Ragnarok ~ Netflix Original Series

TV Series, Made for TV Movies. Netflix and Chill selections, whatever the cultural phenomenon that is Game of Thrones is.
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Ragnarok ~ Netflix Original Series

Post by Lunachic »

They say a second season is confirmed but with pandemic it could be delayed. I binged this one weekend and was surprised how much I liked it.

Ragnarok is a drama series set in Norway that tells the story of a town in the grip of climate change that is worsened by the steady pollution from the town’s factories. When two teenage boys, Magne, and his brother, Laurits, come to live in the town, Magne discovers he is the embodiment of Thor and is called to fight the evil that threatens the town’s inhabitants.
In the fictional town of Edda, Magne (David Stakston) & Laurits (Jonas Strand Gravli) return to the place where they were born. The two boys attend the local high school where Magne finds a friend in Isolde (Ylva Bjørkaas Thedin), a young girl intent on fighting pollution. Tragedy strikes when Isolde dies in a mysterious accident.

Magne discovers that Isolde’s death is linked to the Jutul family who own all the town’s factories and rank as the fifth-richest family in Norway. The Jutul family also have a secret: they’re actually frost giants & giantesses known as jötunn, living disguised as humans and profiting off the slow destruction of the planet.
As Magne dives deeper into the Jutul’s conspiracy, his powers are awakened and he learns he has the ability to conjure lightning, throw a hammer almost a mile-away, bend metal with his bare hands, and run like the wind. Magne must try to overcome the powerful Jutuls before they destroy him, the town, and the world.

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Re: Ragnarok ~ Netflix Original Series

Post by showa58taro »

Epic series. Very much enjoyed it.
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