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Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 9:48 pm
by Headhunter
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:Just understand it is your choice to not demonstrate credibility when you have the opportunity to. Were I in your position, I’d shut me up. All you need to do is post a couple links, pretty effortless. Oh well.
The problem is there will be an eternal argument. You will never in a million years give credibility to any source I provide. Which is fine, you do you. But I'm not going to let political differences change how I view people. Something a lot of people still need to learn.

I really do have to go, though.
Look, it’s pretty clear you’re just making excuses here. If you had receipts, you’d show them. You won’t because you don’t. It’s big “yeah I have a girlfriend…she lives in Canada” on the schoolyard energy. I’d really rather see you defy my expectations than have to keep making this point.

Take it easy.
I've shown you several years ago. You shit on them without even really looking. I guess you forgot. I won't show them again.
Yeah no that didn’t happen at all. And even if you had and I shit on them, you wouldn’t be afraid to post them again. This is such a pointlessly elaborate little song and dance. Just drop a link. Not hard really. Probably takes a few seconds. Copy/paste.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 9:51 pm
by Headhunter
Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:What? Is Trump even playing a factor now? He is mr. irrelevant now. I'm sure Trump is making the black and minority communities have extremely low vaccine numbers, and Trump is letting immigrants over covid positive in droves across the border in all the hotspots, and has flip-flopped like the CDC at every turn... I mean come on. Trump boogeyman is gone.
Do you think Trump cult members would take the vaccine in greater numbers if he were president and the vaccine rollout happened under his watch?
Just to be clear, the reason I don’t bring up these other groups in this hypothetical isn’t because of some political bias. It’s because most wouldn’t have taken the vaccine under Trump either. The control group in this hypothetical is the cult of Trump. I’m certain we’d have a higher vaccination rate overall because more of these people would have taken it with the open approval of their hero. Not sure how you can spin a better public health outcome (albeit for silly reasons) as some Trump derangement thing.
The same can be said for the left. Biden and Harris are on video saying the exact same shit people on the right are saying. Both of them. On video. Want me to find it? I'll get it for you...
Did you quote the wrong post or something? What is “the same can be said for the left” a response to?
Biden and Harris refused the vaccine under Trump's administration. "Who's gonna take the shot?!?!?!" Now after the election shenanigans, Biden not only took it (maybe), he is trying to make every human in America get it. Pathetic
Okay, so your theory is that the group who took the virus seriously from the beginning under Trump would then not take it seriously after a year under Trump? That’s…some theory there…
What theory? They're on record saying they won't take the vaccine under Trump's administration. They completely flipped after the election nonsense...
I took Kamala saying she would only take the vaccine if scientist say it's ok. Not if Trump just says it is ok. She did not say she wouldnt take it if Trump rolled it out. Two seconds and I found the quote.

""If Dr. Fauci, the doctors, tell us that we should take it, I'll be the first in line to take it," Harris said at the vice presidential debate."

So how did that get twisted into you saying she would refuse it if Trump rolled it out? That is not what was said. I warched that debate and remember that specifically because I wanted to hear what she would say.

Hate her all ya want, and there are definite gripes to be had about her, but let's not twist shit just because. Lol. Unless you are talking something else? I'm specifically going by memory and looked up the debate.
Dude, that was like part 3 of the trilogy. You must have missed the original statements and only listened to the bacltracking.
Thats what I heard in real time while Trump was still president. Thats why I immediately looked it up. I can only go by my real life experiences until I learn different. Lol
I think Jason should post the link so he can show us what he’s talking about. He offered to earlier, so he should have a link ready to go.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 11:16 pm
by Jmac Attack
George Washington would probably kick anti vaxxers asses. Lol. ... accinated/

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 12:52 am
by Reign in Blood
Headhunter wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:What? Is Trump even playing a factor now? He is mr. irrelevant now. I'm sure Trump is making the black and minority communities have extremely low vaccine numbers, and Trump is letting immigrants over covid positive in droves across the border in all the hotspots, and has flip-flopped like the CDC at every turn... I mean come on. Trump boogeyman is gone.
Do you think Trump cult members would take the vaccine in greater numbers if he were president and the vaccine rollout happened under his watch?
Like the Baptist church, let em die out. Unlike magical beliefs, this might actually kill them, fuck em.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 1:05 am
by Reign in Blood
You see, for all this "we are the world" bullshit. Complete garbage, always was. Its time to get selfish. I'm better than you, I'm vaccinated, healthy and not a disease spreading whore, and everybody else needs to fuck off and stay out the way. That includes your anchor babies, that includes Jurassic Park. A lot of people have to live in the shadows now, sorry, not my doings, go suck on a bat.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 11:00 am
by Jason
Headhunter wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:What? Is Trump even playing a factor now? He is mr. irrelevant now. I'm sure Trump is making the black and minority communities have extremely low vaccine numbers, and Trump is letting immigrants over covid positive in droves across the border in all the hotspots, and has flip-flopped like the CDC at every turn... I mean come on. Trump boogeyman is gone.
Do you think Trump cult members would take the vaccine in greater numbers if he were president and the vaccine rollout happened under his watch?
Just to be clear, the reason I don’t bring up these other groups in this hypothetical isn’t because of some political bias. It’s because most wouldn’t have taken the vaccine under Trump either. The control group in this hypothetical is the cult of Trump. I’m certain we’d have a higher vaccination rate overall because more of these people would have taken it with the open approval of their hero. Not sure how you can spin a better public health outcome (albeit for silly reasons) as some Trump derangement thing.
The same can be said for the left. Biden and Harris are on video saying the exact same shit people on the right are saying. Both of them. On video. Want me to find it? I'll get it for you...
Did you quote the wrong post or something? What is “the same can be said for the left” a response to?
Biden and Harris refused the vaccine under Trump's administration. "Who's gonna take the shot?!?!?!" Now after the election shenanigans, Biden not only took it (maybe), he is trying to make every human in America get it. Pathetic
Okay, so your theory is that the group who took the virus seriously from the beginning under Trump would then not take it seriously after a year under Trump? That’s…some theory there…
What theory? They're on record saying they won't take the vaccine under Trump's administration. They completely flipped after the election nonsense...
I took Kamala saying she would only take the vaccine if scientist say it's ok. Not if Trump just says it is ok. She did not say she wouldnt take it if Trump rolled it out. Two seconds and I found the quote.

""If Dr. Fauci, the doctors, tell us that we should take it, I'll be the first in line to take it," Harris said at the vice presidential debate."

So how did that get twisted into you saying she would refuse it if Trump rolled it out? That is not what was said. I warched that debate and remember that specifically because I wanted to hear what she would say.

Hate her all ya want, and there are definite gripes to be had about her, but let's not twist shit just because. Lol. Unless you are talking something else? I'm specifically going by memory and looked up the debate.
Dude, that was like part 3 of the trilogy. You must have missed the original statements and only listened to the bacltracking.
Thats what I heard in real time while Trump was still president. Thats why I immediately looked it up. I can only go by my real life experiences until I learn different. Lol
I think Jason should post the link so he can show us what he’s talking about. He offered to earlier, so he should have a link ready to go.
You can start by watching the video I embedded at the start of the conversation...

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 11:01 am
by Jason
Reign in Blood wrote:You see, for all this "we are the world" bullshit. Complete garbage, always was. Its time to get selfish. I'm better than you, I'm vaccinated, healthy and not a disease spreading whore, and everybody else needs to fuck off and stay out the way. That includes your anchor babies, that includes Jurassic Park. A lot of people have to live in the shadows now, sorry, not my doings, go suck on a bat.
It actually leaked from a lab in Wuhan.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 1:01 pm
by Jmac Attack
Jason wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:You see, for all this "we are the world" bullshit. Complete garbage, always was. Its time to get selfish. I'm better than you, I'm vaccinated, healthy and not a disease spreading whore, and everybody else needs to fuck off and stay out the way. That includes your anchor babies, that includes Jurassic Park. A lot of people have to live in the shadows now, sorry, not my doings, go suck on a bat.
It actually leaked from a lab in Wuhan.
Now there is something with legs on it. This, could very well be true and is a good example of the media getting shit wrong or not liking the story line. Still does not excuse all the other batshit crazy MyPillow dude spreading conspiracies and saying he is being stopped by "antifa" stuff. Lmfao. Just blame antifa. For everything. Ugh.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 3:00 pm
by Headhunter
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:What? Is Trump even playing a factor now? He is mr. irrelevant now. I'm sure Trump is making the black and minority communities have extremely low vaccine numbers, and Trump is letting immigrants over covid positive in droves across the border in all the hotspots, and has flip-flopped like the CDC at every turn... I mean come on. Trump boogeyman is gone.
Do you think Trump cult members would take the vaccine in greater numbers if he were president and the vaccine rollout happened under his watch?
Just to be clear, the reason I don’t bring up these other groups in this hypothetical isn’t because of some political bias. It’s because most wouldn’t have taken the vaccine under Trump either. The control group in this hypothetical is the cult of Trump. I’m certain we’d have a higher vaccination rate overall because more of these people would have taken it with the open approval of their hero. Not sure how you can spin a better public health outcome (albeit for silly reasons) as some Trump derangement thing.
The same can be said for the left. Biden and Harris are on video saying the exact same shit people on the right are saying. Both of them. On video. Want me to find it? I'll get it for you...
Did you quote the wrong post or something? What is “the same can be said for the left” a response to?
Biden and Harris refused the vaccine under Trump's administration. "Who's gonna take the shot?!?!?!" Now after the election shenanigans, Biden not only took it (maybe), he is trying to make every human in America get it. Pathetic
Okay, so your theory is that the group who took the virus seriously from the beginning under Trump would then not take it seriously after a year under Trump? That’s…some theory there…
What theory? They're on record saying they won't take the vaccine under Trump's administration. They completely flipped after the election nonsense...
I took Kamala saying she would only take the vaccine if scientist say it's ok. Not if Trump just says it is ok. She did not say she wouldnt take it if Trump rolled it out. Two seconds and I found the quote.

""If Dr. Fauci, the doctors, tell us that we should take it, I'll be the first in line to take it," Harris said at the vice presidential debate."

So how did that get twisted into you saying she would refuse it if Trump rolled it out? That is not what was said. I warched that debate and remember that specifically because I wanted to hear what she would say.

Hate her all ya want, and there are definite gripes to be had about her, but let's not twist shit just because. Lol. Unless you are talking something else? I'm specifically going by memory and looked up the debate.
Dude, that was like part 3 of the trilogy. You must have missed the original statements and only listened to the bacltracking.
Thats what I heard in real time while Trump was still president. Thats why I immediately looked it up. I can only go by my real life experiences until I learn different. Lol
I think Jason should post the link so he can show us what he’s talking about. He offered to earlier, so he should have a link ready to go.
You can start by watching the video I embedded at the start of the conversation...
That’s not the video I’m referring to. I do see Rand Paul in frame. Does he get his ass kicked by his neighbor? That would be funny. If not, meh. I’ve heard enough of his nonsense.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 3:02 pm
by Headhunter
Reign in Blood wrote:You see, for all this "we are the world" bullshit. Complete garbage, always was. Its time to get selfish. I'm better than you, I'm vaccinated, healthy and not a disease spreading whore, and everybody else needs to fuck off and stay out the way. That includes your anchor babies, that includes Jurassic Park. A lot of people have to live in the shadows now, sorry, not my doings, go suck on a bat.
What you’re not taking into account is public policy catering to the irresponsible. Which means having less freedoms because of these clowns.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 5:45 pm
by Jason
Headhunter wrote: That’s not the video I’m referring to. I do see Rand Paul in frame. Does he get his ass kicked by his neighbor? That would be funny. If not, meh. I’ve heard enough of his nonsense.
You wanted to see a source where I get my information. There's a small glimpse right there and you shit on it based on the thumbnail. How about listening to his points and forming a thought?

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 5:46 pm
by Jason
Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:You see, for all this "we are the world" bullshit. Complete garbage, always was. Its time to get selfish. I'm better than you, I'm vaccinated, healthy and not a disease spreading whore, and everybody else needs to fuck off and stay out the way. That includes your anchor babies, that includes Jurassic Park. A lot of people have to live in the shadows now, sorry, not my doings, go suck on a bat.
It actually leaked from a lab in Wuhan.
Now there is something with legs on it. This, could very well be true and is a good example of the media getting shit wrong or not liking the story line. Still does not excuse all the other batshit crazy MyPillow dude spreading conspiracies and saying he is being stopped by "antifa" stuff. Lmfao. Just blame antifa. For everything. Ugh.
Yeah, but I was saying this thing probably leaked from a lab over a year ago and it was considered another conspiracy theory. My conspiracy theories tend to be spoiler alerts. I've never heard of MyPillow

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 6:35 pm
by zombie
Headhunter wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:You see, for all this "we are the world" bullshit. Complete garbage, always was. Its time to get selfish. I'm better than you, I'm vaccinated, healthy and not a disease spreading whore, and everybody else needs to fuck off and stay out the way. That includes your anchor babies, that includes Jurassic Park. A lot of people have to live in the shadows now, sorry, not my doings, go suck on a bat.
What you’re not taking into account is public policy catering to the irresponsible. Which means having less freedoms because of these clowns.
if "catering to the irresponsible" means forcing everyone to still wear a mask, or to show their jab status or whatever.. that's about control. it's not the government's place to force that. that is totalitarian as much as anything trump was doing. encourage people to get vaccinated, show the effectiveness of the vaccine, show the risks and the damage done by not getting vaccinated. show the data. show the statistics. rub it in our faces. but don't force it, as the government and government authorities. and certainly don't punish those who have vaccinated in order to "cater to the irresponsible".

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 10:52 pm
by Jmac Attack
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:You see, for all this "we are the world" bullshit. Complete garbage, always was. Its time to get selfish. I'm better than you, I'm vaccinated, healthy and not a disease spreading whore, and everybody else needs to fuck off and stay out the way. That includes your anchor babies, that includes Jurassic Park. A lot of people have to live in the shadows now, sorry, not my doings, go suck on a bat.
It actually leaked from a lab in Wuhan.
Now there is something with legs on it. This, could very well be true and is a good example of the media getting shit wrong or not liking the story line. Still does not excuse all the other batshit crazy MyPillow dude spreading conspiracies and saying he is being stopped by "antifa" stuff. Lmfao. Just blame antifa. For everything. Ugh.
Yeah, but I was saying this thing probably leaked from a lab over a year ago and it was considered another conspiracy theory. My conspiracy theories tend to be spoiler alerts. I've never heard of MyPillow
Not by me, sir. I've always thought that was a possibility. Only thing I might have said about it is that I ain't calling it the Chinese virus. Once we are for sure, then call it buttfucker virus for all I care

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 10:57 pm
by Jmac Attack
Jason, there was a good segment on Bill Maher about the possibility of it being from the lab. Very interesting stuff. And even if it is from a lab from China, we need to know that information. If I can find it, I'll post a clip. I have HBO Max though. Thats how I watched it. I remember there was a female and male scientist that have said from the beginning that its a good possibility it was from that Wuhan lab.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 11:02 pm
by Jmac Attack
zombie wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:You see, for all this "we are the world" bullshit. Complete garbage, always was. Its time to get selfish. I'm better than you, I'm vaccinated, healthy and not a disease spreading whore, and everybody else needs to fuck off and stay out the way. That includes your anchor babies, that includes Jurassic Park. A lot of people have to live in the shadows now, sorry, not my doings, go suck on a bat.
What you’re not taking into account is public policy catering to the irresponsible. Which means having less freedoms because of these clowns.
if "catering to the irresponsible" means forcing everyone to still wear a mask, or to show their jab status or whatever.. that's about control. it's not the government's place to force that. that is totalitarian as much as anything trump was doing. encourage people to get vaccinated, show the effectiveness of the vaccine, show the risks and the damage done by not getting vaccinated. show the data. show the statistics. rub it in our faces. but don't force it, as the government and government authorities. and certainly don't punish those who have vaccinated in order to "cater to the irresponsible".
See, I do agree with what you are saying in a way. But on the other hand, we are talking about a Pandemic that affects the rest of the world. Other people are having to give up freedoms although they are getting the shot. How is it fair to someone like me who got the shot? And then once we get more variants that are worse, we are all fucked. Inclluding Mexico and France and Canada and the rest of the world.

Its an interesting debate to say the least!

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2021 11:00 am
by Jason
Jmac Attack wrote:Jason, there was a good segment on Bill Maher about the possibility of it being from the lab. Very interesting stuff. And even if it is from a lab from China, we need to know that information. If I can find it, I'll post a clip. I have HBO Max though. Thats how I watched it. I remember there was a female and male scientist that have said from the beginning that its a good possibility it was from that Wuhan lab.
As more information comes to light, it looks like the answer here is that Fauci funded the virus experiment and is trying to cover his tracks and save his ass from any repercussion. What is now in question is whether or not it was leaked intentionally.

Now, China is now buying farm land in record numbers now that Trump is out of office and everyone thought he was the boogeyman? He was the one warning us about China all along. The fact that they're buying land in America should he a national security threat. Instead, we have a president punching brick walls and yelling at imaginary Corn Pop in his spare time, stumbling his way into the oval office. "He doesn't even know he's alive".

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2021 2:20 pm
by Headhunter
zombie wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:You see, for all this "we are the world" bullshit. Complete garbage, always was. Its time to get selfish. I'm better than you, I'm vaccinated, healthy and not a disease spreading whore, and everybody else needs to fuck off and stay out the way. That includes your anchor babies, that includes Jurassic Park. A lot of people have to live in the shadows now, sorry, not my doings, go suck on a bat.
What you’re not taking into account is public policy catering to the irresponsible. Which means having less freedoms because of these clowns.
if "catering to the irresponsible" means forcing everyone to still wear a mask, or to show their jab status or whatever.. that's about control. it's not the government's place to force that. that is totalitarian as much as anything trump was doing. encourage people to get vaccinated, show the effectiveness of the vaccine, show the risks and the damage done by not getting vaccinated. show the data. show the statistics. rub it in our faces. but don't force it, as the government and government authorities. and certainly don't punish those who have vaccinated in order to "cater to the irresponsible".
What do you think the government has been doing for months now? Every method of protecting idiots from themselves has been exhausted.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2021 2:24 pm
by Headhunter
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote: That’s not the video I’m referring to. I do see Rand Paul in frame. Does he get his ass kicked by his neighbor? That would be funny. If not, meh. I’ve heard enough of his nonsense.
You wanted to see a source where I get my information. There's a small glimpse right there and you shit on it based on the thumbnail. How about listening to his points and forming a thought?
So YouTube…was that so hard…

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2021 3:40 pm
by zombie
Headhunter wrote:
zombie wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:You see, for all this "we are the world" bullshit. Complete garbage, always was. Its time to get selfish. I'm better than you, I'm vaccinated, healthy and not a disease spreading whore, and everybody else needs to fuck off and stay out the way. That includes your anchor babies, that includes Jurassic Park. A lot of people have to live in the shadows now, sorry, not my doings, go suck on a bat.
What you’re not taking into account is public policy catering to the irresponsible. Which means having less freedoms because of these clowns.
if "catering to the irresponsible" means forcing everyone to still wear a mask, or to show their jab status or whatever.. that's about control. it's not the government's place to force that. that is totalitarian as much as anything trump was doing. encourage people to get vaccinated, show the effectiveness of the vaccine, show the risks and the damage done by not getting vaccinated. show the data. show the statistics. rub it in our faces. but don't force it, as the government and government authorities. and certainly don't punish those who have vaccinated in order to "cater to the irresponsible".
What do you think the government has been doing for months now? Every method of protecting idiots from themselves has been exhausted.
well the government is going to go to whatever lengths they deem appropriate or necessary. i hope it's not too far for it's citizens. i guess we'll have to find out the hard way.