zombie wrote:yeah, we're both believing what we want to. the end was left ambiguous for the viewer to decide. and it is a great film.
From an interview with Bob Clark:
"What did Warner Bros. want to change? The fact that the killer remains alive and unknown? Or that the lead character is left to die?
CLARK: Both. But I think having the killer living on and remaining unknown is right. What audiences objected to was leaving this strong female character in dire jeopardy, having her survive everything and then leaving her alone and asleep in the house with the killer.
I mean, she’s going to die. That bothered people. I knew audiences would be upset, but maybe that’s why the film is so effective."
No ambiguity there. The only thing he has ever mentioned as ambiguous is Billy himself. Not the ending.
zombie wrote:so john saxoo's character did say that he (peter) must've made a call after every kill. but that's not right. because billy didn't make a call after he killed the cop. (which they didn't account for because they didn't find clare's body) so we don't actually know billy's pattern.

again, the ending is purposely ambiguous. so you decide, as a viewer, how you want to see it.
I didn't say he called after every kill, but that the calls always came after a kill, there's a difference. It can also be said that he only calls after killing girls, since that's his real objective. As Bob Clark has said "he doesn't like girls".