that an elementary understanding of math alone won’t get you the answers you’re looking for. It’s certainly easier to call everything “hypocrisy” or a “double standard” rather than try to consider the distinctions you brush over.

You can be lazy and frame every argument however you want so that you don’t have to engage in real conversation. And I can call it out for the bullshit it is.
You claim everyone and I feel comfortable saying the majority of Americans who do not agree with you are either lazy,apathetic,misinformed or racist. How much different are you from people who post things like Jason? My way or the highway type thinking is as counter productive as any absolute a far right person would think.
How much different am I from Jason? For one, I’m not a racist piece of shit.

You’re not even making arguments. Just “hey, why do you think you’re so right, man” platitudes. Why don’t you try making a case, just not one built on straw men?
You think all cops are poisoned how are you any different from any other bigot? Everything you dont agree with is a strawman or a platitude you have zero space for any other reasoning because to you you are talking to lesser minds who are inferior to you (WOKE).

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 6:37 pm
by Headhunter
Tiggnutz wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Tiggnutz wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Tiggnutz wrote:Some people think condoning rioting is a form of caring for other people some people do not. Some people think hating cops is a form of caring for people other people do not. Some people think ignoring statistics is a form of caring for people other people do not. Some people think hypocrisy and double standards are a way of caring for people others do not. I myself find these things extremely counter productive to the greater good of all people
Nice collection of straw men there. It’s certainly easier to say someone is “condoning riots” than it is to engage with the idea that riots are a natural and unfortunate consequence of a failure to enforce the law justly, rather than something anyone roots for. It’s certainly easier to make this about “hating cops” than the actual attempts at reform being discussed to improve policing and rebuild some level of trust between them and the communities they serve. Its certainly easier to say people are “ignoring statistics” than to consider that those statistics don’t reveal what you think they do, and that an elementary understanding of math alone won’t get you the answers you’re looking for. It’s certainly easier to call everything “hypocrisy” or a “double standard” rather than try to consider the distinctions you brush over.

You can be lazy and frame every argument however you want so that you don’t have to engage in real conversation. And I can call it out for the bullshit it is.
You claim everyone and I feel comfortable saying the majority of Americans who do not agree with you are either lazy,apathetic,misinformed or racist. How much different are you from people who post things like Jason? My way or the highway type thinking is as counter productive as any absolute a far right person would think.
How much different am I from Jason? For one, I’m not a racist piece of shit.

You’re not even making arguments. Just “hey, why do you think you’re so right, man” platitudes. Why don’t you try making a case, just not one built on straw men?
You think all cops are poisoned how are you any different from any other bigot? Everything you dont agree with is a strawman or a platitude you have zero space for any other reasoning because to you you are talking to lesser minds who are inferior to you (WOKE).
Please tell me where I said “all cops are poisoned”. You won’t find it because you’re just making shit up. I said the institution is poisoned, not every individual cop or even the majority of them. And anyone can choose to be a cop, you don’t choose your race or ethnicity, so acting like there’s some equivalence to racism is absolute nonsense.

Yes, everything you said in that post WAS a straw man. Explain to me how they weren’t. Don’t pout and whine and mock because I pointed it out. Engage in the real arguments. You don’t want to do that.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 6:37 pm
by showa58taro
Headhunter wrote:
zombie wrote:
Tiggnutz wrote:
Jason wrote:Image
I find this to be very poor taste
He’s a racist piece of shit. Nothing will ever change my mind on that.
Certainly not doing anything to act less racist.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 6:42 pm
by Headhunter
I have “zero space” for dumbing an argument down to me being a cop hater who condones riots. Yup, guilty as charged Tigg. Generally people don’t like having their actual arguments intentionally misrepresented by other people. Shocking.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 6:44 pm
by Headhunter
showa58taro wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
zombie wrote:
Tiggnutz wrote:
Jason wrote:Image
I find this to be very poor taste
He’s a racist piece of shit. Nothing will ever change my mind on that.
Certainly not doing anything to act less racist.
Still waiting to see the video Jason fabricated where they put Floyd into a cop car after choking him out and he struggles.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 6:49 pm
by Jason
Dude robbed a pregnant woman. Had multiple chances to reenter society and did nothing. I have little to no sympathy, whether or not you think he was wrongly killed.

Wonder if you guys would call black people racist who found that pic I posted to be funny.

Keep crying and defending douchebags, one less piece of scum in society. Wooo

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 6:50 pm
by Headhunter
Where’s the video of George Floyd in the cop car after being choked out?

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 6:50 pm
by Jason
Headhunter wrote:
Tiggnutz wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
showa58taro wrote:Indeed. I assume this is meant to elicit something but it feels like it’s just trying to act racist for racists sake. Oh well.
As if any of us ever suggested murderers shouldn’t be held to account. That’s exactly what this conversation is all about, murderers not being held to account because they’re cops.
I'm sorry you guys didn't get your unsolicited NWA echo chamber. That's never been my bag. 9 out of 10 of my experiences with cops has been positive, uplifting even. I've witnessed good ones do their job, save lives, get the riff raff off the street. But I'm just me with my own experiences. I'm not stopping you disease spreading white knights, go save the world.
As you were self-aware enough to point out, that’s a very myopic view.

I’m good, who cares about anyone else. How do you pretend to care about your countrymen with a mentality like that? You might as well take a shit on the flag.
Countrymen. Lol, If I care about you, you'll know.
So why do you conservatives go on these platitudes about the flag and other symbolic crap? Is that what patriotism is? Empty gestures?
It's a difference in opinion of what caring for other people means.
If you don’t care about the people who live in this country, you don’t care about this country. Period.
Cops live in this country. Lmao

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 6:51 pm
by Headhunter
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Tiggnutz wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
showa58taro wrote:Indeed. I assume this is meant to elicit something but it feels like it’s just trying to act racist for racists sake. Oh well.
As if any of us ever suggested murderers shouldn’t be held to account. That’s exactly what this conversation is all about, murderers not being held to account because they’re cops.
I'm sorry you guys didn't get your unsolicited NWA echo chamber. That's never been my bag. 9 out of 10 of my experiences with cops has been positive, uplifting even. I've witnessed good ones do their job, save lives, get the riff raff off the street. But I'm just me with my own experiences. I'm not stopping you disease spreading white knights, go save the world.
As you were self-aware enough to point out, that’s a very myopic view.

I’m good, who cares about anyone else. How do you pretend to care about your countrymen with a mentality like that? You might as well take a shit on the flag.
Countrymen. Lol, If I care about you, you'll know.
So why do you conservatives go on these platitudes about the flag and other symbolic crap? Is that what patriotism is? Empty gestures?
It's a difference in opinion of what caring for other people means.
If you don’t care about the people who live in this country, you don’t care about this country. Period.
Cops live in this country. Lmao
Wanting them to be held accountable for their actions. Yeah, that really shows I don’t care. You’re allowed to think.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 6:52 pm
by Jason
Headhunter wrote:
Tiggnutz wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Tiggnutz wrote:Some people think condoning rioting is a form of caring for other people some people do not. Some people think hating cops is a form of caring for people other people do not. Some people think ignoring statistics is a form of caring for people other people do not. Some people think hypocrisy and double standards are a way of caring for people others do not. I myself find these things extremely counter productive to the greater good of all people
Nice collection of straw men there. It’s certainly easier to say someone is “condoning riots” than it is to engage with the idea that riots are a natural and unfortunate consequence of a failure to enforce the law justly, rather than something anyone roots for. It’s certainly easier to make this about “hating cops” than the actual attempts at reform being discussed to improve policing and rebuild some level of trust between them and the communities they serve. Its certainly easier to say people are “ignoring statistics” than to consider that those statistics don’t reveal what you think they do, and that an elementary understanding of math alone won’t get you the answers you’re looking for. It’s certainly easier to call everything “hypocrisy” or a “double standard” rather than try to consider the distinctions you brush over.

You can be lazy and frame every argument however you want so that you don’t have to engage in real conversation. And I can call it out for the bullshit it is.
You claim everyone and I feel comfortable saying the majority of Americans who do not agree with you are either lazy,apathetic,misinformed or racist. How much different are you from people who post things like Jason? My way or the highway type thinking is as counter productive as any absolute a far right person would think.
How much different am I from Jason? For one, I’m not a racist piece of shit.

You’re not even making arguments. Just “hey, why do you think you’re so right, man” platitudes. Why don’t you try making a case, just not one built on straw men?
You're a white knight liberal cuck piece of shit with a warped view on politics and history because your liberal professors cut your balls off. :D

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 6:53 pm
by Tiggnutz
It was time for this country to stand up and say fuck the police. Generations overdue.
Your quote. Does not sound like you think there are good cops but a generalization of police as a whole.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 6:53 pm
by Jason
Headhunter wrote:Is it some horrific thing for me to say people are misinformed?
Yeah. The most misinformed person on the site saying people are misinformed are hilarious. Lmao

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 6:54 pm
by Jason
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Tiggnutz wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
showa58taro wrote:Indeed. I assume this is meant to elicit something but it feels like it’s just trying to act racist for racists sake. Oh well.
As if any of us ever suggested murderers shouldn’t be held to account. That’s exactly what this conversation is all about, murderers not being held to account because they’re cops.
I'm sorry you guys didn't get your unsolicited NWA echo chamber. That's never been my bag. 9 out of 10 of my experiences with cops has been positive, uplifting even. I've witnessed good ones do their job, save lives, get the riff raff off the street. But I'm just me with my own experiences. I'm not stopping you disease spreading white knights, go save the world.
As you were self-aware enough to point out, that’s a very myopic view.

I’m good, who cares about anyone else. How do you pretend to care about your countrymen with a mentality like that? You might as well take a shit on the flag.
Countrymen. Lol, If I care about you, you'll know.
So why do you conservatives go on these platitudes about the flag and other symbolic crap? Is that what patriotism is? Empty gestures?
It's a difference in opinion of what caring for other people means.
If you don’t care about the people who live in this country, you don’t care about this country. Period.
Cops live in this country. Lmao
Wanting them to be held accountable for their actions. Yeah, that really shows I don’t care. You’re allowed to think.
I thought you promised yourself you'd never respond to me ever again. Lol.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 6:54 pm
by Headhunter
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Tiggnutz wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Tiggnutz wrote:Some people think condoning rioting is a form of caring for other people some people do not. Some people think hating cops is a form of caring for people other people do not. Some people think ignoring statistics is a form of caring for people other people do not. Some people think hypocrisy and double standards are a way of caring for people others do not. I myself find these things extremely counter productive to the greater good of all people
Nice collection of straw men there. It’s certainly easier to say someone is “condoning riots” than it is to engage with the idea that riots are a natural and unfortunate consequence of a failure to enforce the law justly, rather than something anyone roots for. It’s certainly easier to make this about “hating cops” than the actual attempts at reform being discussed to improve policing and rebuild some level of trust between them and the communities they serve. Its certainly easier to say people are “ignoring statistics” than to consider that those statistics don’t reveal what you think they do, and that an elementary understanding of math alone won’t get you the answers you’re looking for. It’s certainly easier to call everything “hypocrisy” or a “double standard” rather than try to consider the distinctions you brush over.

You can be lazy and frame every argument however you want so that you don’t have to engage in real conversation. And I can call it out for the bullshit it is.
You claim everyone and I feel comfortable saying the majority of Americans who do not agree with you are either lazy,apathetic,misinformed or racist. How much different are you from people who post things like Jason? My way or the highway type thinking is as counter productive as any absolute a far right person would think.
How much different am I from Jason? For one, I’m not a racist piece of shit.

You’re not even making arguments. Just “hey, why do you think you’re so right, man” platitudes. Why don’t you try making a case, just not one built on straw men?
You're a white knight liberal cuck piece of shit with a warped view on politics and history because your liberal professors cut your balls off. :D
You’re a dumb racist scumbag whose best hope in life is getting discount blowjobs from truck stop hookers.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 6:54 pm
by Headhunter
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:Is it some horrific thing for me to say people are misinformed?
Yeah. The most misinformed person on the site saying people are misinformed are hilarious. Lmao
Where’s the George Floyd in the cop car video?

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 6:55 pm
by Jason
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Tiggnutz wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Tiggnutz wrote:Some people think condoning rioting is a form of caring for other people some people do not. Some people think hating cops is a form of caring for people other people do not. Some people think ignoring statistics is a form of caring for people other people do not. Some people think hypocrisy and double standards are a way of caring for people others do not. I myself find these things extremely counter productive to the greater good of all people
Nice collection of straw men there. It’s certainly easier to say someone is “condoning riots” than it is to engage with the idea that riots are a natural and unfortunate consequence of a failure to enforce the law justly, rather than something anyone roots for. It’s certainly easier to make this about “hating cops” than the actual attempts at reform being discussed to improve policing and rebuild some level of trust between them and the communities they serve. Its certainly easier to say people are “ignoring statistics” than to consider that those statistics don’t reveal what you think they do, and that an elementary understanding of math alone won’t get you the answers you’re looking for. It’s certainly easier to call everything “hypocrisy” or a “double standard” rather than try to consider the distinctions you brush over.

You can be lazy and frame every argument however you want so that you don’t have to engage in real conversation. And I can call it out for the bullshit it is.
You claim everyone and I feel comfortable saying the majority of Americans who do not agree with you are either lazy,apathetic,misinformed or racist. How much different are you from people who post things like Jason? My way or the highway type thinking is as counter productive as any absolute a far right person would think.
How much different am I from Jason? For one, I’m not a racist piece of shit.

You’re not even making arguments. Just “hey, why do you think you’re so right, man” platitudes. Why don’t you try making a case, just not one built on straw men?
You're a white knight liberal cuck piece of shit with a warped view on politics and history because your liberal professors cut your balls off. :D
You’re a dumb racist scumbag whose best hope in life is getting discount blowjobs from truck stop hookers.
Better than the trannies you liberals wanna fuck.