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Re: Brownie Points?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 3:41 pm
by Headhunter
It's funny how a lot of the people who cry for celebrations of "white heritage" frequently dress up in Nazi shit. How much "white heritage" did the Nazis destroy in their conquest of Europe?

Re: Brownie Points?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 3:43 pm
by Jason
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:The first people to use the slur "cracker" were white, usually northerners. It's not racial, it's social.
It's "our word" then. Blacks are now forbidden.
Way to miss the distinction entirely...
No. I get the point. I am just standing up for equal rights. Whites and blacks now each have their own word. Now all we need is a white heritage month. I lobby for December, since snow is white and it snows in December.
Explain white heritage to me. "Whiteness" was not even an existing concept until transcontinental slavery reached the United States. You were Irish, British, Scottish, German etc. Not white. "White heritage" was a social construct created by racists to distinguish themselves from black Africans.
You're right. We are all one skin color. But what is this "black african" nonsense? P. racist imo.
The black African experience is a unique entity in American history formed through generations of slavery, followed by Jim Crow laws and poorly developed urban migration patterns. The "black" identity/pride is formed through those common experiences of horror. The "white" experience is not a unique entity in the same sense. There were many many generations of European immigrants who arrived in the U.S. with different starting points, economic opportunities and regional settlements. So what is "white heritage" in an American context? There's no consensus.
We smart doe. We built houses while Indians still used twigs and branches, we invented the telephone, car, plane, computer, radio, light bulb, printing press. And we gave it all away to every race and every country! Be grateful for the white man, otherwise everyone would be living in apache wickiups and shit. Truth be told.

Re: Brownie Points?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 3:45 pm
by Jason
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Foo wrote:
Headhunter wrote:Not being racist has nothing to do with being a pussy, it's just human decency
it's 2018, people should be over skin color. I feel like the hyper sensitivity is just because libs realize this is the last chance to exploit the issue. Most families are becoming mixed race and everyone has friends of all races, so the outrage is silly.
Yes, so J-Mac's friend and that dude he was gaming with are a couple of assholes.
Or: they continue to rib each other, eHug, and call it a day. *shrug
Yes, we should encourage racism rather than discourage racism.
You're only encouraging sensitivity with that nonsense.
No, I'm not. You're upset that you can't freely say racist shit, that says more about your character.
Wrong again. I am standing up for equality. If black men can sling around cracker and honky with no repercussion, then it should go both ways. The problem is white people really don't give a shit what you say about them. Same can't be said for overly sensitive liberal minorities.

Legend has it that every time a white guy says "nigga", 1,000 black people will rob gas stations that night.
Dude, if saying "nigger" gets your jollies off, you can say it as many times as you want in privacy without getting your ass kicked. That should be good enough for you.
Should I pull out a gun or beat the shit out of a black guy using "honkie"? Goes both ways. The difference is, I'm not going to assume the black guy is racist for using that term, as I genuinely don't give the slightest shit about it.

Don't be careless, just "care less". Will do wonders for the psyche.
Like I said, anyone who's butt hurt about not being able to say "nigger" in public is probably racist. Racist assholes don't need your sympathy, but somehow they always manage to get it.
Like I said, equal rights. I am equally offended when a white person says nigga and a black person says cracker. And I am not even remotely offended by either of them.

Don't be careless, just care less.

Re: Brownie Points?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 3:49 pm
by Headhunter
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:The first people to use the slur "cracker" were white, usually northerners. It's not racial, it's social.
It's "our word" then. Blacks are now forbidden.
Way to miss the distinction entirely...
No. I get the point. I am just standing up for equal rights. Whites and blacks now each have their own word. Now all we need is a white heritage month. I lobby for December, since snow is white and it snows in December.
Explain white heritage to me. "Whiteness" was not even an existing concept until transcontinental slavery reached the United States. You were Irish, British, Scottish, German etc. Not white. "White heritage" was a social construct created by racists to distinguish themselves from black Africans.
You're right. We are all one skin color. But what is this "black african" nonsense? P. racist imo.
The black African experience is a unique entity in American history formed through generations of slavery, followed by Jim Crow laws and poorly developed urban migration patterns. The "black" identity/pride is formed through those common experiences of horror. The "white" experience is not a unique entity in the same sense. There were many many generations of European immigrants who arrived in the U.S. with different starting points, economic opportunities and regional settlements. So what is "white heritage" in an American context? There's no consensus.
We smart doe. We built houses while Indians still used twigs and branches, we invented the telephone, car, plane, computer, radio, light bulb, printing press. And we gave it all away to every race and every country! Be grateful for the white man, otherwise everyone would be living in apache wickiups and shit. Truth be told.
Nope. Native Americans had far more advanced systems of trade and urban areas than were seen from European settlers in America for a long time. Ships passing along the East Coast described large cities. Disease after disease were in the process of wiping them out even before Europeans even made contact. They were approaching the end of a long, slow decline already. What we saw was essentially post-apocalyptic Native American society.

Re: Brownie Points?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 3:51 pm
by Headhunter
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Foo wrote:
Headhunter wrote:Not being racist has nothing to do with being a pussy, it's just human decency
it's 2018, people should be over skin color. I feel like the hyper sensitivity is just because libs realize this is the last chance to exploit the issue. Most families are becoming mixed race and everyone has friends of all races, so the outrage is silly.
Yes, so J-Mac's friend and that dude he was gaming with are a couple of assholes.
Or: they continue to rib each other, eHug, and call it a day. *shrug
Yes, we should encourage racism rather than discourage racism.
You're only encouraging sensitivity with that nonsense.
No, I'm not. You're upset that you can't freely say racist shit, that says more about your character.
Wrong again. I am standing up for equality. If black men can sling around cracker and honky with no repercussion, then it should go both ways. The problem is white people really don't give a shit what you say about them. Same can't be said for overly sensitive liberal minorities.

Legend has it that every time a white guy says "nigga", 1,000 black people will rob gas stations that night.
Dude, if saying "nigger" gets your jollies off, you can say it as many times as you want in privacy without getting your ass kicked. That should be good enough for you.
Should I pull out a gun or beat the shit out of a black guy using "honkie"? Goes both ways. The difference is, I'm not going to assume the black guy is racist for using that term, as I genuinely don't give the slightest shit about it.

Don't be careless, just "care less". Will do wonders for the psyche.
Like I said, anyone who's butt hurt about not being able to say "nigger" in public is probably racist. Racist assholes don't need your sympathy, but somehow they always manage to get it.
Like I said, equal rights. I am equally offended when a white person says nigga and a black person says cracker. And I am not even remotely offended by either of them.

Don't be careless, just care less.
As I outlined, cracker was an insult used by northern urban-dwelling whites to condescend southern whites. "Nigger" is straight up racism with no social context.

Re: Brownie Points?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 3:55 pm
by Jason
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:The first people to use the slur "cracker" were white, usually northerners. It's not racial, it's social.
It's "our word" then. Blacks are now forbidden.
Way to miss the distinction entirely...
No. I get the point. I am just standing up for equal rights. Whites and blacks now each have their own word. Now all we need is a white heritage month. I lobby for December, since snow is white and it snows in December.
Explain white heritage to me. "Whiteness" was not even an existing concept until transcontinental slavery reached the United States. You were Irish, British, Scottish, German etc. Not white. "White heritage" was a social construct created by racists to distinguish themselves from black Africans.
You're right. We are all one skin color. But what is this "black african" nonsense? P. racist imo.
The black African experience is a unique entity in American history formed through generations of slavery, followed by Jim Crow laws and poorly developed urban migration patterns. The "black" identity/pride is formed through those common experiences of horror. The "white" experience is not a unique entity in the same sense. There were many many generations of European immigrants who arrived in the U.S. with different starting points, economic opportunities and regional settlements. So what is "white heritage" in an American context? There's no consensus.
We smart doe. We built houses while Indians still used twigs and branches, we invented the telephone, car, plane, computer, radio, light bulb, printing press. And we gave it all away to every race and every country! Be grateful for the white man, otherwise everyone would be living in apache wickiups and shit. Truth be told.
Nope. Native Americans had far more advanced systems of trade and urban areas than were seen from European settlers in America for a long time. Ships passing along the East Coast described large cities. Disease after disease were in the process of wiping them out even before Europeans even made contact. They were approaching the end of a long, slow decline already. What we saw was essentially post-apocalyptic Native American society.
Cool... Trade... We can now buy a light bulb, made by white men, using a portable device, made by white men, and have it delivered in a vehicle made by white men straight to our house without even having to stand up!

Re: Brownie Points?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 3:56 pm
by Headhunter
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Jason wrote:
Headhunter wrote:The first people to use the slur "cracker" were white, usually northerners. It's not racial, it's social.
It's "our word" then. Blacks are now forbidden.
Way to miss the distinction entirely...
No. I get the point. I am just standing up for equal rights. Whites and blacks now each have their own word. Now all we need is a white heritage month. I lobby for December, since snow is white and it snows in December.
Explain white heritage to me. "Whiteness" was not even an existing concept until transcontinental slavery reached the United States. You were Irish, British, Scottish, German etc. Not white. "White heritage" was a social construct created by racists to distinguish themselves from black Africans.
You're right. We are all one skin color. But what is this "black african" nonsense? P. racist imo.
The black African experience is a unique entity in American history formed through generations of slavery, followed by Jim Crow laws and poorly developed urban migration patterns. The "black" identity/pride is formed through those common experiences of horror. The "white" experience is not a unique entity in the same sense. There were many many generations of European immigrants who arrived in the U.S. with different starting points, economic opportunities and regional settlements. So what is "white heritage" in an American context? There's no consensus.
We smart doe. We built houses while Indians still used twigs and branches, we invented the telephone, car, plane, computer, radio, light bulb, printing press. And we gave it all away to every race and every country! Be grateful for the white man, otherwise everyone would be living in apache wickiups and shit. Truth be told.
Nope. Native Americans had far more advanced systems of trade and urban areas than were seen from European settlers in America for a long time. Ships passing along the East Coast described large cities. Disease after disease were in the process of wiping them out even before Europeans even made contact. They were approaching the end of a long, slow decline already. What we saw was essentially post-apocalyptic Native American society.
Cool... Trade... We can now buy a light bulb, made by white men, using a portable device, made by white men, and have it delivered in a vehicle made by white men straight to our house without even having to stand up!
Why do I even bother with your dumb ass? Try to learn something sometime, assclown.

Re: Brownie Points?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 3:59 pm
by Headhunter
White heritage: whined about mostly by KKK/Nazi level racists, sometimes also by Jason level racists. It's always a trap, folks. Nothing there.

Re: Brownie Points?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 4:00 pm
by Jason
Truth = racism

Today's standard

Re: Brownie Points?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 4:01 pm
by Headhunter
If racism is your truth, you're racist, yes.

Re: Brownie Points?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 4:03 pm
by Jason
Equality is my truth. Unfortunately it's racist. But only if you're white.

Re: Brownie Points?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 4:04 pm
by Headhunter
How afraid would you be to spout that bullshit outside the HMF/Breitbart/4chan realm? That should tell you all you need to know about your character. You wouldn't get your ass kicked because people are sensitive, you'd get your ass kicked because you're being a piece of shit and deserve it.

Re: Brownie Points?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 4:05 pm
by Jason
Headhunter wrote:How afraid would you be to spout that bullshit outside the HMF/Breitbart/4chan realm? That should tell you all you need to know about your character.
I've had the same conversation with black people. So to answer your question: not at all. But to be fair, they are all intelligent, articulate, and capable of holding a conversation without hurdling to their own conclusions. In short, they are not psychotically liberal who cling to the divisive rhetoric of the lamestream media. I am totally fine with a far leftist thinking I am racist. They think everyone with a white complexion is racist.

You also continue to take everything I say to heart and fail to realize when I am trolling the shit out of the conversation. "White heritage month would be December, since snow is white". And "Legend has it 1,000 stores are robbed when a white guy says nigga" should've raised red flags.

Don't be careless, just care less.

Re: Brownie Points?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 4:22 pm
by Jason
Headhunter wrote:You wouldn't get your ass kicked because people are sensitive, you'd get your ass kicked because you're being a piece of shit and deserve it.
I wouldn't get my ass kicked, I'd get shot and robbed. Ironically, I wouldn't have even said anything racist!

Pow! Bazinga! Troll city! All the non-libs laughed at this. And maybe J-Mac.

Re: Brownie Points?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 4:32 pm
by Jason
Btw, a black friend recently cracked a racist joke about a shooting that happened some time after the Vegas shooting. It was on the news and he looked at me and goes, "was it another white dude?". I told him "Listen mofo, we build up our rage over a period of time and go off. You motherfuckers are probably robbing that donut shop across the street right now." We laughed.

The power of comedy.

Re: Brownie Points?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 5:23 pm
by Foo
I don't see having a standard that applies to everyone as being racist.

The particular word doesn't matter. Cracker, nigger, nigga, honky, blackie, whitey, etc. are all a reference to one's race/skin color.

Re: Brownie Points?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 5:26 pm
by Jason
Rib each other, love each other. Quit bitching and literally searching for shit to be offended about. Leftism is cancer to society.

Re: Brownie Points?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 5:28 pm
by Foo
We should also draw a distinction between a racial comment and a racist one. Racial is a reference to one's race. Racist implies a hatred or feeling of inferiority because of race.

Re: Brownie Points?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 5:29 pm
by Foo ... supremacy/

Showing up on time is bowing to the rules of those oppressive crackers!

Re: Brownie Points?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 8:36 pm
by Jmac Attack
Headhunter wrote:The first people to use the slur "cracker" were white, usually northerners. It's not racial, it's social.
But, wasn't it obvious that the guy was belittling my friend because he perceived him as being an inbred cracker? Don't get me wrong, white dudes have not experienced racism like a black dude has. I am not trying to take away from the injustices that have been done to blacks in America. But two wrongs do not make a right. I remember Chris Rock doing a bit about how black comedians can make fun of white people and culture, but if it's the other way around, you're a racist. I hope that makes sense lol.