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Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 5:42 pm
by Lunachic
Jigsaw wrote:
Lunachic wrote:
Jigsaw wrote:Indeed, I don't blame people at all for not voting for Biden, but they really shouldn't be voting for Trump either. I keep encouraging people to look at third party options so we can break out of this two-party nightmare, because if Trump and Biden is the best this country can get, we might as well all be killed now.
While I believe so much about politics is outdated racist and crooked and I think so much should change and every vote should count.. this is not the time to write in Kayne
a vote for anyone else will be a vote for tRump I agree there should be more options but until the EC is gone then this is what we have... again any vote not for Biden who will be a one term president is a vote for The Traitor and there will be no democracy left and millions dead from this virus Covid45
Biden was not my first or even second choice but I am voting for him because the DICKtator wanna be is not an option
If Biden and Trump are tied, my third party vote doesn't break the tie. So a vote for anyone other than Trump does not somehow go to Trump.

I understand voting for Biden if you truly believe that democracy will die if he's re-elected. I think Trump is terrible, and like Obama and Bush, I think Trump should be in prison. But I don't think he'll end democracy. I don't envy your position, but I just ask that you try and understand why many leftists, most of whom aren't even Democrats and shouldn't be "expected" to vote for the Democratic nominee anyways, are looking into alternative options.

If I vote for Gloria la Riva, that vote goes to Gloria la Riva. Not to Biden, not to Trump. Like I said, third party votes don't break ties between the Republican and Democratic Party, so the whole "you're voting for Trump if you vote for Hawkins/la Riva/Kennedy/Mackler/Kishore" just doesn't make sense at all, especially when votes are earned, and these third party candidates apparently earned votes whereas Biden couldn't.
Obama in prison? okay done with you... you are a cult45 even if you refuse to admit it.. bye bye

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 5:45 pm
by Jigsaw
Lunachic wrote:
Jigsaw wrote:
Lunachic wrote:
Jigsaw wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:
Jigsaw wrote:Indeed, I don't blame people at all for not voting for Biden, but they really shouldn't be voting for Trump either. I keep encouraging people to look at third party options so we can break out of this two-party nightmare, because if Trump and Biden is the best this country can get, we might as well all be killed now.
I agree. However, I'm voting Biden to get over this madness and Qanon brainwashing bullshit. I will do everything I personally can to get the word out about having better options. Ugh. I hate saying that. Lol
As long as you don't shame third party voters, and I don't believe you ever have, I certainly respect your choice to vote Biden. My vote's going to Howie Hawkins, who has write-in access in Indiana (as Stein did in 2016), so hoping that he can get an okay result come the general election.
that will be a vote for tRump... surely you realize this ?
I replied in the above comment, but that's not how voting works. A vote for Hawkins goes to Hawkins.

If Biden has 10 million votes, and Trump has 10 million votes, does my vote for Hawkins break the tie?

Didn't think so. Because it doesn't go to Biden or Trump at all.
You just corrected your self at the end of your post.. this vote will not go to Biden or tRump it will be a useless throw away vote therefore a vote for tRump .. who ever is telling you different is wrong
You literally said that "this vote will not go to Biden or Trump" and then you said "useless throwaway vote therefore a vote for Trump" - I apologize, but which is it?

I don't see it as a wasted vote at all. People who are planning on voting third party are doing so to potentially increase funding that the party has access too, along with ballot access and visibility. Howie Hawkins will not win, but my vote for him is certainly not wasted, nor are the votes for Jo Jorgensen, or Alyson Kennedy, or Gloria la Riva, or Joseph Kishore, or Jeff Mackler.

I get that you see it as a waste, but I don't. No one had to "tell" me this, on a side-note - it just makes sense to me.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 5:47 pm
by Jigsaw
Lunachic wrote:
Jigsaw wrote:
Lunachic wrote:
Jigsaw wrote:Indeed, I don't blame people at all for not voting for Biden, but they really shouldn't be voting for Trump either. I keep encouraging people to look at third party options so we can break out of this two-party nightmare, because if Trump and Biden is the best this country can get, we might as well all be killed now.
While I believe so much about politics is outdated racist and crooked and I think so much should change and every vote should count.. this is not the time to write in Kayne
a vote for anyone else will be a vote for tRump I agree there should be more options but until the EC is gone then this is what we have... again any vote not for Biden who will be a one term president is a vote for The Traitor and there will be no democracy left and millions dead from this virus Covid45
Biden was not my first or even second choice but I am voting for him because the DICKtator wanna be is not an option
If Biden and Trump are tied, my third party vote doesn't break the tie. So a vote for anyone other than Trump does not somehow go to Trump.

I understand voting for Biden if you truly believe that democracy will die if he's re-elected. I think Trump is terrible, and like Obama and Bush, I think Trump should be in prison. But I don't think he'll end democracy. I don't envy your position, but I just ask that you try and understand why many leftists, most of whom aren't even Democrats and shouldn't be "expected" to vote for the Democratic nominee anyways, are looking into alternative options.

If I vote for Gloria la Riva, that vote goes to Gloria la Riva. Not to Biden, not to Trump. Like I said, third party votes don't break ties between the Republican and Democratic Party, so the whole "you're voting for Trump if you vote for Hawkins/la Riva/Kennedy/Mackler/Kishore" just doesn't make sense at all, especially when votes are earned, and these third party candidates apparently earned votes whereas Biden couldn't.
Obama in prison? okay done with you... you are a cult45 even if you refuse to admit it.. bye bye
Yes, drone-striking innocent people overseas is worth being thrown into prison. Sorry if you're okay with war crimes when Democrats do it but opposed to war crimes when Republicans do it.

Sorry, but there are such a thing as socialists who have never voted Democrat, but are farther to the left than the Democratic Party has ever been. These people exist, and like many Biden supporters, instead of trying to understand where we're coming from, you just label us "Trump suppoters."

That's your right, but it's entirely counterproductive to your goal of trying to get leftists and progressives behind a failed neo-liberal ticket like Biden/Harris.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 5:53 pm
by Jmac Attack
Lunachic wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:Love this coming from you, Luna. You never struck me as left or right at all. Which helps affirm that I'm not just a crazy lefty Trump hater. I do question myself sometimes lol.
i know there are crooks liars thieves and assholes on both sides,, but I also know the Republikkks are a real threat not just tRump.. Moscow Mitch is the serious threat to Americans .. dude is also a Russian Asset and he made money and is making money off this Pandemic like so many other scum bags.. he is the most dangerous man in the party
2 types of tRump supporters Billionaires and Idiots.. check your bank account to see which one you are
They released the Republican Senate report about Russia. Turns out, they believe and know Trump colluded with Russia. ... index.html

No one cares. He's a dictator wanna be. This should upset every American, no matter political affiliation. This is dangerous and he is doing everything to destroy every fabric of American life as we know it. But ya know....its better to pwn the libs than to admit he is a conman who doesn't give a fuck about any of us. Fake patriotism is dangerous.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 5:55 pm
by Lunachic
Again a write in is a vote for tRump .. you figure it out

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 5:57 pm
by zombie
Jigsaw wrote:
That's your right, but it's entirely counterproductive to your goal of trying to get leftists and progressives behind a failed neo-liberal ticket like Biden/Harris.
don't play that game, like you aren't dug in to your position on biden already, and luna or anyone else has a potential to change your mind. :P

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 5:57 pm
by Jigsaw
Lunachic wrote:Again a write in is a vote for tRump .. you figure it out
That is entirely untrue. Republicans and Democrats keep spreading this lie, and it gets really old.

Do you realize that Republicans are telling Libertarians that voting Libertarian is a vote for Biden?

So who are Libertarians voting for, Biden or Trump? I'm really confused now. :P :roll:

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 5:58 pm
by Jigsaw
zombie wrote:
Jigsaw wrote:
That's your right, but it's entirely counterproductive to your goal of trying to get leftists and progressives behind a failed neo-liberal ticket like Biden/Harris.
don't play that game, like you aren't dug in to your position on biden already, and luna or anyone else has a potential to change your mind. :P
Oh, I admit my vote is already set in stone. I was referring to the more pliable progressives who could swing one way or the other (I suspect most will end up voting for Biden). I don't mean to misrepresent myself as being inconsistent, so thanks for the call out :P

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 6:00 pm
by zombie
Jigsaw wrote:
zombie wrote:
Jigsaw wrote:
That's your right, but it's entirely counterproductive to your goal of trying to get leftists and progressives behind a failed neo-liberal ticket like Biden/Harris.
don't play that game, like you aren't dug in to your position on biden already, and luna or anyone else has a potential to change your mind. :P
Oh, I admit my vote is already set in stone. I was referring to the more pliable progressives who could swing one way or the other (I suspect most will end up voting for Biden). I don't mean to misrepresent myself as being inconsistent, so thanks for the call out :P
well which of those other progressives is a member of hmf, so she can go talk to them?

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 6:00 pm
by Lunachic
The orange rapist asshole said today in Scranton that Biden abandoned the state and moved away... he was 10 years old and his dad lost his job.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 6:01 pm
by Jigsaw
zombie wrote:
Jigsaw wrote:
zombie wrote:
Jigsaw wrote:
That's your right, but it's entirely counterproductive to your goal of trying to get leftists and progressives behind a failed neo-liberal ticket like Biden/Harris.
don't play that game, like you aren't dug in to your position on biden already, and luna or anyone else has a potential to change your mind. :P
Oh, I admit my vote is already set in stone. I was referring to the more pliable progressives who could swing one way or the other (I suspect most will end up voting for Biden). I don't mean to misrepresent myself as being inconsistent, so thanks for the call out :P
well which of those other progressives is a member of hmf, so she can go talk to them?
I don't know any, but I take your point. What I should have said was "the goal of many Biden supporters I know". It's not as spiffy, though.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 6:11 pm
by Lunachic
I feel like every time I come around I have bad news or upsetting news But my Oldest daughter got the virus a month ago
and I am pissed off because a simple mask could of help prevented 173 thousand deaths and over 5 million infected but the cultof45 claims this is against their constitutional rights because the GOP and Agolf Twitler politicized a fucking mask,, this is tRump mentality to a tee if you dont support him you deserve to die all he does is sow chaos division and death
again today he commented on the fires in Cali being Fire Departments fault cause they wont rake the floors of the Forest ~ and that the state that contributes MILLIONS in federal taxes should have to pay for it all.. he is fucking Death in a girdle
by the way he wears more makeup than any woman on the Hill :P

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 6:14 pm
by Jigsaw
People who are anti-mask (and I know many at my workplace) are literally killing people. Gotta love FREEDOM!!!

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 6:17 pm
by Lunachic
The next time you hear Trump complain that USPS is “badly run,” remember:

Trump Steaks

Trump Vodka

Trump Airlines

Trump Taj Mahal

Trump Marina

Trump Plaza

Trump University

Trump Magazine

Trump Mortgage


Trump Ice
he and his 3 kids stole from a charity for kids with cancer. no arrest ... they had to pay a fine and go to school to learn how NOT TO STEAL from charities and are not allowed to ever be a part of one in the state of New York

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 6:20 pm
by Lunachic
Fun fact ~ tRump can't swim

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 6:31 pm
by Headhunter
Yeah anyone who still supports Trump after this year is impossible to take seriously. When it’s this obvious and you still think Trump is so great, you’re not a supporter, you’re a cult member.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 6:32 pm
by Jmac Attack
Lunachic wrote:The next time you hear Trump complain that USPS is “badly run,” remember:

Trump Steaks

Trump Vodka

Trump Airlines

Trump Taj Mahal

Trump Marina

Trump Plaza

Trump University

Trump Magazine

Trump Mortgage


Trump Ice
he and his 3 kids stole from a charity for kids with cancer. no arrest ... they had to pay a fine and go to school to learn how NOT TO STEAL from charities and are not allowed to ever be a part of one in the state of New York
This. So much this. It's really a horrible thing to do. His kids are slimy af.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 6:33 pm
by Jmac Attack
Lunachic wrote:Fun fact ~ tRump can't swim
Another fun fact .. ...he eats his steak very well done. With ketchup. At least he hasn't worn a tan suit and ruin America because of it. Lol

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 6:36 pm
by Jmac Attack
Headhunter wrote:Yeah anyone who still supports Trump after this year is impossible to take seriously. When it’s this obvious and you still think Trump is so great, you’re not a supporter, you’re a cult member.
You mean like the people who believe lizard elitists who molest kids and drink their blood?

"Why is Tom Hanks in Australia? Huh?" Ummmmm......filming a fucking movie you dipshit. Fuckers like them almost ruined Jason Memoa.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 6:44 pm
by Lunachic
Jmac Attack wrote:
Headhunter wrote:Yeah anyone who still supports Trump after this year is impossible to take seriously. When it’s this obvious and you still think Trump is so great, you’re not a supporter, you’re a cult member.
You mean like the people who believe lizard elitists who molest kids and drink their blood?

"Why is Tom Hanks in Australia? Huh?" Ummmmm......filming a fucking movie you dipshit. Fuckers like them almost ruined Jason Memoa.
And tRump thinks they are great people simply because they like him.. no one fucking likes him
Hannity for example has made a fortune riding his depends tails
This is a profit presidency.. just ask Ifunka and Jared