Spare board

How can we improve the board?
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Spare board

Post by Foo »

Jiggy pointed out the spare board is pretty funky and rightly pointed out that we may need it again in the future. Looks like something with where the background image is hosted.
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Re: Spare board

Post by zombie »

yeah, photobucket broke and so the site was fucked.
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Re: Spare board

Post by Jason »

Photobucket is the primary image hosting service I used when I transformed that site. Unfortunately they went full retard a few months ago and are holding accounts ransom for an annual fee of 400 dollars (or 39.99 a month. Your choice!). There are tons of images on the site that make up the look of the forum. You can clearly see where they used to be. lol.

When I was in the middle of merging all 6 or 7 of my photobucket accounts to IMGur, I decided I would at the very least create an IMGur for the spareboard and/or current HMF. Once I had barely finished with all my own shit, I went to download all the pictures from the Spareboard Photobucket account, but for more than a week their download button wouldn't let you download. I emailed them about it and they pretty much were like "Yeah. We know". Haven't checked since.

It is still a fixable solution so long as the download album button works again. The only problem after that would be sifting through style sheets and visual editors to find where in the blue fuck every image is supposed to go. :p

It's been on my to do list. Same with figuring out how to use the "FileZilla" shit that is required for this site to uploaded images and change smilies and shit. I am a total loss in that regard. If somebody knew or could figure out how to use that shit I could probably get shit going on here again too.
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