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Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 7:44 pm
by Jason
Jmac Attack wrote:You were also one of those who said the virus would all of a sudden go away. Well, it didn't. I have never see a flu strain this bad in my lifetime. You think I'm a fool. I think you are a fool. And that is where we are with this. Not sure if I am gonna listen to you and the right wing bullshit you seem to regurgitate while saying you don't. Hey....same goes for me right? Except I am listening to scientists and my doctors. That is the difference between you and I regarding this.
Sir, I never once said this virus would go away. I'm the one that said it was gonna be endemic in April of 2020. The way to get rid of it was allow it to burn through early on and only vaccinate the elderly, which would've been the proper method in hindsight. The problem is you have so little respect for me (or even opposing viewpoints) that you lump every opinion other than yours into one single category. You seem to be having a really hard time paying attention to what I'm saying, because your summary of my viewpoints is so disrespectful and way off. I refuse to get upset with you or anyone else with a different opinion here. Again, I am only angry with China, Fauci and the WHO. Nobody else. I can never be upset with anyone on the left or right for having a different viewpoint because 95% of media is there to make us hate each other. You fell for it, unfortunately. I can feel your opinion of me shifting to the negative, which is a real bummer.

No, I think the difference between you and I is that I refuse to follow legacy media and their misinformation and am open to discussion. A lab generated (proven) bioweapon leaked out of a lab in China and instead of blaming China, you're getting mad at sick people who caught the virus. You're letting it demolish your character.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 7:45 pm
by Jason
Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:Like I said....and I will say one las time. Even if your fauci hunches and everything is true. Thats fine and dandy. But its off the subject a little and seems obvious that you are trying to get me into believing another argument. I've never said anyone was to blame. I've never said anything about China virus unless joking. So, its a little confusing. I guess we are changing the subject. But I am not disputing what you've said.
What argument am I trying to get you to believe? I just wish you shifted blame away from your fellow citizens and onto who is actually responsible.
You literally answered your own question lol. Might wanna edit or reword it? Lol
So, you would rather stay mad at your neighbor for catching a virus and not the people responsible for leaking it?

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 7:57 pm
by Jason
Jmac Attack wrote:Except I am listening to scientists and my doctors. That is the difference between you and I regarding this.
You're only listening to the scientists they put on legacy media TV and news articles. You never once heard those scientists and doctors mention anything about monoclonal antibody treatments. These were being mentioned by countless doctors, immunologists, virologists, even before the vaccine came out. Except these ones were silenced by the media. And not only has it now officially been declared a viable alternative to the current vaccine, it is currently the better alternative until more and more adjustments occur with the vaccine. This isn't right wing bull shit. This is genuine truth. That's all I'm seeking is truth, and my judgment and sources have been phenomenal because not only have they never been wrong, but they predicted the future. You need to have an open mind about things and not pedal it off as some conspiracy theory.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 8:00 pm
by Jason
Jmac Attack wrote:I think you are a fool. And that is where we are with this. Not sure if I am gonna listen to you and the right wing bullshit you seem to regurgitate while saying you don't.
Sorry you feel that way. Hate seeing politics tear friendships and families apart. I refuse to let that happen with me because I won't fall in line with the corporate media agenda. Sad to see it happen to you. I think no less of you and never will.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 8:13 pm
by Jmac Attack
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:I think you are a fool. And that is where we are with this. Not sure if I am gonna listen to you and the right wing bullshit you seem to regurgitate while saying you don't.
Sorry you feel that way. Hate seeing politics tear friendships and families apart. I refuse to let that happen with me because I won't fall in line with the corporate media agenda. Sad to see it happen to you. I think no less of you and never will.
I said it nicely and still love you.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 8:18 pm
by Jmac Attack
And for fucking real. I literally did talk to my doctor about the safety of the vaccine. Not the fucking television. I talked to my doctor. And then you say who you think I am listening to. You gotta understand that is frustrating as fuck on my end.


Not sure how I can be more clear. Lmfao. Like wtf. You are obviously peddling conspiracies and trying to get me to believe them. And I will say this again....I am open to how the virus came about. Thats not the fucking point. And no I am not mad. Frustrated and tired, yeah. But I don't think any less of you. I'm not foaming at the mouth. More like rolling my eyes. And I'm from ohio.....we fucking talk like this. Lol

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 8:20 pm
by Jmac Attack
My "I think you are a fool" was meant to say that I know that is what you think I am. I was trying to convey the point that we both think we are being duped. But if being duped is listening to my doctors, then fuck me. I give up. This is stupid.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 8:26 pm
by Jmac Attack
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:Like I said....and I will say one las time. Even if your fauci hunches and everything is true. Thats fine and dandy. But its off the subject a little and seems obvious that you are trying to get me into believing another argument. I've never said anyone was to blame. I've never said anything about China virus unless joking. So, its a little confusing. I guess we are changing the subject. But I am not disputing what you've said.
What argument am I trying to get you to believe? I just wish you shifted blame away from your fellow citizens and onto who is actually responsible.
You literally answered your own question lol. Might wanna edit or reword it? Lol
So, you would rather stay mad at your neighbor for catching a virus and not the people responsible for leaking it?
You are totally twisting things. Let's say it was fauci....and Pelosi......using this example again. That does not matter to how vaccines work. It does not matter. At all. Why try to twist what I am saying? Meh. I'm done. I think I've made my point clear. Lol.

How many people are clogging up my local hospitals that are vaccinated. Its not many at all. I'm going by the evidence and information I literally have at my fingertips. I'm working in playing a show for those nurses, you buttmunch. Lol

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 8:29 pm
by Jmac Attack
No respect for you, my ass. You have literally talked down to me through the years in these political forums. Member have actually called you out on it. So whatever man. Ill stick to football talk and the like with you.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 9:28 pm
by Jmac Attack
I also am confused about you saying I am mad at my neighbor? You mean the one whose cousin died from the virus that I mentioned? Why would I be mad at her (neighbor) or him (her cousin)? He died last year during the height of the lock down. Before the vax. The more I go back and read again what you said, the more I am finding you are just venting your frustration to me because you want me to supposedly open my eyes. Well save the world there with your information there brotha. Go ahead. I can't wait to see ya be a hero.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 11:41 pm
by Jason
"Your neighbor" was just a figure of speech for a fellow citizen. You are upset with people who aren't vaccinated when I think you should only be upset with those who fumbled it in the lab and let it spread across the world. You have friends and loved ones who either don't want the vaccine or don't trust it, and both are completely understandable.

I don't talk down to anyone. It gets heated, but I hope you remember my posts where I always say no matter how heated it gets, I don't think less of anyone and my opinion doesn't change because we share different political beliefs. I don't think anyone is a dumbass because they oppose my viewpoints.

For some reason you think I am anti-vaccine. I'm not. I encourage anyone to get it who wants it. The task force did an incredible job. But the government has no right to mandate what you put in your body. Pro-vaccine folks should he standing next to their friends protesting with them against the government forcing them to get it. These mandates are absolutely wrong. Especially when we consider the proliferation of Covid variants in an ever-changing and currently active pandemic. The virus is still in its early stages and will change in response to the vaccinations. This isn't my opinion, this is how this stuff works and any specialist will tell you this.

As far as "asking my doctor". I have asked two doctors. One is my primary care physician, the other is a top doctor and leader at the Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. My primary said of the vaccine that I am young and in great shape and don't need the vaccine, even without my spleen and it would be too risky for me to get vaccinated from such a brand new vaccine because of my blood clotting condition. The other doctor at Cedars Sinai told me the same thing and even alluded to government shenanigans preventing doctors from treating patients the way should be treated. That was an eye opener, there and something I've suspected.

The main point here is I do not think less of anyone whether they want the vaccine or not. I am only infuriated with mainstream media (left and right) perpetuating arguments and convincing the public to blame each other during this pandemic when it is nobody's fault. Nobody is wrong for wanting or not wanting the vaccine.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 11:46 pm
by Jigsaw
Point of order: there is no leftist mainsteam media. Any and all mainstream media is still capitalist (from CNN, MSNBC, to outlets like the Young Turks), and as such, they're not what I'd consider leftist.

Carry on.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 11:56 pm
by Jason
Jigsaw wrote:Point of order: there is no leftist mainsteam media. Any and all mainstream media is still capitalist (from CNN, MSNBC, to outlets like the Young Turks), and as such, they're not what I'd consider leftist.

Carry on.
You're like Zoolander, Jig. You're so far left that you can't turn left.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2021 12:06 am
by Jigsaw
I just think definitions are important. When I hear "leftist," I automatically think "anti-capitalist." Pro-capitalist 'leftists' are generally Vote Blue No Matter Who Democrats, and not something I'd consider "leftist."

Either way, though I've not seen Zoolander, but I accept the compliment. :P

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2021 8:21 am
by Jmac Attack
I think others need context here. Im not against people who cannot get the vax. It is not my call. There are people who cannot get a lot of vaccines. I get that and don't think they should be shut out. Jason, when i posted that meme about Nikki Minaj cousins balls being the douchebag Trump kids, you kept saying fauci this and that and I kept saying that you could be right but I didn't post the meme for a debate. I don't do that on Facebook anymore. I kept telling you that. And then you post the Govern me harder daddy meme here. I do think it is a funny meme. However, since you were obviously trying to convince me of Fauci and Co and all those conspiracy theories, it seems like you posted that meme here since it was do close to that conversation. Hence the frustration.
1. Thanks for listening to your doctor. Thats what everyone should be doing.
2. Problem is, most aren't. Thats my problem.

I will continue this on another break. Gotta get back to work. I have more to expand on this.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2021 3:03 pm
by Reign in Blood
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:Like I said....and I will say one las time. Even if your fauci hunches and everything is true. Thats fine and dandy. But its off the subject a little and seems obvious that you are trying to get me into believing another argument. I've never said anyone was to blame. I've never said anything about China virus unless joking. So, its a little confusing. I guess we are changing the subject. But I am not disputing what you've said.
What argument am I trying to get you to believe? I just wish you shifted blame away from your fellow citizens and onto who is actually responsible.
You literally answered your own question lol. Might wanna edit or reword it? Lol
So, you would rather stay mad at your neighbor for catching a virus and not the people responsible for leaking it?
Because that's how reality works, jackball. You go fucking around shooting up with a bunch of junkies, or fuck some prostitutes, come back and spread disease to me and my household, when you KNEW the fucking possibility of being a vessel as a disease spreading whore... You think I'm gonna rail against the war on drugs? Decry the inhumanity of prostitution? Or am I gonna bust you in your melon fucking skull? You know the answer, so don't play cute, and be grateful I don't bring a fucking bat.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2021 4:32 pm
by Jason
Reign in Blood wrote:
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:
Jason wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:Like I said....and I will say one las time. Even if your fauci hunches and everything is true. Thats fine and dandy. But its off the subject a little and seems obvious that you are trying to get me into believing another argument. I've never said anyone was to blame. I've never said anything about China virus unless joking. So, its a little confusing. I guess we are changing the subject. But I am not disputing what you've said.
What argument am I trying to get you to believe? I just wish you shifted blame away from your fellow citizens and onto who is actually responsible.
You literally answered your own question lol. Might wanna edit or reword it? Lol
So, you would rather stay mad at your neighbor for catching a virus and not the people responsible for leaking it?
Because that's how reality works, jackball. You go fucking around shooting up with a bunch of junkies, or fuck some prostitutes, come back and spread disease to me and my household, when you KNEW the fucking possibility of being a vessel as a disease spreading whore... You think I'm gonna rail against the war on drugs? Decry the inhumanity of prostitution? Or am I gonna bust you in your melon fucking skull? You know the answer, so don't play cute, and be grateful I don't bring a fucking bat.
If you want to use that analogy, then it would be safe to assume you're a raging homophobic since gays spread AIDS like the plague in the 80s and 90s.

If you're so scared of the unvaccinated (while vaccinated. Fucking hilarious, right?), then hunker in your bunker while the rest of the world continues on living their lives. Get your 38th booster shot and maybe we can hang out again when you're not scared to come out.


Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2021 4:38 pm
by Jason
Jmac Attack wrote:I think others need context here. Im not against people who cannot get the vax. It is not my call. There are people who cannot get a lot of vaccines. I get that and don't think they should be shut out. Jason, when i posted that meme about Nikki Minaj cousins balls being the douchebag Trump kids, you kept saying fauci this and that and I kept saying that you could be right but I didn't post the meme for a debate. I don't do that on Facebook anymore. I kept telling you that. And then you post the Govern me harder daddy meme here. I do think it is a funny meme. However, since you were obviously trying to convince me of Fauci and Co and all those conspiracy theories, it seems like you posted that meme here since it was do close to that conversation. Hence the frustration.
1. Thanks for listening to your doctor. Thats what everyone should be doing.
2. Problem is, most aren't. Thats my problem.

I will continue this on another break. Gotta get back to work. I have more to expand on this.
The Nicki Minaj meme where I posted was definitely off topic. I just saw that facebook flagged misinformation of a document that came from the CDC. I was on facebook, your post was political, I felt like posting it. That's all.

I posted the "govern me harder" meme here because I don't post political shit on facebook. I only respond to it. Poke my head in the frame, give a little howdydoody on a political post and then fuck off somewhere.

If this were as serious as you suggest, why are the democrats granting amnesty, refunding border work and border patrol and allowing a quarter of a million unvaccinated illegals in every month?

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2021 5:10 pm
by showa58taro
Sweet Moses, Jason, you’ve gone off the deep end.

Maybe this thread and this part of HMF is better off gone at this point.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2021 7:27 pm
by Jason
showa58taro wrote:Sweet Moses, Jason, you’ve gone off the deep end.

Maybe this thread and this part of HMF is better off gone at this point.
This is the problem. People who follow politics think less of anyone who has an opposing opinion. Holier than thou, your-opinion-is-wrong, mentality. I think no less of you, but this is exactly what the conglomerates want. Turmoil, anger and divisiveness. They will pedal anything to make us hate each other and I refuse to allow it. We will almost always have opposing political opinions, but I will never ever think less of you or see you differently. Everyone here is wonderful. I hurt so badly for you when you lost your mom at 62 and to this day something small will occasionally remind me of it and I'll feel a little sad again.

I considered this place family for nearly half my life. Crazy to think most of us have known each other that long.