2 point system on 5 things in no particular order(leading to a rating out of 10) as ever genre is and should be rated a lil bit differently but generally speakingReign in Blood wrote:So John, can you give us a typical example of what you'd rate a 10, 5, 1 on your scale, to give perspective. Ya see, we have this member who shall remain nameless named Jiggy, who has this impossibly retarded scale when rating movies. So inquiring minds want to know.
Story.. was it good or atrocious? could I relate to it?
Cast.. Performances.. Did I care about the character?(or a particular lead or supporting player(s)) could I relate to any of them??
Setting.. photography. Special effects
Director from Welles tom some relatively unknown underground director. Was he effective?
No 5 did it hold my attention in all those things? the overall picture...I just look at the first four and say did it truly deliver? live up to any hype it may of had...? Big shit goes here.
Now thats when I'm sober...Lmao
As for when I am drinking heavily...? I tend to be a retarded one...and very argumentative prick about it. Like? you'll see its bound to happen but I have learned to REIGN myself in so I don't get to rowdy like Roddy Piper. Basically if I see you hating on stuff I like I will jump right in there and convince you that you are totally wrong in your opinion