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Re: October 4th 2018

Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 10:13 pm
by Jason
zombie wrote:
dave626 wrote:
Jason wrote:
Foo wrote:Poor Dave has stayed a single virgin because of MeToo. Make it stop!
aka Dave626?

Yeah, I see his posts on facebook. I feel for him, but there are some very cringe-y stuff he posts.
Gee thanks. Nice to see what you all really think of me. No wonder I stay away from here.
try not to let that get to you. i've always thought you were cool. and wouldn't mind seeing you around more.

miss you and a lot of the older group.
Messaging him on facebook, now.

Re: October 4th 2018

Posted: Wed May 27, 2020 8:51 am
by dave626
Yeah well, it's hard not to take it personally when people who I thought were my friends, people I've never said one bad word about, say this about me. I don't need any more stress.

Re: October 4th 2018

Posted: Wed May 27, 2020 12:41 pm
by zombie
understandable. selfishly, i'd like to see you back around. but if it's not worth it for you, that's what really matters.

Re: October 4th 2018

Posted: Wed May 27, 2020 7:30 pm
by dave626
I don't think I can get past being called a virgin and my "cringe-y" posts. That is not funny. That is cruel and precisely why I left here in the first place.

Re: October 4th 2018

Posted: Wed May 27, 2020 7:42 pm
by zombie
agreed, it's cruel. there's no way to justify or defend the comments. again, i can't blame you if you feel we're not worth the bother.

Re: October 4th 2018

Posted: Wed May 27, 2020 7:45 pm
by Headhunter
Talking shit about someone in the way Foo did where you don’t think the person will ever see it...that’s just incredibly lame.

Re: October 4th 2018

Posted: Wed May 27, 2020 9:49 pm
by Jmac Attack
I have Dave on my facebook and I get to check in and see how he is. Maybe Jason meant politically cringy? But the Foo remark was overboard. Come back Dave. A majority of us like ya and wont talk shit.

Re: October 4th 2018

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 8:33 am
by Reign in Blood
Foo wrote:
Jason wrote:
Foo wrote:Poor Dave has stayed a single virgin because of MeToo. Make it stop!
aka Dave626?

Yeah, I see his posts on facebook. I feel for him, but there are some very cringe-y stuff he posts.
I would love to see him find someone, but I get the vibe like he is fishing on the wrong seas.
Are we gonna show the total context here?

What Foo said wasn't cool, but friends talk shit. I've talked shit and pissed each one of you off over the years, I'm sure. But it's not to hurt you. But that's not to defend it, reading that shit had to sting for Dave. I miss you, Dave. You've always been cool to me.

Re: October 4th 2018

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 8:39 am
by Tiggnutz
Exactly why I've never had interest in Facebook

Re: October 4th 2018

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 6:04 pm
by dave626
Context. I've been with HMF on and off for probably a decade, back to the original(?) site. I know how it works. I've had a lot of exterior factors in my life that caused me stress. So when things got awkward/difficult, fights, offended people, etc. I stepped away. Or ran, take your pick. I knew I didn't need more stress or cause more stress. Which is why I've kept my distance. I let my guard down and let people know the real me. Not just the guy from the message board, but my name, my family, friends, all you have access to in my social media. Only 2nd time in my life I've done that. I try to be private and guarded.

Thing is, I wasn't here to defend myself or explain myself. I didn't even know this was said til I searched for my name on the site. Ironically, because Foo wanted me back. Context. In Dec. of 2018, two short months after this, I attempted suicide. Work/woman related issues. In May 2019, I attempted suicide again. One year ago. So it's a little fresh in my mind. Not many people know this. Certainly not FB.

So had I seen this at the actual time, fuel to the fire. Right now, I'm struggling with things. Then I see this.

There is talking shit, which some of it is true, but again, I was not here or aware of it at the time to give my side as I'm doing now. "Cringe-y posts", yeah, I admit it. I've deleted and posted some shit. I agree. My sexual experiences, however, should be off limits.

I don't know what else to say. I may or may not come back. I'm sorry if my posts are out there. All I do know is that while I've teased people, it wasn't malicious. I don't think this was meant to be that. We all make mistakes, we are all human. God knows I've said and done plenty. So forgiveness? That's easy. Forgetting? Probably not. I do appreciate all of you who reached out to smooth things over.
I just wanted you to know my side of things.

Re: October 4th 2018

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 6:14 pm
by zombie
dave626 wrote:Context. I've been with HMF on and off for probably a decade, back to the original(?) site. I know how it works. I've had a lot of exterior factors in my life that caused me stress. So when things got awkward/difficult, fights, offended people, etc. I stepped away. Or ran, take your pick. I knew I didn't need more stress or cause more stress. Which is why I've kept my distance. I let my guard down and let people know the real me. Not just the guy from the message board, but my name, my family, friends, all you have access to in my social media. Only 2nd time in my life I've done that. I try to be private and guarded.

Thing is, I wasn't here to defend myself or explain myself. I didn't even know this was said til I searched for my name on the site. Ironically, because Foo wanted me back. Context. In Dec. of 2018, two short months after this, I attempted suicide. Work/woman related issues. In May 2019, I attempted suicide again. One year ago. So it's a little fresh in my mind. Not many people know this. Certainly not FB.

So had I seen this at the actual time, fuel to the fire. Right now, I'm struggling with things. Then I see this.

There is talking shit, which some of it is true, but again, I was not here or aware of it at the time to give my side as I'm doing now. "Cringe-y posts", yeah, I admit it. I've deleted and posted some shit. I agree. My sexual experiences, however, should be off limits.

I don't know what else to say. I may or may not come back. I'm sorry if my posts are out there. All I do know is that while I've teased people, it wasn't malicious. I don't think this was meant to be that. We all make mistakes, we are all human. God knows I've said and done plenty. So forgiveness? That's easy. Forgetting? Probably not. I do appreciate all of you who reached out to smooth things over.
I just wanted you to know my side of things.
i'm sorry to hear about the things you've struggled with, and still are. i struggle with depression, maybe for similar reasons in certain aspects. it's never easy.

no one should talk crap behind someone's back, especially if they consider that person to be a friend. and yeah, context matters. but it's still talking behind your back. would he have said that to you, directly? i don't know. but i think he would talk to you about it, if you brought it to his attention and how you were feeling about it. if that's something you want to do, to clear the air maybe?

take care of yourself, whether that means being around here or not. :)

Re: October 4th 2018

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 6:19 pm
by Headhunter
Take care of yourself, Dave. Life’s just enough of a bitch to make coming out on the other side of things worth the bullshit.

What Foo said sucks but he’s always had a cruel streak to his humor that is usually more funny than this occasion. He obviously wishes you well as the rest of us do.

Re: October 4th 2018

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 6:28 pm
by Tiggnutz
dave626 wrote:Context. I've been with HMF on and off for probably a decade, back to the original(?) site. I know how it works. I've had a lot of exterior factors in my life that caused me stress. So when things got awkward/difficult, fights, offended people, etc. I stepped away. Or ran, take your pick. I knew I didn't need more stress or cause more stress. Which is why I've kept my distance. I let my guard down and let people know the real me. Not just the guy from the message board, but my name, my family, friends, all you have access to in my social media. Only 2nd time in my life I've done that. I try to be private and guarded.

Thing is, I wasn't here to defend myself or explain myself. I didn't even know this was said til I searched for my name on the site. Ironically, because Foo wanted me back. Context. In Dec. of 2018, two short months after this, I attempted suicide. Work/woman related issues. In May 2019, I attempted suicide again. One year ago. So it's a little fresh in my mind. Not many people know this. Certainly not FB.

So had I seen this at the actual time, fuel to the fire. Right now, I'm struggling with things. Then I see this.

There is talking shit, which some of it is true, but again, I was not here or aware of it at the time to give my side as I'm doing now. "Cringe-y posts", yeah, I admit it. I've deleted and posted some shit. I agree. My sexual experiences, however, should be off limits.

I don't know what else to say. I may or may not come back. I'm sorry if my posts are out there. All I do know is that while I've teased people, it wasn't malicious. I don't think this was meant to be that. We all make mistakes, we are all human. God knows I've said and done plenty. So forgiveness? That's easy. Forgetting? Probably not. I do appreciate all of you who reached out to smooth things over.
I just wanted you to know my side of things.
I no nothing of this Facebook thing and I don't want to. I do know on HMF you were cool with me in our interactions. you should do what is best for you but I think you will see its different now. Just from reading these posts people including me would love to have you come back. Just give it a thought

Re: October 4th 2018

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 8:14 pm
by DancesWithWerewolves
Think I should've swatted that Foo comment a little harder.

As someone who routinely has suicidal thoughts like, every other day, my inbox is open.

Re: October 4th 2018

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 8:37 pm
by dave626
Thanks for the support. I guess I am kinda back. With this whole coronavirus thing shutting down movie and tv production, it makes for light conversation, but right now I'm really into the Creepshow series, half over that it is and hoping Halloween Kills stays on scheduled release.