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Re: It (2017)

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 6:39 pm
by Jason
DancesWithWerewolves wrote:
Jason wrote:
DancesWithWerewolves wrote:I think you're forcing yourself to cock-gobble the miniseries version more, with double scoops of nostalgia, lol.
Nah. I made it pretty clear how badly I wanted to love this movie. It has nothing to do with Nostalgia, that Georgie scene in the original was just flat out brilliant and unbeatable. Just because the scene ended up being closer to as gruesome as the book intended doesn't mean it was better. Nobody cares about the miniseries Shining and that one held way truer to the book.
You can like the older mediocre-made yet luckily had Curry all you want, I just don't dig the downplaying of how well the new one was made just to highlight how much you love the original. It's like you're treating it like Lazenby vs. Connery, when it's really more like Craig vs. Connery. :p

Yeah, The Shining is totally an example of that. Other than Jiggy, I don't know of anyone that prefers the 97 one, lol. I loved the bullshit being gutted out and streamlined for a far superior movie.

Maybe the sappy bullshit could've been better had it not been made for TV and directed by Hack Garris...but then I was annoyed by it in the book too.

The Howling is another example of the movie improving over the book. But it takes good filmmaking and decisions to do that. The 1990 just lucked out with Curry, it was a shit job without him. (in many ways, had Jackie Earle Haley been given the same free range Curry had, his NOES would be more liked being surrounded by such blandness). I hear Jaws is another, but I never read the book.

Several details were changed, so it's not a literal adaption, but it's faithful in tone and spirit. The only change that's dwelling on me that I'm not 100% behind (though I understand the justification for storytelling) is Mike not being the history buff. Narratively I know they wanted the history to come into play and unfortunately Mike comes in the group after the halfway mark, I get that, but still. I just hope in "Chapter Two" Mike is still the watchman, so to speak.
I'm not comparing the whole movie. I'm just talking about the opening scene. It was the best part about the original but the worst about the remake. I liked the remake overall, most definitely.

New Pennywise is definitely not on Craig's level. That's all I'm saying about that. :p

Re: It (2017)

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 6:41 pm
by DancesWithWerewolves
Jason wrote:
New Pennywise is definitely not on Craig's level. That's all I'm saying about that. :p
I'll just have to agree to disagree on that.

Re: It (2017)

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 6:42 pm
by DancesWithWerewolves
Reign in Blood wrote:
DancesWithWerewolves wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:
DancesWithWerewolves wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:
DancesWithWerewolves wrote:
Jason wrote:
DancesWithWerewolves wrote:I think you're forcing yourself to cock-gobble the miniseries version more, with double scoops of nostalgia, lol.
Nah. I made it pretty clear how badly I wanted to love this movie. It has nothing to do with Nostalgia, that Georgie scene in the original was just flat out brilliant and unbeatable. Just because the scene ended up being closer to as gruesome as the book intended doesn't mean it was better. Nobody cares about the miniseries Shining and that one held way truer to the book.
You can like the older mediocre-made yet luckily had Curry all you want, I just don't dig the downplaying of how well the new one was made just to highlight how much you love the original. It's like you're treating it like Lazenby vs. Connery, when it's really more like Craig vs. Connery. :p

Yeah, The Shining is totally an example of that. Other than Jiggy, I don't know of anyone that prefers the 97 one, lol. I loved the bullshit being gutted out and streamlined for a far superior movie.

Maybe the sappy bullshit could've been better had it not been made for TV and directed by Hack Garris...but then I was annoyed by it in the book too.

The Howling is another example of the movie improving over the book. But it takes good filmmaking and decisions to do that. The 1990 just lucked out with Curry, it was a shit job without him. (in many ways, had Jackie Earle Haley been given the same free range Curry had, his NOES would be more liked being surrounded by such blandness). I hear Jaws is another, but I never read the book.

Several details were changed, so it's not a literal adaption, but it's faithful in tone and spirit. The only change that's dwelling on me that I'm not 100% behind (though I understand the justification for storytelling) is Mike not being the history buff. Narratively I know they wanted the history to come into play and unfortunately Mike comes in the group after the halfway mark, I get that, but still. I just hope in "Chapter Two" Mike is still the watchman, so to speak.
I think he's really only speaking to the opening Georgie scene, not the whole movie, bruh bruh.
I know :P
Why you gotta be all 5 sentences of taking the chisel to the nuts then! I said I liked the OG Georgie scene better too. But that's mainly because Curry is a masterful actor and I like how it played out better, but I did say I'm not shitting on the remake at all because it is of course aces to see Pennywise finally gank that little naive shit. For a paper boat, you shittin me kid? Now if that was the Babe Ruth ball from the Sandlot I can see bargaining with ol' Penny. :P
I gotta rack up my postcount somehow, and I've been slippin'! So I gotta chat with something I know heavily rather than politics, lol.
Touche, my man. I'll be seeing it this Friday so hopefully I can help more with that.
Woot! :P

Right now trying to figure out a sync up with a group of friends to watch it again, but "real life" keeps getting in the way. Tends to happen when there's more than 2 people trying to get involved in an outting.

Re: It (2017)

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 6:43 pm
by Reign in Blood
Craig's not all that great, so I get the disagreement. :P

Re: It (2017)

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 6:45 pm
by DancesWithWerewolves
Reign in Blood wrote:Craig's not all that great, so I get the disagreement. :P
Realistically he's more comparable to Heath-Joker, but still he's pretty stellar. He's just not Curry.

I was just reading earlier that Curry himself was really liking what Bill was doing (and was hoping they do a better ending because I didn't know Curry also hated the ending to the miniseries, lol).

Re: It (2017)

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 6:53 pm
by DancesWithWerewolves
Tempted to do an It piece, but no actual composition is coming to mind.

Re: It (2017)

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 7:02 pm
by Reign in Blood
DancesWithWerewolves wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:Craig's not all that great, so I get the disagreement. :P
Realistically he's more comparable to Heath-Joker, but still he's pretty stellar. He's just not Curry.

I was just reading earlier that Curry himself was really liking what Bill was doing (and was hoping they do a better ending because I didn't know Curry also hated the ending to the miniseries, lol).
On one hand I get the Heath comparison, on the other I think Heath's the best on-screen Joker we've had.

Re: It (2017)

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 7:05 pm
by DancesWithWerewolves
Reign in Blood wrote:
DancesWithWerewolves wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:Craig's not all that great, so I get the disagreement. :P
Realistically he's more comparable to Heath-Joker, but still he's pretty stellar. He's just not Curry.

I was just reading earlier that Curry himself was really liking what Bill was doing (and was hoping they do a better ending because I didn't know Curry also hated the ending to the miniseries, lol).
On one hand I get the Heath comparison, on the other I think Heath's the best on-screen Joker we've had.
Yep, that's a fair assessment. The monkey wrench in the comparison is that Curry was significantly better in his character than Jack or Cesar was for Joker :P

Re: It (2017)

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 8:31 pm
by Havok
DancesWithWerewolves wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:Craig's not all that great, so I get the disagreement. :P
Realistically he's more comparable to Heath-Joker, but still he's pretty stellar. He's just not Curry.

I was just reading earlier that Curry himself was really liking what Bill was doing (and was hoping they do a better ending because I didn't know Curry also hated the ending to the miniseries, lol).
Isn't the adults part of IT pretty much panned by everybody that was involved with the miniseries? Tommy Lee Wallace hates it and now Curry.

Re: It (2017)

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 8:32 pm
by Jason
I thought remake Pennywise was OK. The look was solid. His voice was digitally altered a few times which bummed me out. But it's not like the movie really needed a Curry-esque performance or anything. I'm gonna end up seeing it again at some point, definitely.

Re: It (2017)

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 8:39 pm
by Havok
Jason wrote:I thought remake Pennywise was OK. The look was solid. His voice was digitally altered a few times which bummed me out. But it's not like the movie really needed a Curry-esque performance or anything. I'm gonna end up seeing it again at some point, definitely.
Both Pennywise performances work on their own merits. 90's Pennywise has that slapstick campy tone, while having a tiny mean streak. New Pennywise plays it like a clown, innocent looking character with a soft spoken voice and when it comes down to "Lunch" he can change his attitude on a whim and become a vicious child eating entity. The drooling of the new Pennywise just adds more to that when he's talking with Georgie and the scene with Bev in the sewers.

Re: It (2017)

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 8:41 pm
by DancesWithWerewolves
Havok wrote:
DancesWithWerewolves wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:Craig's not all that great, so I get the disagreement. :P
Realistically he's more comparable to Heath-Joker, but still he's pretty stellar. He's just not Curry.

I was just reading earlier that Curry himself was really liking what Bill was doing (and was hoping they do a better ending because I didn't know Curry also hated the ending to the miniseries, lol).
Isn't the adults part of IT pretty much panned by everybody that was involved with the miniseries? Tommy Lee Wallace hates it and now Curry.
Pretty much.

And to be fair, the adults section in the book wasn't as good as the kids section either.

Re: It (2017)

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 8:47 pm
by Havok

I also wanted to bring up the Mike and Ben character switch. I didn't care that much for it either. Ben already has the love story going on with Bev, he didn't need to be the history buff as well. It just left Mike with nothing to do but the rock fight scene really. I do think Mike will still be the one who calls everybody back, because he'll be taking over the cattle/meat business for his uncle.

Re: It (2017)

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 8:51 pm
by DancesWithWerewolves
Havok wrote:D,

I also wanted to bring up the Mike and Ben character switch. I didn't care that much for it either. Ben already has the love story going on with Bev, he didn't need to be the history buff as well. It just left Mike with nothing to do but the rock fight scene really. I do think Mike will still be the one who calls everybody back, because he'll be taking over the cattle/meat business for his uncle.
One can hope. I mean, he'll probably be a history buff too, with the mention that his uncle claims the town is cursed n shit so with that kind of comment if I were in his place my curiosity would rise, yeah I still agree.

Re: It (2017)

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 9:15 pm
by zombie
what do you guys consider to be the scream or it (in terms of surprise impact on the genre) for the 2000s? saw? paranormal activity?

Re: It (2017)

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 10:38 pm
by Monster
Jigsaw wrote:
Jason wrote:
DancesWithWerewolves wrote:I think you're forcing yourself to cock-gobble the miniseries version more, with double scoops of nostalgia, lol.
Nah. I made it pretty clear how badly I wanted to love this movie. It has nothing to do with Nostalgia, that Georgie scene in the original was just flat out brilliant and unbeatable. Just because the scene ended up being closer to as gruesome as the book intended doesn't mean it was better. Nobody cares about the miniseries Shining and that one held way truer to the book.
I find the 1997 Shining much better than the 1980's one, thank you very much.

Re: It (2017)

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 6:56 am
by Reign in Blood
That bathroom with Jason's dick in it is getting ready to burst.

Re: It (2017)

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 7:43 am
by showa58taro
Good riddance, frankly. Kubrick perfected The Shining. Frame by well-crafted frame of perfection.

I'm going tonight to see it. Hopefully I'm going to enjoy it, and not be annoyed by it. Fingers crossed

Re: It (2017)

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 9:48 am
by DancesWithWerewolves
Well I hope you like it, but you've been pretty unpredictable lately so I'm not sure which way you're gonna go :P "Wild card bitches! YEEEEEHAWWWW!"

Re: It (2017)

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 9:57 am
by showa58taro
DancesWithWerewolves wrote:Well I hope you like it, but you've been pretty unpredictable lately so I'm not sure which way you're gonna go :P "Wild card bitches! YEEEEEHAWWWW!"
I think it has potential to be a fave, if for no other reason that the son of Stellan. Loved him in In Space There Are No Feelings. Great film. I'm a sucker for the SkarsgÄrd clan. And the film has a clear antagonist that is not embodied by a child. Always a plus for me.