Halloween Ends *Heavy Spoilers!!!!!!*

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Halloween Ends *Heavy Spoilers!!!!!!*

Post by Tiggnutz »

This review will be filled with SPOILERS so if you don't want the movie spoiled than stop reading now.

After a few days of letting Ends digest and unfortunately my anger to subside I'm ready to give an opinion. This is just a bad story. I would not be surprised to find out in the future that this was never supposed to be a trilogy and was only stretched into a third film because of how profitable the first two films were. How else can you justify the plot of Halloween Ends. This film is neither about Laurie Strode or Michael Myers and their much anticipated final confrontation is little more than 20 minutes tacked onto a completely different film. It could of been an end credit stinger for Halloween Kills and that would of been a good point to put these new installments to rest. Halloween Ends is about a completely new character who has never been mentioned in any of first two films. Why do this? Why in the last chapter of a trilogy would you make the lead character someone nobody has any connections to or investments in? There isn't really any connections of Ends to the first two films its more a stand alone film. Anything set up by the first two films is abandoned in the third. I don't see this as a brave new take or subversion of expectations I see it as a horribly written film trilogy. Any lure set up by the first two films is flushed away in Ends. In Kills Michael Myers defeats a mob single handedly after being shot and runover in Ends (the 15 minutes he's actually in it)he's slapped around like a frail old man by a previously bullied teenager.Sometimes he has the strength to hold a woman up against a wall off the ground with one hand and sometimes is physically bested by a woman in her 60's. There is no rhyme or reason to it. Sometimes it appears Myers gains strength from killing. If so he should of been nuclear after killing an entire mob in the previous film but no he's living in a sewer pipe so pathetic he cant even keep a kid from stealing his mask. Let's get to the main character Cory. Cory accidentally killed a boy he was babysitting and now is is bullied by his peers most notably four kids from school band who are half his size. Cory should be a sympathetic character right? Wrong in actuality Cory is a repressed psychopath who unleashes his inner bad boy when he stumbles into Micheals sewer pipe and looks into his eyes. Did Michael infect him with evil or was he already evil? Who knows its never touched on again. After maybe being infected with evil by Myers Cory starts killing people under the tutelage of Micheal and at the same time starts a weird relationship with Allyson Laurie's granddaughter. Why has Allyson character morphed into a lovesick bad boy fan girl with zero common sense? Who knows, is it because 4 years ago everyone she loved but her grandmother was murdered by a unstoppable killing machine? Allyson also for some reason thinks her grandmother is crazy and can no longer give her the benefit of the doubt on anything....now....after grandma was confirmed right about everything she previously said in the first two films about Myers, grandma can no longer be trusted or believed. Grandma tries to tell Allyson that Cory is a bit off but Allyson doesn't want to hear it calling her grandmother a paranoid loon. Cory tells Allyson he's a bit off but Allyson has no interest in this news because she's in love with Cory who she met three days earlier and his I'll kill everything attitude turns her on. Am I watching some fucked up episode of Dawson's Creek? Cody and this ridiculous relationship take up 90% of the film so obviously Cody is going to play a big part in the exciting conclusion of the film. Nope he gets killed in a lame ass confrontation with Laurie. Cody does have one more laughable trick up his sleeve. After being shot he claims "if I can't have Allyson nobody can" and stabs himself in the neck framing Laurie for his murder and since Allyson is now stupid his clever ruse works. Not really what the phrase If I can't have her nobody can means, If you killed Allyson it would make sense. not really sure what you dying prevented. Myers gets the last laugh killing Cody who's immobile from having been previously shot and stabbed (thankfully for decrepit Myers) and retrieves his mask. Now that Cody is out of the way we do finally get the much anticipated final battle between Laurie and Michael. Laurie beats the fuck outta and kills Mike because this is one of his im not feeling my best hours of the day. Its not epic its not tense its just a beat down. The unstoppable embodiment of evil is little more than a limp dick in the end. Some other nonsensical shit happens where everyone in the town get the Mike's dead phone alert and come strap him to a car roof deer hunter style. They have a funeral procession drive to some kind of junkyard chew shit up machine where they crowd surf his body into it and he finally gets obliterated. The End.
Final thoughts. I hated this film almost in every possible way. The acting is fine and its not terribly shot but everything else fails. This is just awful storytelling. I am not a Halloween purist or gate keeper but I do enjoy the film series to a degree and I did feel misled by the promotion. I would rate this below Resurrection and even under Zombie's Halloween 2. This should of been the first movie in a trilogy or a stand alone not the third or better yet a remake of Christine because this is more closer to that movie than Halloween. D+ and the plus is for one particular kill with the turntable. I will eventually watch it again I just am not looking forward to it.
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Re: Halloween Ends *Heavy Spoilers!!!!!!*

Post by Tiggnutz »

I may be inquisitive about why someone likes a movie i loathe and also shit on this film but its never personal or an attack. Like what you like.
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