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The liberal's worst nightmare

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 8:55 pm
by Foo ... SKBN1F82HO

Imagine for a moment: Sotomayor is replaced with a Trump pick. Then Ginsberg is right on the horizon. Breyer and Kennedy are not far behind. This could be a conservative tsunami!

Re: The liberal's worst nightmare

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 10:31 pm
by Jmac Attack
Foo wrote: ... SKBN1F82HO

Imagine for a moment: Sotomayor is replaced with a Trump pick. Then Ginsberg is right on the horizon. Breyer and Kennedy are not far behind. This could be a conservative tsunami!
To be fair, a Trump pick is to play to his "base". Dude was for liberal causes until very recently. I mean, it's cool and people can change minds, but he isn't gonna appoint someone that he would have recommended not long ago. Talk to me I wrong about this? It's just how I see it since I have always been a fan of Trump when he was on shows like Howard Stern. He never really sounded like a conservative monkey. saying monkey racist? :lol:

Re: The liberal's worst nightmare

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 11:39 pm
by Foo
Jmac Attack wrote:
Foo wrote: ... SKBN1F82HO

Imagine for a moment: Sotomayor is replaced with a Trump pick. Then Ginsberg is right on the horizon. Breyer and Kennedy are not far behind. This could be a conservative tsunami!
To be fair, a Trump pick is to play to his "base". Dude was for liberal causes until very recently. I mean, it's cool and people can change minds, but he isn't gonna appoint someone that he would have recommended not long ago. Talk to me I wrong about this? It's just how I see it since I have always been a fan of Trump when he was on shows like Howard Stern. He never really sounded like a conservative monkey. saying monkey racist? :lol:
I think there is a mischaracterization of Trump both then and now. He was never super liberal and he is not super conservative now.

Don't confuse his radical rhetoric with his views, as he seems to be very pragmatic, the most pragmatic since Bill Clinton and possibly much further back. As we speak, he is pissing off the right wing because he wants a deal for the DACA people to stay, but wants to make it the last time such amnesty is needed. Also, Democrats voted for more walls and border security not that long ago. Why did they suddenly shift? Maybe because Bill Clinton was winning Latino votes by 50+ point margin but by the time Bush 2 was in office a second term, it had faded down to 18% and they were worried about momentum.

Imposing a $10k limit on the SALT tax is extremely progressive. Something liberals would be all for in any other context, which is protecting the low and middle income earners while not giving tax breaks to high earners.

On abortion, he has always hate abortion and said as much, yet to this day he believes in it in cases of rape, incest, and to protect the life of the mother. He once called that identical position pro-choice (which it was) and currently calls it pro-life (which it is). Society shifted more than he did.

On guns, if you notice his opinion has changed by virtue of evaluating the effectiveness of the policies. For instance, he once stated he was for waiting lists and such, but he has since stated that expanding them even further is not a solution as the existing versions of those policies do not work.