Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

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Re: Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

Post by DancesWithWerewolves »

I also thought Keri Russell was underused as a character. Cool to give Poe some hint of a past, but still expected more out of her.
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Re: Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

Post by zombie »

i'm hearing that rose (from last jedi) was sidelined into nearly being a cameo is that right?
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Re: Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

Post by DancesWithWerewolves »

zombie wrote:i'm hearing that rose (from last jedi) was sidelined into nearly being a cameo is that right?
Yeah seems like it. Well, still more than a cameo, but not much to do. Pretty sure that was to tide over fan-backlash though, and she wasn't an original JJ character so he probably didn't even know what to do with her. *shrug*
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Re: Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

Post by Tiggnutz »

None of this movie made any sense I will probably end up with it being a C- the more I think about it the worse it gets
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Re: Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

Post by Headhunter »

DancesWithWerewolves wrote:
Headhunter wrote:Disney also setting in motion the acquisition of James Bond properties, btw.
Which has me very nervous, because then they are going to fuck hard with the Bond legacy. Specifically casting actors that aren't right for the part because SJWs say so.
If it's the Idris Elba route, I'm good with that. If they're changing the character so that it's a girl/gay/trans/general sucker of cocks, that's fucked up.
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Re: Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

Post by Reign in Blood »

Shaken, stirred? Whatever's easier to swallow, baby.
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Re: Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

Post by Reign in Blood »

Why does the fate of the world always seem to hinge on the seed of just a couple connected fucked up families? I would avoid that shit just for the soap opera cliche. Of course it's long lost cousin such and such, it's never joe blow that throws a monkey wrench into the heart of shit.
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Re: Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

Post by DancesWithWerewolves »

Reign in Blood wrote:Why does the fate of the world always seem to hinge on the seed of just a couple connected fucked up families? I would avoid that shit just for the soap opera cliche. Of course it's long lost cousin such and such, it's never joe blow that throws a monkey wrench into the heart of shit.
Well, Rian Johnson tried to deviate from that cliche (wether JJ planned it or not), but the angry fanboys got pissy so Disney wanted to reward their spite by forcing JJ to either tie it back to a legacy bloodline (whether pulling it out his ass or following through with what he was setting up).

Some are even pissy that he deviated a bit from the formula of murder mysteries with Knives Out, but I love that he seems to be deliberately dodging cliches.
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Re: Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

Post by Headhunter »

I think a lot of fanboys were upset that the hours they spent theorizing and waxing poetic about what was going to happen or what should happen, weren't rewarded. And took it personally.
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Re: Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

Post by DancesWithWerewolves »

Headhunter wrote:I think a lot of fanboys were upset that the hours they spent theorizing and waxing poetic about what was going to happen or what should happen, weren't rewarded. And took it personally.
Oh definitely.
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Re: Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

Post by Headhunter »

DancesWithWerewolves wrote:
Headhunter wrote:I think a lot of fanboys were upset that the hours they spent theorizing and waxing poetic about what was going to happen or what should happen, weren't rewarded. And took it personally.
Oh definitely.
Which leads me to this: Why do people care so much about being right with shit like this? It means nothing. I find it far more fulfilling to be wrong and pleasantly surprised.
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Re: Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

Post by zombie »

theorize and debate all you want, but then when the film comes, leave that at the door and just let the filmmakers take you on the ride and story they want to tell. don't go in with your own script for them to follow.
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Re: Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

Post by Tiggnutz »

New rankings
1. Empire Strikes Back (A+)
2. A New Hope (A+)
3. Return of the Jedi (A+)
4. Rogue One (A)
5. Revenge of the Sith (B+)
6. The Force Awakens (B-)
7. The Last Jedi (B-)
8. Solo (C+)
9. The Phantom Menace (C)
10. The Rise of Skywalker (C-)
11. Attack of the Clones (C-)
Last edited by Tiggnutz on Mon Dec 23, 2019 7:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

Post by Reign in Blood »

Alright, Tigg's ranking shows they done fucked up with this one.
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Re: Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

Post by Headhunter »

I can't imagine a Star Wars movie being worse than The Phantom Menace. The pod race and lightsaber fight are the only things that save it from an F.

Attack of the Clones would have been okay if the Anakin/Padme shit wasn't so fucking cringe.
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Re: Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

Post by DancesWithWerewolves »

zombie wrote:theorize and debate all you want, but then when the film comes, leave that at the door and just let the filmmakers take you on the ride and story they want to tell. don't go in with your own script for them to follow.
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Re: Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

Post by Reign in Blood »

Headhunter wrote:I can't imagine a Star Wars movie being worse than The Phantom Menace. The pod race and lightsaber fight are the only things that save it from an F.

Attack of the Clones would have been okay if the Anakin/Padme shit wasn't so fucking cringe.
And Darth Maul was a bad ass villain, not the worst. Attack of the Clones has got nothing, absolutely nothing.
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Re: Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

Post by DancesWithWerewolves »

Headhunter wrote:
DancesWithWerewolves wrote:
Headhunter wrote:I think a lot of fanboys were upset that the hours they spent theorizing and waxing poetic about what was going to happen or what should happen, weren't rewarded. And took it personally.
Oh definitely.
Which leads me to this: Why do people care so much about being right with shit like this? It means nothing. I find it far more fulfilling to be wrong and pleasantly surprised.
Lots of fanboyz that need diapers. They have this mindset that there is this rulebook to go on, and if it doesn't stick to it, they'll throw their hissyfits hogwild.

What's hilarious is that this are the same douchebags that bitch that the EU books were not going to be used, then Rian Johnson actually decided to throw them a bone (a couple bones) and they bitched about that because there wasn't evidence of them on screen beforehand (Leia trained between episodes by Luke, and Force Projection). JJ actually continued with a huge plot detail that is also similar to the beloved EU books (SPOILERS, Palpatine survived the fall in RotJ), and they're shitting all over that now. How'd he survive? Same way Luke, Leia and Darth Maul (revealed he survived during the Clone Wars cartoon) survived their death-trap falls/jettisons most likely (using the Force, duh), but their heads don't want to fill in those blanks.
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Re: Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

Post by DancesWithWerewolves »

Reign in Blood wrote:
Headhunter wrote:I can't imagine a Star Wars movie being worse than The Phantom Menace. The pod race and lightsaber fight are the only things that save it from an F.

Attack of the Clones would have been okay if the Anakin/Padme shit wasn't so fucking cringe.
And Darth Maul was a bad ass villain, not the worst. Attack of the Clones has got nothing, absolutely nothing.
I like Obi-wan's subplot with hunting Jango Fett (who I actually dig).

That's about it though.
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Re: Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

Post by DancesWithWerewolves »

My current ranking:

1. Empire Strikes Back
2. Return of the Jedi
3. The Last Jedi
4. Revenge of the Sith
5. The Force Awakens
6. A New Hope
7. The Rise of Skywalker
8. Rogue One
9. The Phantom Menace
10. Solo
11. Attack of the Clones
12. Ewoks: Battle for Endor :P
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