Tonight She Comes

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Tonight She Comes

Post by Slaughterhouserock »

Bad pun intended, but not surprising after seeing the film. Twenty-somethings at a house in the woods, possessed girl, satanic rednecks, the usual. After some shit character introductions, three drunk idiots see a naked girl covered in blood walk out of the woods...and this is ok, apparently. I guess you could blame them being drunk, but damn, these people are beyond idiotic. Naked girl is possessed because of a botched summoning by some rednecks, who then try to banish her back to hell. You can guess how the rest goes.

Besides the total lack of intelligence among any of the cast, it was an ok film. A bit silly at times, but comedy seems to be an integral part of horror films anymore. They do deliver on some gross-out stuff for those of us into that sort of thing, but there's surprisingly little violence for this type of film. Also, I couldn't help but think this somewhat rips off Shallow Ground(naked guy covered in blood walking through the woods, though not possessed, is still a bit supernatural). And there's an homage to F13 7's sleeping bag kill. They even used a yellow sleeping bag. There's other little things, but those are pretty big standout references. All in all, I'd say it's better than most of the tripe we get these days, but overall is just meh.
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