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Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 4:46 pm
by Headhunter
Tiggnutz wrote:I really cant figure this Warren thing out why stay in she cant win? I dont believe she's a DNC plant my guess is she likes the media attention.
She is staying in because Bernie is the natural second choice for most Warren supporters so she is able to take away a lot of delegates. She cut a nice deal with the party, in some fashion.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 4:48 pm
by Headhunter
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Tiggnutz wrote:Senility and all Joe is still the Dems best chance at beating Trump and even that is highly unlikely. Bernie would lose my guess 40 to 45 states in a general election
Yeah. Imagine preaching socialism to the Cuban-Americans in Florida or the working-class Reaganites in the rustbelt.
They were never counting on Florida. Nobody ever should, it's a crazy ass state. The Midwest loves Bernie, and a lot of those voters ultimately went with Trump. And it's precisely because Bernie connects to working class people that they loved him in states Hillary was embarrassed in.
Well, Biden did beat Bernie comfortably in Minnesota.
...thanks to Klobuchar dropping out and endorsing Biden, and Warren taking a lot of the progressive vote. All things being equal and not manipulated, Bernie wins Minnesota which has long been a hot bed of progressivism.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 4:51 pm
by Jason
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Tiggnutz wrote:Senility and all Joe is still the Dems best chance at beating Trump and even that is highly unlikely. Bernie would lose my guess 40 to 45 states in a general election
Yeah. Imagine preaching socialism to the Cuban-Americans in Florida or the working-class Reaganites in the rustbelt.
They were never counting on Florida. Nobody ever should, it's a crazy ass state. The Midwest loves Bernie, and a lot of those voters ultimately went with Trump. And it's precisely because Bernie connects to working class people that they loved him in states Hillary was embarrassed in.
Well, Biden did beat Bernie comfortably in Minnesota.
...thanks to Klobuchar dropping out and endorsing Biden, and Warren taking a lot of the progressive vote. All things being equal and not manipulated, Bernie wins Minnesota which has long been a hot bed of progressivism.
Regardless, they still voted Biden over Sanders and I wasn't surprised.

Bernie's crowd talks the loudest and it clouds judgment on how big their core base is. It's smaller than people think.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 6:00 pm
by Jason
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:Wonderful night, last night. This was my exact prediction. I still need to watch Cenk from the young turds meltdown. I'm hearing it was delicious. Jig lost his mind on facebook, and wished Biden supporters to die. Made me sad.

Cannot wait for Trump-Biden debates.
Don't know what he said and I'm sure it was entertaining, but he's probably not wrong to be frustrated. The full weight of the party consolidated to undermine Sanders so that the DNC's preferred candidate (who doesn't know where he is most of the time) could win. Democrats live in this tone-deaf bubble of privilege where they ignore the reality that this shit really pisses people off.
It was pretty nasty stuff that Jig said. Unforgivable things if you're a Biden supporter. I know it's fun to poke at each other when we're frustrated... our candidate gaffes, our team loses, or something. But Jig reacted as if someone murdered his family. Made me more concerned than anything. I'm glad I didn't poke fun, I was just there for the meltdown.
I thought by now he'd have graduated from the "we deserve 9/11", "if you support ________, I hope you die" mentality. Guess not.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 6:14 pm
by showa58taro
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:Wonderful night, last night. This was my exact prediction. I still need to watch Cenk from the young turds meltdown. I'm hearing it was delicious. Jig lost his mind on facebook, and wished Biden supporters to die. Made me sad.

Cannot wait for Trump-Biden debates.
Don't know what he said and I'm sure it was entertaining, but he's probably not wrong to be frustrated. The full weight of the party consolidated to undermine Sanders so that the DNC's preferred candidate (who doesn't know where he is most of the time) could win. Democrats live in this tone-deaf bubble of privilege where they ignore the reality that this shit really pisses people off.
To me this rhetoric is why Bernie can’t be the guy.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 7:57 pm
by Headhunter
showa58taro wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:Wonderful night, last night. This was my exact prediction. I still need to watch Cenk from the young turds meltdown. I'm hearing it was delicious. Jig lost his mind on facebook, and wished Biden supporters to die. Made me sad.

Cannot wait for Trump-Biden debates.
Don't know what he said and I'm sure it was entertaining, but he's probably not wrong to be frustrated. The full weight of the party consolidated to undermine Sanders so that the DNC's preferred candidate (who doesn't know where he is most of the time) could win. Democrats live in this tone-deaf bubble of privilege where they ignore the reality that this shit really pisses people off.
To me this rhetoric is why Bernie can’t be the guy.
Yes, they should continue to transparently manufacture democratic processes to their liking and act like nobody should care that it's obviously happening. That worked out so well last time, no reason not to do it again. Can't wait for six months of Ukraine drowning out American minds. Young people won't show up and Trump will win. Democrats do what they always do: lose in spite of significant advantages.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 8:01 pm
by Headhunter
Rabid base issues aside, Bernie's only a bad candidate if you think moderate Democrats are as uncompromising as the Sanders base, which I guarantee they aren't.

Shoving a constantly confused old man down America's throats as the best that you have to offer is basically making a mockery of people's intelligence. They already tried a "lesser of two evils" campaign with Hillary Clinton. Why would it work now when Trump's approval rating is higher than it's ever been?

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 10:17 pm
by Headhunter


Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 7:10 am
by Tiggnutz
Bernie is a bad candidate because everything he screams and pounds his fists about is based in bullshit. He knows that his boogeyman 1% can't cover the cost of all the freebies he promises and that the middle and working class would suffer the most but he doesn't care because he's already set. He's a very successful snake oil salesman/Parasite. Just my opinion

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 2:00 pm
by Headhunter
Tiggnutz wrote:Bernie is a bad candidate because everything he screams and pounds his fists about is based in bullshit. He knows that his boogeyman 1% can't cover the cost of all the freebies he promises and that the middle and working class would suffer the most but he doesn't care because he's already set. He's a very successful snake oil salesman/Parasite. Just my opinion
How can you say that when Trump was elected?

That 1% actually could cover costs if he we taxed them fairly as the U.S. did until Reagan. Highway robbery what they've gotten away with since, and rich people who weren't nearly as rich as they are now didn't complain about taxation back then. It was part of the game. Also, slashing our absurd military budget. It's funny how people always say the U.S. has no money for things while we spend money in the most obscene ways possible and let billionaires avoid taxes.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 2:02 pm
by Headhunter
In the 1950s, aka white picket fence, cherry pie, baseball America, the highest tax bracket paid 91% back to the government.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 2:43 pm
by Tiggnutz
Even Bernie has no idea how to pay for the shit hes offering or even how much it costs that's why when pressed at all to explain he spews the same nonsense hes been saying for decades with out explaining anything. All that will happen is business will flee to more tax friendly places in the world hundreds of thousands if not millions will lose their jobs and the economy will nosedive. Of course that is actually what he wants to happen a socialist country dependent on government to survive. No thanks

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 3:04 pm
by Tiggnutz
I do actually want Bernie to get the nomination I want him to have to explain his policies to the general population and not to his fanbase then let's see what's what.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 5:38 pm
by showa58taro
Bernie can likely make policies that work if he gets a Warren type to cost them for him.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 5:45 pm
by Tiggnutz
showa58taro wrote:Bernie can likely make policies that work if he gets a Warren type to cost them for him.
So as of now would you say he could do it himself?

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 5:50 pm
by showa58taro
Tiggnutz wrote:8-)
showa58taro wrote:Bernie can likely make policies that work if he gets a Warren type to cost them for him.
So as of now would you say he could do it himself?
No, I think he’s more rhetoric than substance but his policies aren’t as our in the sky as you are suggesting. But changes would be made. Be they increased taxes, cuts to defense, removal of some waste, or otherwise. It’d be a very different landscape but in a good way. Anything to fix your joke of a healthcare issues and improve social justice is a good thing.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 6:30 pm
by DancesWithWerewolves
Headhunter wrote:
Tiggnutz wrote:Bernie is a bad candidate because everything he screams and pounds his fists about is based in bullshit. He knows that his boogeyman 1% can't cover the cost of all the freebies he promises and that the middle and working class would suffer the most but he doesn't care because he's already set. He's a very successful snake oil salesman/Parasite. Just my opinion
How can you say that when Trump was elected?

That 1% actually could cover costs if he we taxed them fairly as the U.S. did until Reagan. Highway robbery what they've gotten away with since, and rich people who weren't nearly as rich as they are now didn't complain about taxation back then. It was part of the game. Also, slashing our absurd military budget. It's funny how people always say the U.S. has no money for things while we spend money in the most obscene ways possible and let billionaires avoid taxes.
all dis

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 8:59 pm
by Jason
Instead of punishing people because they have more money than we do, I think it would be largely more productive to target price demands from hospitals and pharmaceutical companies. Why does a 6 hour trip to the E.R. and a bottle of ibuprofen cost 10,000 dollars? Instead of being fine with the cost, encourage competition to drive down costs so they are more likely to get your business.

Bernie fans tend to be naive college students with massive debt who hear a politician offering handouts and they cling to it. Nobody should be forced to pay into tuition for people who are too dense to realize that a textbook and a semester of general ed shouldn't cost 8,000 dollars. Should probably be demanding lower cost for education rather than forcing the general public to pay the vast majority of it. Universities sucker so many people into college, it's insane.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 9:10 pm
by Headhunter
It’s not punishment. It’s logically structuring society so the most vulnerable people aren’t disproportionately affected.

Contributing to the greater good being considered punishment is an unfortunate viewpoint. Not very patriotic in all honesty.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 9:14 pm
by Headhunter
None of it is actually far left or radical in any meaningful sense. Reagan shifted the entire political spectrum to the right, since then income inequality has skyrocketed as Republicans (and Democrats!) con voters into thinking trickle down economics isn’t the biggest crock of shit ever conceived.

Imagine if most Americans realized they largely pay more in taxes altogether than Europeans do, and don’t even get close to the same amount of civic benefits in return. It’s a sham.