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Re: Recently Watched Movies

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 8:05 pm
by Jigsaw
DAEBO wrote:
Jigsaw wrote:Krampus (2015)

I didn't have a whole let of expectations going into this one, despite having seen the trailer a few times, and overall, that may have been a positive thing. I'm sure most of you know the story, so I won't really get into the plot, but jump straight into the good and the bad. Krampus does many things right – the atmosphere is appropriately bleak and frigid, with multiple well-done scenes depicting the cold Hell this extended family has found themselves in. Most of the comedic elements are decent, and I've no complaints about the acting of any of the characters, which is of course another plus. The flashback, as narrated by the grandmother, was done in a rather enjoyable animation, and thoroughly enjoyable to witness. The Krampus' design was pretty solid. Even most of the ending worked for me. Of course, few movies are totally without flaws. At times, the amount of dangerous creatures got a bit much (a teddy bear, gingerbread cookies, an evil angle, a Jack-in-the-Box, and a toy robot, for instance), and while I've no complain about most of these, I thought the gingerbread men were a bit ridiculous. Toward the end, when the pit to Hell (presumably) opened, I was finding it more difficult to care than I'd hope for (if only because I expected some twist to come up, rendering the whole thing moot). And while the ending scene itself was actually pretty cool (the snow globe workshop was indeed fun), the last split second was a jump scare, with a bunch of evil toys coming at the screen. I abhor endings that try to scare the audience (not a character in the movie, but the audience) in the last split second. It's over-done, and ruins any chance that the movie could be spectacular. All-in-all, Krampus is a good slice of Christmas horror. Plenty of the actors and actresses stand out (notably Emjay Anthony, Adam Scott, Stefania LaVie Owen, and Conchata Ferrell), and while not the best Christmas horror film out there (Santa's Slay, anyone?), it was certainly worth a watch. 8/10.
I blind bought it last Christmas and thought pretty much the same thing. Also, I was surprised it was such a high budget/quality movie, When I had heard of it I expected a low budget B movie.
I felt it'd be a higher budget, but I was worried it'd be too "Hollywood". While there were certainly flaws in the film, overall, I came out of it pleased, so what more could I ask for?

Re: Recently Watched Movies

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 2:19 am
by Havok
Monster wrote:The Mummy

Overall I liked it well enough. The big issue with this movie is the comedy. A grimmer tone would've worked wonders for it, I think. Worst of all was the sidekick. Every syllable made me cringe. He was the Jar Jar of this movie. Though his role was much smaller than Jar Jar's, thank God, he popped up enough to drag it down. Cruise and Crowe were good enough. Best of all was the mummy herself. I loved her look and the movie never made light of her. She was perfect. 3/5 stars.
I'll be seeing this next weekend, because It Comes At Night has my money this week.

Re: Recently Watched Movies

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 10:40 am
by showa58taro
The Mummy - D+

Honestly the only thing keeping it from an outright F is the fact that the mummy chick is quite hot, and the run time is not prohibitive.

It's not that it's a bad movie (it is) it's that it is a bad movie that feels like it was a calculated movie. As if it was written by focus groups trying to put together all of the things that people like about Marvel and the MCU, and then creating this UDUCU garbage. The characters are forgettable, and Tom Cruise is awful as the lead here. The writing is formulaic and subpar, and the many nods to "hey, think of the films we can create going forward" seemed just awful.

Above and beyond that, the obvious issue here is that they are taking on their classic monster titles, The Mummy, Frankenstein, Dracula, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, Creature From The Black Lagoon, etc. So we're dealing with the classics of horror, but done in the Marvel Action style, but badly. It's the worst of all worlds really.

Throw in a shitty script, some pretty lame effects, and predictable scene choices, and all told it is pretty bad.

Worst of the lot I reckon is the shitty banter between the American Werewolf in London character and Tom Cruise. It just doesn't work.

Avoid at all costs, unless 1 second of sexy naked lady mummy does anything for you.

Re: Recently Watched Movies

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 1:14 am
by Jason
The night I made the Night of the Creeps HMF banner, I watched the movie. :p

Only my 2nd or 3rd viewing of it. Great stuff.

Re: Recently Watched Movies

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 2:59 pm
by Havok
I haven't had the time to write up a full review for The Mummy, so i'll write up a few things about it.

The film is a mess and it doesn't know what kind of style it wants this Monster Dark Universe to be. It wants to be The Avengers with loud explosions and these big fight montages, when it should be something like the show Penny Dreadful. Which did everything so beautifully. They took plot points and details from the Brendan Fraiser movie, mainly the comic sidekick that was just unnecessary, that first act in Iraq/Syria was some of the worst shit. I was glad he died off, but was sad when he was still in the film where they stole the sub-plot of An American Werewolf In London. Tom Cruise is a complete waste and was totally miscast. His character is a total douche and I know it was the story arch they were building with his character, but I just didn't find him somebody I needed to get behind during this whole Mummy ordeal. The action also felt uninspired and boring and let's not forget that the entire story of this movie was lifted from Tobe Hooper's Lifeforce. Instead of a Space Vampire, it's a Mummy sucking the life out of people and turning them into crazy ghouls.

The only thing I can really give any credit is The Mummy herself, she made the best of what she was given. The script was just terrible, they literally hold your hand throughout this entire film , just to make sure you know what's happening in every moment and second.

It's not an eye-sore, it's watchable, but they added to many ingredients into the pot and it doesn't taste good. But since it took so long to fix everything, they're still gonna serve it anyway.

Re: Recently Watched Movies

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 10:59 am
by Reign in Blood
John Wick Chapter 2

Off the motherfuckin chain. That is all.

Re: Recently Watched Movies

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 11:01 am
by Headhunter
Reign in Blood wrote:John Wick Chapter 2

Off the motherfuckin chain. That is all.
Found this online this morning so I'm gonna get high as a mothafucka and enjoy this one today.

Re: Recently Watched Movies

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 11:21 am
by DancesWithWerewolves
Reign in Blood wrote:John Wick Chapter 2

Off the motherfuckin chain. That is all.
*thumbs up*

Re: Recently Watched Movies

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 2:27 am
by showa58taro
Great film. Excited to see the resolution in 3

Re: Recently Watched Movies

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 6:22 pm
by Headhunter
John Wick: Chapter 2

First 40 minutes or so were okay, little slow to get off the ground. Once Keanu crashes that concert in Rome though...fucking epic through the very end. We'll see how it holds up upon 3-5 repeat viewings, as the first one is the most easily re-watchable film to come along in years.

Re: Recently Watched Movies

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 3:32 am
by DancesWithWerewolves
Baby Driver

Frigg'n cool. Debora reminded me of Shelly from Twin Peaks.

Re: Recently Watched Movies

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 8:41 am
by Monster
Wonder Woman


Re: Recently Watched Movies

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 4:43 pm
by Havok
Baby Driver

The story was simple, the action was entertaining and it has a fine soundtrack.

Re: Recently Watched Movies

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2017 6:29 pm
by Ava

Didn't care for it. :o

Re: Recently Watched Movies

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 8:27 pm
by Reign in Blood
Ava wrote:Split

Didn't care for it. :o

Re: Recently Watched Movies

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 4:25 pm
by Reign in Blood
Get Out - C

Will someone explain to me what was so good about this? I know it was a hit with critics, but even here, I know Headward was a big fan and I think D and Jason too etc. It was the definition of average to me, nothing bad, but nothing to blow home about. It's Meet the Fockers meets the Stepford Wives. And because it was from Peele, I expected some good lols to have virtually none. I was waiting for some Shamaladingdong twist (spoiler hint: everybody knows Allison Williams was in on it from the jump) and it never fucking comes is a problem.

Re: Recently Watched Movies

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 4:37 pm
by Jason
Never saw it. Trailer seemed decent enough, but the praise really caught my interest.

Re: Recently Watched Movies

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 4:41 pm
by Reign in Blood
Alright, check you off. :arrow:

Re: Recently Watched Movies

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 7:17 pm
by Headhunter
You are crazy. About as well crafted from scene to scene as a movie can get.

Re: Recently Watched Movies

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 7:25 pm
by Headhunter
It was pretty hilarious to me and I don't know why you were hunting for Shamalamadingdong twists. It should have always been obvious where the threat was going to come from, just a matter of when and how it gets to that point and the tension and uncomfortable aura surrounding everything leading up to that realization could not have been more perfect. The scene where Chris meets all the family friends is incredible.