What is the Answer?
Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 9:25 pm
I'm quite certain I've had depression for at least the last 2-3 years. I've mentioned it a few times throughout my posts over these years, maybe some of you will recall. The last two months or so have really been especially difficult. My life has mainly been work, and when I'm not at work, I'm thinking about work. I'm pretty sure this has contributed to the depression, but it existed before that. Work is mellowing down now... And to be clear, when I say "depression", I define it as just being numb to most things. I'm less intrigued with music, I haven't felt the highs and lows of life, it's just been medium... I'm alive... That's all I feel *knock on wood... no tragedies, please*. Lately, as work hours have returned to normal, I've felt myself returning to normal a bit. I think the odd hours and lack of sleep the last few months really did a number on my head for a while. I'm enjoying things slightly more, but it was never a root cause of the depression, it's only worsened it a bit... But what does it say about me (or about a drug/alcohol) when I have a couple of drinks, or take an occasional painkiller (on a night where I know I don't have to work in the morning), and seemingly return to a non-depression state of mind? I feel myself getting wiser through the years, but as I get wiser, I become more numb to life. I had a really short day today, had a couple of beers, and now all of a sudden I've forgotten about work and am thinking about a girl I'm digging and enjoying music kind of like I normally used to. Why can't I achieve this state of mind without having to ingest alcohol or take a painkiller?
I just don't know the answer to overcoming this, or if there even is one. All I know for certain at this moment is that alcohol and the occasional painkiller have been the ultimate cure, at this point. Albeit, temporarily. I'm not sure what's wrong, or if there even is anything wrong. The only thing I know is constant emotional purgatory, and that alcohol once a week, and painkillers once every blue moon, help me to think clearer for a bit and return to normal for a night.
I have not and will not exceed the limit of alcohol/painkillers that can do any long term damage to my body. I want to make that a sort of disclaimer to this post. I've used it recreationally to clear my fucking head for a night or two.
I just don't know the answer to overcoming this, or if there even is one. All I know for certain at this moment is that alcohol and the occasional painkiller have been the ultimate cure, at this point. Albeit, temporarily. I'm not sure what's wrong, or if there even is anything wrong. The only thing I know is constant emotional purgatory, and that alcohol once a week, and painkillers once every blue moon, help me to think clearer for a bit and return to normal for a night.
I have not and will not exceed the limit of alcohol/painkillers that can do any long term damage to my body. I want to make that a sort of disclaimer to this post. I've used it recreationally to clear my fucking head for a night or two.