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Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 5:18 pm
by Reign in Blood
Headhunter wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:Since libs are so fond of the "greater good" motif while they lie through their teeth, I think we can all agree bombing that shithole to hell and back 20 years ago would have left the rest of the world better off. Better late than never.
I mean that is a very American solution. We created a disastrous situation that nobody there asked for but more bombs will surely fix it. How about just leaving them alone. We had no business getting involved in their war with the Soviets, and we had no business occupying them after 9/11. As is often the case, it goes back to the CIA being an evil terrorist organization that also operates with zero foresight.
They bombed us on 9/11, we return the favor and end the story. It's not pretty, but quick, concise, and for the greater good.
Afghanistan did not bomb us, lol what are you talking about. Most of the people responsible were from Saudi Arabia, our petrodollar sugar daddy of an ally.
You realize I'm perfectly fine into turning that entire shithole section of the earth into the new Grand Canyon and making it a tourist attraction for good god-fearing kids to learn and love from. Give turbans out like they're fucking cotton candy to drum up American sales.
And they’re justified in wanting us bombed to the Stone Age too. The US is responsible for everything that region of the world became.
A rule of combat is to know your enemy, right? If you do, you beat them to the punch. I know us doing nothing, or sitting on our asses for 20 years has shown great dividends. Riiight.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 5:23 pm
by Headhunter
Reign in Blood wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:Since libs are so fond of the "greater good" motif while they lie through their teeth, I think we can all agree bombing that shithole to hell and back 20 years ago would have left the rest of the world better off. Better late than never.
I mean that is a very American solution. We created a disastrous situation that nobody there asked for but more bombs will surely fix it. How about just leaving them alone. We had no business getting involved in their war with the Soviets, and we had no business occupying them after 9/11. As is often the case, it goes back to the CIA being an evil terrorist organization that also operates with zero foresight.
They bombed us on 9/11, we return the favor and end the story. It's not pretty, but quick, concise, and for the greater good.
Afghanistan did not bomb us, lol what are you talking about. Most of the people responsible were from Saudi Arabia, our petrodollar sugar daddy of an ally.
You realize I'm perfectly fine into turning that entire shithole section of the earth into the new Grand Canyon and making it a tourist attraction for good god-fearing kids to learn and love from. Give turbans out like they're fucking cotton candy to drum up American sales.
And they’re justified in wanting us bombed to the Stone Age too. The US is responsible for everything that region of the world became.
A rule of combat is to know your enemy, right? If you do, you beat them to the punch. I know us doing nothing, or sitting on our asses for 20 years has shown great dividends. Riiight.
They haven’t done nothing. They’ve made billions upon billions from defense contracts and exporting heroin. Neither of which actually serve the interests of Americans. None of it was about revenge or patriotism or anything that would make people feel good about war. It’s just a racket. None of it has benefited either of us, unless you’re into heroin.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 5:26 pm
by Reign in Blood
Headhunter wrote:Americans are quick to mock third world countries and the people who come from them. They rarely acknowledge that it is US policy to keep these places unstable and impoverished so that they can be easily drained of all their natural resources.
And? Meat's meat and a man's gotta eat. We let an ABUNDANCE of scrap come in. Turn on the news, even in disease spreading whoreville we can't stop letting them in, thanks to your ilk.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 5:30 pm
by Headhunter
But it’s not all bad. We bend over backwards for terrorist sponsoring oil daddy Saudi Arabia to the point where they can decapitate one of our intelligence assets in broad daylight (hey, the game is the game) and we can’t do a thing about it. Or Israel who openly run a modern apartheid state and get to face no repercussions for it solely because of our influence.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 5:33 pm
by Headhunter
Reign in Blood wrote:
Headhunter wrote:Americans are quick to mock third world countries and the people who come from them. They rarely acknowledge that it is US policy to keep these places unstable and impoverished so that they can be easily drained of all their natural resources.
And? Meat's meat and a man's gotta eat. We let an ABUNDANCE of scrap come in. Turn on the news, even in disease spreading whoreville we can't stop letting them in, thanks to your ilk.
So crazy that they want to leave their countries that have been destabilized and plagued with civil war because the US needs to have evil military dictators running these places, massacre’ing all opposition and shipping us our sweet cocaine.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 5:41 pm
by Headhunter
“Meat’s meat and man’s gotta eat” is good though because the people eating as we drain from the bottom in exploiting these places are not really the American consumer. It’s the ultra-wealthy born to the manner douchebags who sit on the boards of shell companies and take home 90% of the profits from massive projects and resource draining. Yeah, so cool to root for those guys who would sneer at you if you’re not a trust fund baby in their weird homoerotic Skull and Bones Ivy League groups. Nothing says “badass American” like those guys.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 5:42 pm
by Jmac Attack
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:9/11 was 100% the birthchild of American policy in the Middle East. There is no Al-Qaeda or spread of radical Wahhabism in general without the CIA’s efforts and we provide the Saudis cover to do whatever they want.
If Muslims acted more like Mormons there would be peace forever in the middle east. :lol:
I'm all for keeping religions in check (all of them). Which is why I bitch about evangelicals. They are silently radical. Keep them from running everything, and I'm cool.

Go to church. Worship God. Leave me the fuck alone. Muslim, Christian, Jew, whatevs.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 5:49 pm
by Headhunter
Don’t forget it was US policy to encourage the spread of radical Islam and jihadist groups. They were trained well by the CIA. How’s that going?

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 5:51 pm
by Jason
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:Since libs are so fond of the "greater good" motif while they lie through their teeth, I think we can all agree bombing that shithole to hell and back 20 years ago would have left the rest of the world better off. Better late than never.
I mean that is a very American solution. We created a disastrous situation that nobody there asked for but more bombs will surely fix it. How about just leaving them alone. We had no business getting involved in their war with the Soviets, and we had no business occupying them after 9/11. As is often the case, it goes back to the CIA being an evil terrorist organization that also operates with zero foresight.
They bombed us on 9/11, we return the favor and end the story. It's not pretty, but quick, concise, and for the greater good.
Afghanistan did not bomb us, lol what are you talking about. Most of the people responsible were from Saudi Arabia, our petrodollar sugar daddy of an ally.
You realize I'm perfectly fine into turning that entire shithole section of the earth into the new Grand Canyon and making it a tourist attraction for good god-fearing kids to learn and love from. Give turbans out like they're fucking cotton candy to drum up American sales.
And they’re justified in wanting us bombed to the Stone Age too. The US is responsible for everything that region of the world became.
No. Their inbreeding is responsible for exactly what they are today. If they quit fucking and marrying their first cousins again and again and again, progress and clarity would be more prominent over there.
By all means, learn nothing and be ignorant forever. No one cares.
Well, I guess we're back to insults...

I actually pursue truth in the information we receive. The difference between us I think, is that you memorize and I analyze. You read information, memorize snippets of them, mainly for sociopolitical purposes and grandstanding, and you selectively regurgitate the things that coincide with your preconceived notions of the world. Just by my analysis alone of your wording and the way you speak, I am entirely certain that you are extremely active on Twitter and it's rubbed off heavily on HMF over the years. The fact that I analyze every aspect of information and contradictions of history with the goal to decipher misinformation from truth no matter what the result may be tells me that not only am I more open to learning things than you are, my capability of learning is astronomically higher than yours because all you do is memorize and regurgitate. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing because this is how the school systems operate and you probably did fairly well in college, but it drastically reduced your desire and ability to learn before you even realize its happened.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 5:53 pm
by Headhunter
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:Since libs are so fond of the "greater good" motif while they lie through their teeth, I think we can all agree bombing that shithole to hell and back 20 years ago would have left the rest of the world better off. Better late than never.
I mean that is a very American solution. We created a disastrous situation that nobody there asked for but more bombs will surely fix it. How about just leaving them alone. We had no business getting involved in their war with the Soviets, and we had no business occupying them after 9/11. As is often the case, it goes back to the CIA being an evil terrorist organization that also operates with zero foresight.
They bombed us on 9/11, we return the favor and end the story. It's not pretty, but quick, concise, and for the greater good.
Afghanistan did not bomb us, lol what are you talking about. Most of the people responsible were from Saudi Arabia, our petrodollar sugar daddy of an ally.
You realize I'm perfectly fine into turning that entire shithole section of the earth into the new Grand Canyon and making it a tourist attraction for good god-fearing kids to learn and love from. Give turbans out like they're fucking cotton candy to drum up American sales.
And they’re justified in wanting us bombed to the Stone Age too. The US is responsible for everything that region of the world became.
No. Their inbreeding is responsible for exactly what they are today. If they quit fucking and marrying their first cousins again and again and again, progress and clarity would be more prominent over there.
By all means, learn nothing and be ignorant forever. No one cares.
Well, I guess we're back to insults...

I actually pursue truth in the information we receive. The difference between us I think, is that you memorize and I analyze. You read information, memorize snippets of them, mainly for sociopolitical purposes and grandstanding, and you selectively regurgitate the things that coincide with your preconceived notions of the world. Just by my analysis alone of your wording and the way you speak, I am entirely certain that you are extremely active on Twitter and it's rubbed off heavily on HMF over the years. The fact that I analyze every aspect of information and contradictions of history with the goal to decipher misinformation from truth no matter what the result may be tells me that not only am I more open to learning things than you are, my capability of learning is astronomically higher than yours because all you do is memorize and regurgitate. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing because this is how the school systems operates and you probably did fairly well in college, but it drastically reduced your desire and ability to learn before you even realize its happened.
Hey Jason, no one cares.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 5:55 pm
by Jason
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:Well, I guess we're back to insults...

I actually pursue truth in the information we receive. The difference between us I think, is that you memorize and I analyze. You read information, memorize snippets of them, mainly for sociopolitical purposes and grandstanding, and you selectively regurgitate the things that coincide with your preconceived notions of the world. Just by my analysis alone of your wording and the way you speak, I am entirely certain that you are extremely active on Twitter and it's rubbed off heavily on HMF over the years. The fact that I analyze every aspect of information and contradictions of history with the goal to decipher misinformation from truth no matter what the result may be tells me that not only am I more open to learning things than you are, my capability of learning is astronomically higher than yours because all you do is memorize and regurgitate. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing because this is how the school systems operate and you probably did fairly well in college, but it drastically reduced your desire and ability to learn before you even realize its happened.
Hey Jason, no one cares.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 6:08 pm
by Headhunter
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:Well, I guess we're back to insults...

I actually pursue truth in the information we receive. The difference between us I think, is that you memorize and I analyze. You read information, memorize snippets of them, mainly for sociopolitical purposes and grandstanding, and you selectively regurgitate the things that coincide with your preconceived notions of the world. Just by my analysis alone of your wording and the way you speak, I am entirely certain that you are extremely active on Twitter and it's rubbed off heavily on HMF over the years. The fact that I analyze every aspect of information and contradictions of history with the goal to decipher misinformation from truth no matter what the result may be tells me that not only am I more open to learning things than you are, my capability of learning is astronomically higher than yours because all you do is memorize and regurgitate. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing because this is how the school systems operate and you probably did fairly well in college, but it drastically reduced your desire and ability to learn before you even realize its happened.
Hey Jason, no one cares.
Just saying, there are 0 people on the planet who are interested in reading your bizarre ego stroking tangents that have nothing to do with the topics being discussed. It’s extremely weird and cringy. We’re talking about specific topics. I think you should post about those and get over your weird need for my validation.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 6:23 pm
by Jmac Attack
The police officer who shot Ashley Babbitt has been exonerated. Thank God.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 6:28 pm
by Headhunter
I can never feel good about a cop killing a person when there was no reason to, no matter how crazy that bitch probably was.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 7:08 pm
by Jmac Attack
Headhunter wrote:I can never feel good about a cop killing a person when there was no reason to, no matter how crazy that bitch probably was.
I agree on principle, but that officer had literally 100s of people about to break open doors and hunting Pelosi and Pence down. He actually did his job. I'm a shoot last kind of guy. Either way you look at it, it's a shame a life was lost and didn't need to be lost.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 7:10 pm
by Jmac Attack
If it was just the officer and it was not a mob that was trying to break in, yeah.....excessive force would not have been warranted in this case. It wasn't just her or a few people and the officer.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 12:13 pm
by Jmac Attack
Biden has been terrible regarding Afghanistan. It was either gonna be terrible or really terrible when we got out. ... 52156.html

Here is an article within that link- ... an/617229/

I have no idea if the Atlantic is far left or right or up your butt. But it seemed prophetic. Lol

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 1:54 pm
by Reign in Blood
Always blame the other guy. Our politicians are so cute and mature. Trump had a hand to play, but Biden shit the bed. Diarrhea all over, Biden can't help himself, this is what you get when you elect Jurassic Park, assholes.

The guy can barely get up to take a piss at night, but let's elect him to run everything? :lol:

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 2:09 pm
by Jason

Jason wrote:So, according to my sources, Trump has locked in this election in landslide numbers and the polls you see where it's a tight race are cooked and fabricated. Just like the Hillary numbers, but even more lopsided in favor of Trump. Lmao.

Here's the kicker. Trump is going to be leading early on no matter what is counted first, whether it's mail in ballots or in-person polls. Watch closely for the election to pretty much freeze in the middle of the night. If this happens, Biden will miraculously start getting bizarre amounts of votes because poll watchers will be blocked from viewing the count, thus muddying the election and the democrats will have successfully stolen it. It will eventually go to SCOTUS, and if they have any balls whatsoever, they will actually do their job and ensure that Trump is sworn in in January.
Talk about prophetic. :o :P

Took me like 45 minutes to find this post. I'm not much on betting, but I was watching the election live and if there were any betting places that let you get in the middle of the election, I would've taken Biden when the election froze.

Re: Random Political Comments

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 3:30 pm
by Jmac Attack
Actually....everyone I know predicted this was gonna happen because of mail in voting and also because Republicans were telling folks that mail on voting was bad. Lol.