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WWE, CTE, NFL, Corbin, etc.

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2017 9:31 pm
by Foo
this article brought up about 100 questions in my mind: ... ing-report

Re: WWE, CTE, NFL, Corbin, etc.

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2017 9:33 pm
by Foo
If you are WWE, do you hire someone who is suing the NFL over concussions?

How do you feel about how wrestlers are pushed or de-pushed based on situations like this?

Are we past the point where anyone who starts a sport now loses the right to sue over head injuries now that the risks are known?

Re: WWE, CTE, NFL, Corbin, etc.

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2017 10:36 pm
by Jason
Athletes will continue to get hurt if you demand they push their bodies to inhuman potential, but ruin their lives if you catch them taking even the most remote over-the-counter supplements. They are doing equal or greater harm by limiting what they can take.


Re: WWE, CTE, NFL, Corbin, etc.

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2017 2:01 pm
by Reign in Blood
If I'm Vinny Mac, I aint touching anyone fucking with the NFL.

Any push (or de-push) shouldn't have any part of it.

"Risks being known" is complete bullshit, to me. You chose a profession where your head slams into another or it gets slammed off a mat, whatever. You chose it for a reason, own it. For us computer wrist jockey's that get carpal tunnel, I'm not suing. I also wasn't treated once like a Rock Star or God like you were, so don't cry me a river.