Liberal Hollywood and the Pedophilia Problem

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Jmac Attack
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Re: Liberal Hollywood and the Pedophilia Problem

Post by Jmac Attack »

Jmac Attack wrote:
Reign in Blood wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:
showa58taro wrote:Charity and go fund me pages are not sustainable solutions to a failed healthcare system.
Pretty sure Foo has said in the past that churches will just take care of sick people with their charities. Lol
Yeah, that's exactly what he said. trolololol
Pretty much the gist. Lol. Trolololololooooool.
Oh, and family members!
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Re: Liberal Hollywood and the Pedophilia Problem

Post by Jmac Attack »

What are you remembering, Reign? Maybe you can explain it better than he did? :P
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Re: Liberal Hollywood and the Pedophilia Problem

Post by Reign in Blood »

Jmac Attack wrote:What are you remembering, Reign? Maybe you can explain it better than he did? :P
That you and the Jews will provide for all. I've yet to see anything close to that happen.
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Re: Liberal Hollywood and the Pedophilia Problem

Post by Jmac Attack »

Reign in Blood wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:What are you remembering, Reign? Maybe you can explain it better than he did? :P
That you and the Jews will provide for all. I've yet to see anything close to that happen.
Man, you know we Jews ain't giving a dime! :P
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Re: Liberal Hollywood and the Pedophilia Problem

Post by Foo »

Jmac Attack wrote:
DancesWithWerewolves wrote:Awareness. Lulz.
I have had people donates 10s of thousands of $$$ in my lifetime. Surely they would have done it anyway? Also, pink ribbons and shit has made others aware that breast cancer is like really really bad.
Thank god for the pink ribbons, for I spent the first half of my life congratulating people after breast cancer was diagnosed in them.
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Re: Liberal Hollywood and the Pedophilia Problem

Post by Jmac Attack »

Foo wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:
DancesWithWerewolves wrote:Awareness. Lulz.
I have had people donates 10s of thousands of $$$ in my lifetime. Surely they would have done it anyway? Also, pink ribbons and shit has made others aware that breast cancer is like really really bad.
Thank god for the pink ribbons, for I spent the first half of my life congratulating people after breast cancer was diagnosed in them.
You can look at it any way you want. Not gonna change your mind. Guess I should apologize for other people asking me to help with their charities. I'm sorry. I'm such a dick and trying to help others, even if on a small scale, is worthless. The fuck? Alllllrighty then. Now we've beaten this dead horse enough.
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Re: Liberal Hollywood and the Pedophilia Problem

Post by Foo »

Jmac Attack wrote:
showa58taro wrote:Charity and go fund me pages are not sustainable solutions to a failed healthcare system.
Pretty sure Foo has said in the past that churches will just take care of sick people with their charities. Lol
Pretty sure Foo has tried to explain to liberal wingnuts why churches get tax exempt status.

I may have also explained how churches are tied to the community, and thus often make better decisions and are more effective at dispersing aid for basic needs. Churches are often providing hot meals to the homeless while your local government building is full of lazy fat asses planning their next vacation.

I can give $100 to my local church and they can feed 30 people a meal, or I can pay $100 for some useless permit so the government can sustain it's bloat. I choose the former.
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Re: Liberal Hollywood and the Pedophilia Problem

Post by Jmac Attack »

Foo wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:
showa58taro wrote:Charity and go fund me pages are not sustainable solutions to a failed healthcare system.
Pretty sure Foo has said in the past that churches will just take care of sick people with their charities. Lol
Pretty sure Foo has tried to explain to liberal wingnuts why churches get tax exempt status.

I may have also explained how churches are tied to the community, and thus often make better decisions and are more effective at dispersing aid for basic needs. Churches are often providing hot meals to the homeless while your local government building is full of lazy fat asses planning their next vacation.

I can give $100 to my local church and they can feed 30 people a meal, or I can pay $100 for some useless permit so the government can sustain it's bloat. I choose the former.
Fair enough.
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Re: Liberal Hollywood and the Pedophilia Problem

Post by Foo »

Jmac Attack wrote:
Foo wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:
DancesWithWerewolves wrote:Awareness. Lulz.
I have had people donates 10s of thousands of $$$ in my lifetime. Surely they would have done it anyway? Also, pink ribbons and shit has made others aware that breast cancer is like really really bad.
Thank god for the pink ribbons, for I spent the first half of my life congratulating people after breast cancer was diagnosed in them.
You can look at it any way you want. Not gonna change your mind. Guess I should apologize for other people asking me to help with their charities. I'm sorry. I'm such a dick and trying to help others, even if on a small scale, is worthless. The fuck? Alllllrighty then. Now we've beaten this dead horse enough.
Do you at least acknowledge there is some amount of self-interest involved at all levels of such events? That the organizer, the band, the venue, the charity, etc. are all doing it for more than just the cause.
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Re: Liberal Hollywood and the Pedophilia Problem

Post by Jmac Attack »

Foo wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:
Foo wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:
DancesWithWerewolves wrote:Awareness. Lulz.
I have had people donates 10s of thousands of $$$ in my lifetime. Surely they would have done it anyway? Also, pink ribbons and shit has made others aware that breast cancer is like really really bad.
Thank god for the pink ribbons, for I spent the first half of my life congratulating people after breast cancer was diagnosed in them.
You can look at it any way you want. Not gonna change your mind. Guess I should apologize for other people asking me to help with their charities. I'm sorry. I'm such a dick and trying to help others, even if on a small scale, is worthless. The fuck? Alllllrighty then. Now we've beaten this dead horse enough.
Do you at least acknowledge there is some amount of self-interest involved at all levels of such events? That the organizer, the band, the venue, the charity, etc. are all doing it for more than just the cause.
Noted. I understand what you're getting at. Just don't agree. I understand that people are going to see my bands name and maybe buy a future concert ticket. But my band is there to put asses in the seats, and get people to donate more money to the charity. Just like Vegas.....keep them drinking baby!
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Re: Liberal Hollywood and the Pedophilia Problem

Post by Foo »

Jmac Attack wrote:
Foo wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:
Foo wrote:
Jmac Attack wrote:
DancesWithWerewolves wrote:Awareness. Lulz.
I have had people donates 10s of thousands of $$$ in my lifetime. Surely they would have done it anyway? Also, pink ribbons and shit has made others aware that breast cancer is like really really bad.
Thank god for the pink ribbons, for I spent the first half of my life congratulating people after breast cancer was diagnosed in them.
You can look at it any way you want. Not gonna change your mind. Guess I should apologize for other people asking me to help with their charities. I'm sorry. I'm such a dick and trying to help others, even if on a small scale, is worthless. The fuck? Alllllrighty then. Now we've beaten this dead horse enough.
Do you at least acknowledge there is some amount of self-interest involved at all levels of such events? That the organizer, the band, the venue, the charity, etc. are all doing it for more than just the cause.
Noted. I understand what you're getting at. Just don't agree. I understand that people are going to see my bands name and maybe buy a future concert ticket. But my band is there to put asses in the seats, and get people to donate more money to the charity. Just like Vegas.....keep them drinking baby!
How many times per month does your band go out and play? 2-3? How is that possibly a sustainable business model to play for free half the time with no additional benefits from doing so? Same for the bar. Most bars like that pretty much count on those big nights to make their month. They are not a Tuesday to Thursday business that can stay open if they do not make their coin on Friday and Saturday nights.

You personally may be doing it just for the charity, but built in there are several entities who have motives beyond just helping a cause. Not saying it is wrong, just saying there should be honesty about it.

We do charity stuff, sometimes we make money, sometimes it is for promotion, but to sustain the business, there has to be something there for us. In the end, I can't put gas into my car with good will,it still takes money. If I can make $300 and give them $300, I can do that many more times than I can just giving them $600.
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Re: Liberal Hollywood and the Pedophilia Problem

Post by Jmac Attack »

Ugh. I don't play charities half the time. The Stephanie Spielman benefit was when I was playing in Red Dahlia, and we did it 3 times a year. We had high roller fans who dontated an ass ton of money. We played 5x a week busting our asses for years. I have done shows for wounded vets the past 4 years. Like 5 or six. I don't play in my band as a main source of income anymore. I have a good job. I play in my band for fun. It's expensive keeping up music equipment. I use the money I make now and put it back into this hobby. Because I like to play as Garth would say.
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