So I made some vote total predictions for all the third party and independent candidates that made at least one ballot. I didn't post them here, so the picture below is a snapshot of the predictions I made in late September.
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According to NBC's results, there are still 20 states that are below 97% expected votes reporting, so I haven't done any deep comparison between by predictions and the actual results yet, but if some of those numbers don't change, I was damn close with a few of them.
Cornel West - I predicted 75,000, and right now I see he's at 66,075
Randall Terry - I predicted 45,000, he's at 40,366.
Sonski - I went with 28,000, he's at 28,405
Richard Duncan - I went 15,000, he's at 12,532.
Some are naturally way off, even beyond Stein and Chase, but we're talking candidates like Lucifer Everylove (who has double what I predicted) and Jay Bowman (who has 5,858 votes at the moment to my predicted 2,400) - West, Terry, Sonski, and Duncan, though, seem moderately on point right now.
Naturally, I imagine I'm one of the few who cares, but I thought this was fun, and wanted to add more numbers into this thread.