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Cali's Pot Problem

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 7:07 pm
by Headhunter
Read this week in the LA Times that marijuana growers in California are producing 8x the amount of weed the state of California can consume. As you all know, recreational marijuana will be legal here on January 1st but an export ban on weed will be implemented on the same day. The state of California is suggesting that growers will cut back on production in response to the ban and state regulations...but...let's be real. They aren't going to sit on their surplus. That weed is going to end up all over the country some way, somehow.

Weed growers in this state were hurt by Prop 64, and it was supported by less than 1 in 3 of them. Looks like they'll be getting the last laugh here. And the black market is going to be booming in California again, something that hasn't been necessary for a long time. I'm gonna be very interested in seeing how this all plays out. We could end up with a treadmill of mediocrity situation where whatever positive change we saw is negated by the introduction of new problems.