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Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 10:51 am
by Dream
My last night of work until November 2nd! :)

I cannot wait to get tonight over with! I've been waiting for this night for months!

Also, my boss tried to ask me to come in and do payroll on my anniversary for free, nope, not happening, it's her problem this week (she's technically supposed to be doing it all the time, but she doesn't, so I do it cause I want to get paid correctly and on time!) I came in on my birthday to do payroll and didn't get paid for it, so that shit is ending. If I don't get paid for it, I'm not doing it. :P

Re: 10-26-17

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 12:25 pm
by zombie
yeah, if you're doing something work related, you should be getting paid for it. i understand if she can't pay you more, for whatever reason.. but she can't expect you to just jump when she says so either.

Re: 10-26-17

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 2:44 pm
by Tiggnutz
Enjoy your time off Dream I'm sure you deserve it.

Re: 10-26-17

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 6:56 pm
by DancesWithWerewolves
Pfft, coming in to do duties that aren't even yours for free? F that. Enjoy your vacation.

Re: 10-26-17

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 7:42 pm
by Reign in Blood
Depends, is it raise time? Problem with that, is any corp has decided your raise well before then. Hmm, Fuck em indeed. Dream's case, I can see a more folk over the cash or I dash scenario. Hmm.

Morale of story: Do right by me or fuck em!

Re: 10-26-17

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 10:44 pm
by Dream
Indeed. I've told them if they want to pay me salary and double my yearly income I'll do anything extra either of us can think of, including extra shifts that need to be done. As it is I run around and pick up meds and things the ladies or the house needs on my own time without getting paid for it ( I do get reimbursed if I have to pay out of pocket for anything.) But yeah, I'm kinda sick of doing the work and then not getting anything out of it while my boss has less of her job to do then bitches to me about the work she has to do. I'm getting as much of it done for her ahead of time as I can, so she has to add up, I think, three time sheets out of 11 and call it in, that's it. (She's supposed to do it on the computer, but I honestly don't trust her to input the stuff right considering she has NEVER signed into the account.) I'm planning on having at least three checks to fix when I get back :P Last time she did payroll was about 6 years ago (I went down to visit family and was gone for three weeks), I walked her through it on the phone for about three hours (because she couldn't understand the tutorial I printed out, apparently the words in between the pictures for every single step confused her) then when I got back I had to fix files she didn't even have to open and four out of ten paychecks. Fun times.

Re: 10-26-17

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 1:39 am
by DancesWithWerewolves

Was going great until the chorus came in and they added some growl underneath and it took over the high vocals. Weird.